358 awesome React accounts on Mastodon.

Emma (has_many_books of old)
@[email protected]CEO of https://consonance.app, MD of https://snowbooks.com and https://makeourbook.com. Ruby, and Rails. React when I absolutely have to. Also https://justsimply.dev, https://dayofcode.co.uk, nope.business etc. Did the _why book.
Cure fan. Home educator. 4 day wkr. Atheist she/her b.330ppm Ecoregion: Caledon Conifer Forests. @has_many_books on twitter (deleted) if you wonder if it's me. Founder-ing is not the hard part. Maker of daft things out of fabric and on Roland Fantom-8. Veg gardener.
The Star Trek Academy
@[email protected]A podcast about the latest new episodes of Star Trek by two higher education faculty, a media prof and a philosophy prof.
We go beyond fan reaction to talk about the character development; story arcs; the production design; and the philosophy, ethics, and lessons learned from the story, which makes sense, given that we are real faculty.
All Mastodon posts are by the media prof, Michael.
Sophia Brandt
@[email protected]
Web developer. I write C# #dotnet & React (#TypeScript) for work. I live in the terminal: #NeoVim, Tmux, Fish Shell. Mother of two. Once a tax officer, but pushing code is more rewarding than pushing paper.
Currently rediscovering my love for Go. #golang
Learning #longboarding right now.
she/her 🏳️🌈
👩💻 This is my #tech/ #coding account
🎲 I post about tabletop role-playing games on @sbr Esperanto account on @sbr
Aaron Powell
@[email protected]
Hi folks, I'm Aaron (he/him) and I'm an Advocate at Microsoft, focusing on #dotnet on Azure (or .NET on Azure - pick your preference 😝).
I'm here to make the cloud easier for everyone to use, especially for #JavaScript and #dotnet developers.
My background is ASP.NET (both #csharp and #fsharp) with JavaScript frontends, especially #React.
I also post random things here, like running and beer.
Michael Abon
@[email protected]
Staff Software Engineer at #1Password, working on the #CLI, #SSH, and other #developer facing features. Building in #golang, #rust, and #react (with a soft-spot for #ruby).
Formerly at Clio, Pivotal Labs, Codecademy, Words With Friends & Xbox Games.
Bodo Tasche
@[email protected]Elixir/Ruby/React(+Native) Freelancer. Creator of the 🦥-Emoji. Organizing https://papiberlin.de . Dyslexic. Coda. Living in Berlin, Germany. #freelancing #parenting #fatherhood #fullstack #elixir
@[email protected]I write (Python|Django|JavaScript|HTML|CSS) and sometimes it's useful.
- 1/2 of https://djangostickers.com and https://djangobrew.com 🧠
- For perfectionists with deadlines: https://alldjango.com 📖
- Reactive component framework for Django: https://www.django-unicorn.com 🦄
- So much code: https://github.com/adamghill 🛠️
- All the links: https://adamghill.com 💥
✈️ / 📍🪩 / 👻 / ☕️ / 🎥
Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra
@[email protected]otaku at heart
current: "on a break" 🛋️ (open to chats)
prev: @sovtechfund, Microsoft & #reactnative core maintainer
🕸️ https://kelset.dev/
🏠 London, UK
Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.
Scrum Master at http://gofore.com
- #Scrum
- #Angular
- #React
- #TypeScript
- #Javascript
- #PHP
- #CSS
- #BoardGames
- #WH40k
- #RPG
Koen van Gilst
@[email protected]Tech lead @Rabobank ✦ TypeScript, React, Svelte & Phoenix ✦ father of two ✦ philosopher by training
François Zaninotto
@[email protected]I'm French, CEO at @marmelab, lead developer of react-admin, and founder of GreenFrame.io. #sustainability #React #Leadership #Agile #NodeJs #WebPerf #UX #Security #LeanStartup #Programming #OSS #fedi22
ねこどん - cat image booster
@[email protected]Fediverseに漂っている猫画像から、皆のリアクションの良いものを厳選してブーストするBOTです。
This is a BOT that carefully selects and boosts the best cat images floating around the Fediverse that get good reactions from everyone.
I've adjusted it to focus on toots of cats taken by individuals, and to exclude reproduction ones.
@[email protected]college professor in the U.S. Midwest (all views mine); author of "Bike Battles: A History of Sharing the American Road" / "Las Batallas de la Bici." Shop intern, historian of urban and environmental policy, gravel grinder, Reacting to the Past instructor, slow roadie, interim chair, everyday cyclist, Americanist, #biketooter.
Header: bike tools hanging on a wall
Avatar: a man stands in front of an oversized flag of the state of Wisconsin; the flag is very blue, the state perhaps less so.
Chris Minnick
@[email protected]Writer of programming books and absurdist fiction. Enthusiastic amateur musician, painter and winemaker.
Recent projects:
Microsoft Copilot For Dummies (February 2025)
Coding with AI For Dummies (March 2024)
Music For Losers (novel, Fall 2023)
JavaScript All-In-One For Dummies (May 2023)
Mastodon For Dummies (February 15, 2023)
Coding All In One For Dummies
ReactJS Foundations
#writing #javascript #fiction #winemaking #ai #fordummies #reactjs #author #oregon #michigan #coding #dev #baking
@[email protected]#Malware Analysis, #DFIR, Computer #Forensics, Incident Response, #ThreatIntel, #OSINT, #CyberSecurity
#Linux and #ReactOS enthusiast
Tips, Tricks, Tools and Trainings by ladislav_b (#Network Analyst @ESET, #Slovakia). Opinions are my own.
@[email protected]Dev (mostly Typescript) & Continuous learner.
Neurodivergent, Straight but not narrow.
Latest hyperfixation: 3D printing
Author at Apress, tech lead at Microsoft, ex-Google.
Schall und Stille
@[email protected]Animal caretaker, musician, photographer, software developer, and curious human being. All music and photos 100% human-made without any AI.
PLEASE READ BEFORE FOLLOWING ME: I maintain this account mainly because of my music. *DON'T* follow me if you're not interested in that. There's nothing more frustrating than posting a new song and having 1 out of 450 followers reacting to it.
Toots are self-destructing if you don't like/boost them. So if all the beautiful tunes vanish, it's not my fault.
@[email protected]Fun facts, random musings and shitposts, usually related to technology.
Microsoft Least Valuable Professional.
I care/know a bit about
- Sustainability (there's a fusion reactor in the sky!)
- Free Software (by far the most
sustainable type of software)
- Ecosystem strategy/marketing ("how do we get people to use this?")
- UX (developers are users!)
- Web Development (the least bad application platform, probably)
- Photography (lately mostly slow-motion videos)
- Memery (RIP, Cheems)
@[email protected](keepin' a low profile)
INFP Better Together. strings. woodwinds. music. tech. Gaeilge :-Poet, coffee. I Seek Solutions, Progressive.
My tunes:
Other komaramusic(.net & .com) tunes are found at the Way Back Machine.
I am a huge WNBA and NWSL fan.
Avatar photo is me and sax at SF wave organ @1986. Page banner is an "Overdrive" insignia from a vintage woody.
Benoît Girard
@[email protected]Chercheur CNRS à l'Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (Sorbonne Université).
Prise de décision et apprentissage par renforcement chez les vertébrés et les robots.
CNRS researcher at Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics (Sorbonne Université).
Decision-making and reinforcement learning in vertebrates and robots.
#BasalGanglia #DecisionMaking #ReinforcementLearning #SpatialNavigation #Replay #OfflineReactivations #neurodon