42 of the best React accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Best Recently posted react React
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 1,297
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Following 699
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Fronty-front-end dev and techy generalist, mum of 2, euro-mongrel (🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇸🇪), cyclist, lapsed swing dancer & DJ, erstwhile tall ship and dingy sailor, crocheter, lefty.

Work with react, but ❤️ vanilla html5 javascriptcssawesome

Cis het - she/her, supporting BLM a11y 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Last posted 1 day ago
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Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra
@[email protected]

making OSS more sustainable @sovtechfund
making tech more humane with @debug_mind
prev. @Microsoft, core

based in London, UK (the best city in the world but don't tell anyone I told you that ok?)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 509
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Elixir/Ruby/React(+Native) Freelancer. Creator of the 🦥-Emoji. Organizing papiberlin.de . Dyslexic. Coda. Living in Berlin, Germany. 

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 288
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Following 504
Tommi Laukkanen
@[email protected]

I'm an engineer 🤓 Professionally I build cloud native software and I'm interested in , , , , , , , , , etc.

Outside of work, I design and build stuff with , , , , , , , and any technologies I can find. Always keen to learn and build new stuff.

When evening turns to night, I might be crafting dark tunes with , or other musical gear.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 93
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Following 148
@[email protected]

Xennial, Chaotic-Neutral, INFP, kind not nice

Oregon <- California <- Arkansas

Web Developer HTML JavaScript CSS Web Components Custom Elements Progressive Web Apps PWAs Service Workers ShadowDOM ReactJS Lit GraphQL Playwright

Classic Cars Air-Cooled Volkswagens EVs Bicycles eBikes

Video Games Retro Gaming Emulation Anbernic Handhelds VR Sega

Serverless AWS ActivityPub Open Source Linux

Coffee Mushrooms Gardening Pumpkins

Last posted 1 day ago
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DIY everything.

I have geese, chickens, fruit trees, bees, a garden. 🐝

A firefighter for a long time. 🔥

I take pictures of what actually something looked like at that moment and try to document things with photos. 📷

Gen X

Socially awkward, hyper aware, analytical, and interpret most things literally. Terrible with hints, or maybe reacting to them. 😐


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,720
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Following 232

I write (Python|Django|JavaScript|HTML|CSS) and sometimes it's useful.

- Django Brew podcast: djangobrew.com
- For perfectionists with deadlines: alldjango.com
- Reactive component framework for Django: django-unicorn.com
- So much code: github.com/adamghill
- All the links: adamghill.com

✈️ / 📍🪩 / 👻 / ☕️ / 🎥

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,422
Followers ▼ 5
Following 513
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Johannes Beers
@[email protected]

northern soul | frysk & frij | scandinavia & scotland | beatles, blur & balthazar | zero meat, plastic & sport | lagom en hygge |

Van mij geen 'goeiemorgens', 'welterustens', kattenfoto's of wat er op m'n bord ligt

Ik volg niet terug omdat je mij volgt, ik volg mensen die leuke of
interessante berichten en reacties plaatsen

Liefst zo weinig mogelijk emoji's, maar begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben zelden zuur of boos in mn reacties

En verder:

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,053
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Following 402
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Chris Morrell
@[email protected]

Father of two. Mostly talking about and on social media. He/him.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 285
Followers ▼ 4
Following 219
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Josh Collinsworth
@[email protected]

Frontend dev/designer/instructor. Currently frontend engineer @ Deno (previously: Shopify). Blogger at JoshCollinsworth.com. Maker of Quina.app and PlayHondo.com. Dad (jokes|bod). Svelte enthusiast: author of open-source blog starter. Semi-notorious React critic. CSS lover. Lifelong Nintendo fan. Aspiring DEI accomplice and a11y advocate. KC area. he/him/his. Less prickly in person. Opinions my own (if anyone's at all). Header by Nolan Fabricius.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,324
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Following 432
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François Best
@[email protected]

Freelance web developer 👨‍💻 (hire me!)

Building beautiful, secure and accessible web apps by day, and working wood with hand tools by night.

Interested in:
🕸️ Web development
🔐 Security & Privacy
⚛️ React, Node.js, TypeScript
🦀 Rust
🌳 Hand-tool woodworking
🎹 MIDI & music hardware

LANG = [🇫🇷, 🇬🇧] • he/him

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 575
Followers ▼ 4
Following 119
Nils Hartmann
@[email protected]

Software developer (Freelancer) from HH.

Java/Spring, GraphQL, JavaScript/TypeScript, React / Contact: nilshartmann.net

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 375
Followers ▼ 3
Following 258
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Lutz Hühnken
@[email protected]

Democratizing investment with Upvest. // Building a bank, with event-driven architecture, DDD, microservices and Go.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 64
Followers ▼ 3
Following 291
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Friedrich Hartmann
@[email protected]

Cartographer /
Design Technologist /
Web Developer
map projections, prototyping, Unicode, SVG, Svelte, React

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 231
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Following 584
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casraf typescript 🇮🇱
@[email protected]

👨🏻‍💼 Freelance Web and App developer
📱 Developer of dungeonpaper.app
- robust mobile/desktop app for Dungeon World
💻 Working on an Reader and Client (WIP)
🎮 Also a hobbyist game dev (sometimes)
🌐 Check out more projects at casraf.dev/projects :)

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 861
Followers ▼ 2
Following 203
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Paul "Princejvstin" Weimer
@[email protected]

Paul Weimer
SFF Fan Writer and Critic



and elsewhere!
I'm just this guy, you know?
Minnesota, USA

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 13,570
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Following 626
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Roni Äikäs ⚛️🐿️
@[email protected]

16-vuotias webbikoodari ja yrittäjä Keski-Suomesta
16y/o full stack web developer and entrepreneur from Central Finland

Developer of mastopoet.raikas.dev

Tällä hetkellä kiinnostaa:
- teknologioista WordPress, TypeScript ja React
- ydinvoimalat ja ydinenergia
- kaupunkisuunnittelu, julkinen liikenne (/r/fuckcars ❤️)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 189
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Staff Software Engineer at , working on the , , and other facing features. Building in , , and (with a soft-spot for ).

Formerly at Clio, Pivotal Labs, Codecademy, Words With Friends & Xbox Games.

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 632
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Following 649
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Benoît Girard
@[email protected]

Chercheur CNRS à l'Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (Sorbonne Université).
Prise de décision et apprentissage par renforcement chez les vertébrés et les robots.

CNRS researcher at Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (Sorbonne Université).
Decision-making and reinforcement learning in vertebrates and robots.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 304
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Following 323