Quick takeaway from the public speaking workshop: you don’t need an about me slide.
BRB while I update my presentations 😂
Artem is now explaining functional programming @ #PyConIT2024
Next week I am flying to Florence for my 3rd PyCon Italia!
I'm really excited for this year since I'll be giving a talk: "Self hosting your side projects with Django and duct tape"!
If you are in town and would like to meet up let me know!
I’ll be talking about running Django on a Raspberry Pi at #PyConIT2024 in 30 minutes!
@andreagrandi I know, fedidevs tracks #PyConIT, #PyConIT24 and #PyConIT2024, but really not much activity yet. Hopefully the posts pick up once the conference actually starts! 🤞
One cool thing that I've learned @ #PyConIT2024 is that the next version of uvicorn is going to have a built in process manager, so there will be no need to run uvicorn from gunicorn if you wanted to run multiple processes 🎉