PyConZA 2024

I'm pretty bullish on . I think it's going to cause massive shifts in the web dev ecosystem. It's worth learning about.

I'm running a full day HTMX tutorial at that will show people how to use it to solve the webs most common problems. Tickets are on sale!


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The City of Cape Town is a Silver sponsor of ๐Ÿ. Welcome aboard! za.pycon.org/sponsors/8/

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We're a South African python conference organised by the community for the community. za.pycon.org/

๐Ÿ is happening in Cape Town and online on the 3rd & 4th of October (with tutorials scheduled on the 2nd, and sprints on the 5th & 6th).

Talk submissions are open! ๐Ÿ“ข za.pycon.org/news/call-for-sub

So are ticket sales! ๐ŸŽŸ za.pycon.org/tickets/buy-ticke We explain the different ticket types here: za.pycon.org/tickets/ticket-pr

We'd love to see you there, whether in person or virtually!

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We'd like to thank the CHPC for supporting ๐Ÿ as an exhibitor! za.pycon.org/sponsors/7/

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I want to personally thank for being 's first opportunity grant sponsor. There will be some more official comms about them later on so stay tuned to all things PyConZA.

I've spoken before about how much conferences have impacted my life. Thanks to BlackPythonDevs, we get to open a few more doors and bring a few more people into the community.

Thank you!


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is around the corner.
I'll be running a tutorial teaching folks how to do modern frontend development using , and . It's such a killer set of tools. I think HTMX is going to shift the web dev ecosystem in some pretty big ways.

The tutorial is a full day, hands on, in person experience. With great lunch.

If you are interested in taking part, tickets are on sale now!

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๐Ÿ is almost here! ๐ŸŽ‰

๐Ÿš— Find out more about our in-person venue, and additional parking options: za.pycon.org/venue/venue-detai

๐Ÿค– Find out more about attending the conference virtually: za.pycon.org/venue/discord/

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is around the corner! We've been trying to get an opportunity grant fund up and running. We've managed to get enough funds to support a bunch of local people with tickets, but there are a few more we are trying to fund. Mostly these are people involved in volunteer education efforts.

Any support would be appreciated! You can make donations by buying Angel tickets. If that doesn't work for you for whatever reason, please reach out


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๐Ÿ would not be possible without sponsorship. ๐Ÿ’ฐ We would like to welcome back the Python Software Foundation as a Gold sponsor! za.pycon.org/sponsors/6/

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We've sold almost a fifth of our in-person tickets ๐ŸŽŸ for ๐Ÿ in Cape Town! They're limited to 250, so be sure not to miss out. za.pycon.org/tickets/buy-ticke

If you buy early, you can take advantage of our early bird special! ๐Ÿฆ

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