306 awesome React accounts on Mastodon.

react React
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neurounknown blobbee_neurodiverse acenbian [greyroace?] enbee blobbee_flag_nb 0.5x developer vue nodejs react from frozen hell, just south of invaded Sámi land (+02:00/+03:00)

long-term hyperfixations:
💛 software freedom
🤍 lossless and Free symphonic music
💜 floorball, baseball
🖤 sustainability vegan
heart_nb accessibility

may contain OPINIONS and traces of ideology, especially against the following [non-exhaustive]:
- microsoft, github, copilot
- animal products and domestication
- cars and planes
- blinking cursors and animations
- digital restrictions management (DRM)
- abbreviations, acronyms
- guitar solos, singing, and other such anti-features in music
- mice [the computer concept]
- notifications
- blinding white backgrounds

if you [regularly] post media with no alternative descriptions i'll probably just mute you. i'd love to give recommendations but i don't really deal with confrontation too well blobbee_blush_hide

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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Following 129
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casraf typescript 🇮🇱
@[email protected]

👨🏻‍💼 Freelance Web and App developer
📱 Developer of dungeonpaper.app
- robust mobile/desktop app for Dungeon World
💻 Working on an Reader and Client (WIP)
🎮 Also a hobbyist game dev (sometimes)
🌐 Check out more projects at casraf.dev/projects :)

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 859
Followers 214
Following 203

Freelancerin im WebFrontend | JS, HTML, CSS => Vue, React, TypeScript, SCSS | Selbsternannte (also für JetBrains) | Coding, anti-nazi und shitposts | @Aron Qualitätssiegel für "Exorbitant fundierte Meinung"™ | Macht Bildbeschreibungen oder addet mich nicht.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 913
Followers 307
Following 28
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Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 4,860
Followers 386
Following 580
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Adam Chovanec
@[email protected]

A college student from Czechia 🇨🇿🇪🇺. My field is . CSIRT-MU member. Writing in and . I love cakes and hiking.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 314
Followers 132
Following 316
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Łukasz Wójcik 👨‍💻 📷
@[email protected]

Full-stuck devloper (sic!), photography enthusiast, blogger, sometimes translator, overly curious mind.

Also: book author in hiatus. Former teacher. Fan of electronic music.

Friendly introvert. Curious listener. Always hungry, always foolish.

Hailing from (GMT+2 usually)

cishet / he / him


(public toots: CC BY 4.0)

🇺🇦 / 🇵🇸 / 🤍❤️🤍

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 177
Followers 378
Following 321
@[email protected]

Small government communist,
Code monkey,
Neurotic evil.


Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,829
Followers 55
Following 71
Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]

Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.

SW Developer at gofore.com



Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 5,107
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Following 506
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,294
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Following 699
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Personal: author wannabe but I've too much fun "hacking" the engines to write anything.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 501
Followers 47
Following 65
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Dev (mostly Typescript) & Continuous learner.

Neurodivergent, Straight but not narrow.

Latest hyperfixation: 3D printing

Author at Apress, tech lead at Microsoft, ex-Google.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 436
Followers 532
Following 528
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[ Testing out: technodon.org/@wook ]
Howdy folks. Super excited to be on Mastodon / FOSStodon ! Apprentice in all things:
linux , opensource fedora
🌐 react javascript

🎮 , /

🎨 ,
🤖 and other nerdy things

(was pktwook in a previous life)

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 2,811
Followers 85
Following 457
Robert Roskam
@[email protected]

Deliberately eclectic.

I like making stuff with code and getting people to come along with me. Making stuff with friends is more fun.

I tend to write stuff in and these days with bits of / / / tossed in. I’ve done my share of too.

Engineer and Manager at pantheon.io

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 2,216
Followers 2,199
Following 67
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Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Cabin Attendants, all doors in flight and cross-check. ♥️

App developer, flight attendant and hobby traveller.

Languages: English, Deutsch, polski, español.
Some interests:

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 379
Followers 27
Following 17

🌎 Iowa resident.
🔨 Full stack engineer working with
🎮 Bulbasaur stan
🎸 Lapsed musician
📚 Bibliophile
⌨️ Keyboard enthusiast
🪵 Beginner woodworker
👨‍👩‍👧🐈 Partner of B, father of V, cat dad of 2.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,370
Followers 216
Following 273
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Fronty-front-end dev and techy generalist, mum of 2, euro-mongrel (🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇸🇪), cyclist, lapsed swing dancer & DJ, erstwhile tall ship and dingy sailor, crocheter, lefty.

Work with react, but ❤️ vanilla html5 javascriptcssawesome

Cis het - she/her, supporting BLM a11y 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 18,484
Followers 1,962
Following 1,206

Full time:
* indie developer ()
* small business owner
* board gamer (unnecessarily large collection of games)
* GM/DM for RPGs

Part time:
* Software Consultant
* Miniature painter

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 680
Followers 81
Following 91
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Mega “Byte” Matt clippy
@[email protected]

“It’s decentralized, Jerry!”
I like developing things (macOS/iOS/Web/Wordpress, to name just a few)

Made CalStats — a calendar-data based time tracker — for iOS and macOS. Free on the App Store!
Made some bots: @year_progress, @theweekend, @sanjinoocha, @thursday, @wednesdaycaptain

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 1,700
Followers 83
Following 77

Software engineer working in the insurance industry and based in the Midwest United States. java react docker python C# .NET 
Supporter of @eff, , , The Trevor Project, and Planned Parenthood, among others.
 and enthusiast.

Chicago sports fan, particularly the Cubs, Bears, and Bulls.

Profile pic alt text: bearded white man wearing a hat and sunglasses staring off into the middle distance

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 135
Followers 77
Following 296
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いぬどん - dog image booster
@[email protected]

This is a BOT that carefully selects and boosts the best dog images floating around the Fediverse that get good reactions from everyone.
I've adjusted it to focus on toots of cats taken by individuals, and to exclude reproduction ones.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 4,436
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