1636 awesome Python accounts on Mastodon.

python Python
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retired software engineer, volunteer for environmental causes, wanna-be inventor.
grand opening policy: one free Follow for each journalist, scientist, engineer or doctor kicked off of Twitter when and as I learn of your refugee status.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Alauddin Maulana Hirzan 💻
@[email protected]

Lecturer in University. Loves Computer, Network Engineering, Internet of Things, Python Programming. Absolute beginner in Machine Learning, and Reinforcement Learning.

Last posted 2 days ago
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🇨🇦🇺🇸. Health Engineering @ 🍎. I post about , and . Feminist. He/Him. Tooting via @ N6DAC. SF Bay Area. Ask me about Usher Syndrome.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Generic PNW dev.
I __main__ Python.
LGBTQAI2S+ ally.
Too many hobbies.
FOSS enthusiast.
Seeking a more just society.
Pronouns: he/him.

Header is a size-accurate group shot of many classic giant robots from anime history.

Profile pic is me in an Otakon 2006 tee shirt from *cough* a few years back.

### Hashtag block ###

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 636
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Scott Miller 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
@[email protected]

Dad. Husband. Cisgendered male. Apple 2 computer enthusiast. SAS and Python programmer. Data analyst. Scientist. LGBTQIA+ ally. BLM.

The content posted by this profile is copyrighted and strictly prohibited for use in training LLMs and other AI.

I am also twitter.com/scottmiller42

Last posted Less than a day ago
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I'm a computer scientist interested in complex systems, where chains of cause and effect can be difficult to untangle. I build simulation tools, integrate sensors and real-time data, and develop new methods for data analytics .

- Professor of Computer Science at the University of St Andrews
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Write code with , , and
- Digital life conducted in , , and

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,026
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Clojure by day, Eighties kid that codes and solders by night.
Professional Clojure programmer, lifetime electronics, tech, osint, redteam, reverseengineering (and many more) hobbyist.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Technologist apologist, coder, speaker, writer, and teacher of any topic that interests me

Always brewing up some new small-batch artisanal bespoke free-range code. Occasionally contributing to serious OSS. The only way to learn is to try. The best way to learn is to have fun.

I post mainly about

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 598
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Dev web (python/Django, HTML/CSS et surtout pas JS). J'ai l'impression d'avoir ma plaque à côté de la vie.

J'aime les petits sites internet créés par des vrais gens, les logiciels libres, l'auto-hébergement web, la randonnée et la nature.
(tags en vrac : , , , , , , , , , , , )

Relance @randomlink quand le serveur plante :)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Le Calicot 🦀 🔻
@[email protected]

Various interest: development, , , , , , , ...

Not saying I'm good at any of them though.

Works in the computing world, doing experimental control with .

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 501
Followers 81
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Harro van der Klauw
@[email protected]

Dad of 2 girls, Python programmer, gamer, working at zupr.io. profile pic made by my daughter.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 192
Followers 12
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Nik | Klampfradler 🎸🚲
@[email protected]

Für eine verstehbare (digitale) Welt, gegen ()- und gegen Technik-.

teckids Gründer der -Gemeinschaft @Teckids
debian Developer

Headerfoto: @mgisbers

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,312
Followers 570
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Jeremy Nickurak
@[email protected]

techie and player. is a source of infinite fun, and can be more fun and interesting and useful than you know!


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,983
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typical SMB sysadmin geek, father of three, husband of one, he/him, trying to be a nicer weirdo

Last posted 1 day ago
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Manchester based software engineer building prototypes at @BBC_News_Labs. Formerly at Raspberry Pi. Creator of gpiozero and piwheels. Into Python, Linux and all things open source.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 70
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Matteꙮ Italia
@[email protected]

Programmer | Physicist | C++ | Python | Linux | he/him

Last posted 1 day ago
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Followers 125
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Julius Schröder
@[email protected]

Python Developer | Cartographer

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 494
Followers 108
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Nikita Karamov
@[email protected]

I write open-source Python and JavaScript to make computers go brrrr

I made (shareon.js.org) and (s2f.kytta.dev)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Sharon Machlis
@[email protected]

Author of Practical R for Mass Communication & Journalism
Still ❤️ R after all these years
Can't imagine life without writing
Having fun with
Also learning and
Newly retired (voluntarily!) after a long career as a tech journalist. Eagerly exploring my next chapter.
Passionate about vibrant aging
Other interests:
Joined Mastodon at Fosstodon Oct 2022

Last posted 1 day ago
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🔧 Digital plumber
✊🏻 Proud Union Member
⬅️ Politically
🐧 Linux Enthusiast
🇨🇦 Obligatory Poutine Consumer
🐍 Working on Python

Looking to move to 🇪🇺

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 1,146
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