I’ll be talking about running Django on a Raspberry Pi at #PyConIT2024 in 30 minutes!
One cool thing that I've learned @ #PyConIT2024 is that the next version of uvicorn is going to have a built in process manager, so there will be no need to run uvicorn from gunicorn if you wanted to run multiple processes 🎉
Next week I am flying to Florence for my 3rd PyCon Italia!
I'm really excited for this year since I'll be giving a talk: "Self hosting your side projects with Django and duct tape"!
If you are in town and would like to meet up let me know!
@andreagrandi I know, fedidevs tracks #PyConIT, #PyConIT24 and #PyConIT2024, but really not much activity yet. Hopefully the posts pick up once the conference actually starts! 🤞
Quick takeaway from the public speaking workshop: you don’t need an about me slide.
BRB while I update my presentations 😂