react React
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activitypub addict, aspiring astronaut, community creator and determined dreamer.

Building @pixelfed, an ethical and federated photo sharing platform along with @fedidb, @supapp and other fedi services.


Last posted 6 days, 8 hours ago
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nicdex 🇨🇦 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

CTO who writes code at Adaptech Group
Lived In Vancouver, BC
Back in Longueuil, Qc (Oui je suis Québécois)
Proficient in English and French


Full stack developer: JavaScript (node, React), C#, golang and others
I am an expert in CQRS, EventSourcing, EventModeling (DDD, EventStorming)


I like movies, music, travelling
I play guitar

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Jason Miller 🦊⚛️
@[email protected]
Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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, , , , , Ready (), Golly (). He/him.

Avatar is a photo of a middle-aged human with short hair and facial hair, wearing a blue t-shirt.

Banner image is a computer rendering of the truncated octahedral honeycomb, with the focus on a bridge connecting two sides.

It takes a village.

If it doesn't work for everyone it doesn't work at all.

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Vinyl every day
@[email protected]

I post the cover and info of vinyl albums I own on an irregular basis.
Reactions highly appreciated!

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Robert Roskam
@[email protected]

Deliberately eclectic.

I like making stuff with code and getting people to come along with me. Making stuff with friends is more fun.

I tend to write stuff in and these days with bits of / / / tossed in. I’ve done my share of too.

Engineer and Manager at

Last posted 2 days, 8 hours ago
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Keith D Johnson
@[email protected]

🌈💚 Editorial Guild at Permaculture Design Magazine / Teacher-Designer 🌎
Born@312ppm CO2 (1952, organic garden farmer since 1975)
(w/ human-scale , catchment,
10 A of partly forested sand in MI with my co-conspirator of 25 yrs, Peter Bane, (prev. / of Activist, now Pc Design Mag, author Pc Handbook)
Be Fruitful & Mulch Apply

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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✝️ Christian
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family man
👨‍💻 Sr. Software Engineer at Planview
⚛️ Specialize in Front-End Web Dev
neovim Neovim user

Last posted 3 months, 2 weeks ago
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Fronty-front-end dev and techy generalist, mum of 2, euro-mongrel (🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇸🇪), lapsed swing dancer & DJ, erstwhile tall ship and dingy sailor, crocheter, lefty.

Work with react, but ❤️ vanilla html5 javascriptcssawesome

Cis het - she/her, supporting BLM a11y 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Dad, husband, Software Engineer.

Was arrested & convicted of a felony for selling marijuana in 2011/2012. Changed my trajectory and transitioned to a career in tech.

Currently helping reverse climate change at a global reforestation startup. Building a mobile app with .

Living with since 2013, since 2020. 

Last posted 1 month ago
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Josh Collinsworth
@[email protected]

Frontend dev/designer/instructor. Currently frontend engineer @ Deno (previously: Shopify). Blogger at Maker of and Dad (jokes|bod). Svelte enthusiast: author of open-source blog starter. Semi-notorious React critic. CSS lover. Lifelong Nintendo fan. Aspiring DEI accomplice and a11y advocate. KC area. he/him/his. Less prickly in person. Opinions my own (if anyone's at all). Header by Nolan Fabricius.

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Software engineer, toxic positivity disruptor & anti-grifter. Enjoys JavaScript, React & more. AuDHD AF. He/him.

Last posted 5 days, 8 hours ago
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Writing the React, fighting with the application state, designing the GraphQL APIs, cursing the TypeScript errors, learning Golang, migrating the databases, and admiring the amazing content at @codepen

An Aussie living in Gubbi Gubbi country ☀️

Last posted 1 week, 5 days ago
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Johannes Beers
@[email protected]

northern soul | frysk & frij | scandinavia & scotland | beatles, blur & balthazar | zero meat, plastic & sport | lagom en hygge |

Van mij geen 'goeiemorgens', 'welterustens', kattenfoto's of wat er op m'n bord ligt

Liefst zo weinig mogelijk emoji's, maar begrijp me niet verkeerd, ik ben zelden zuur of boos in mn reacties

En verder:

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Sr. Design Technologist @PlayStation

UI/UX, React, Rust, Graphics, Game Dev, 420 | he / they 🏳️‍🌈 | food, film, fitness, art

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Keith J Grant
@[email protected]

👨🏻‍💻 Front end developer working primarily in React. Currently at Red Hat working on Ansible Controller. Author of CSS in Depth.

🌎 I live in the great Pacific Northwest. I care about people and believe in the open web.

✨ I’m married to a literary nerd and have two fantastic children and two ridiculous cats. I enjoy fine cocktails and cooking. And running, when I’m in the habit. • searchable

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Preact ⚛️
@[email protected]

Fast 3kb alternative to React with the same modern API.

Last posted 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts 14
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xubuntu Technical Lead, xfce Core Developer, linux and advocate. Friend of elementary , gnome , and kde .

Web Developer by trade. php laravel javascript react

Thoughts and opinions are my own, but generally agreeable. Happy to boost small projects!

Last posted 5 days, 8 hours ago
Posts 388
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@[email protected]

Read it again with more sarcasm.

Xennial, Chaotic-Neutral, INFP, kind not nice

Oregon <- California <- Arkansas

Web Developer HTML JavaScript CSS Web Components Custom Elements Progressive Web Apps PWAs Service Workers ShadowDOM ReactJS Lit GraphQL Playwright

Classic Cars Air-Cooled Volkswagens EVs Bicycles eBikes

Video Games Retro Gaming Emulation Anbernic Handhelds VR Sega

Serverless AWS ActivityPub Open Source Linux

Coffee Mushrooms Gardening Pumpkins

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
Posts 4,589
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@[email protected]

(ey/em) Xennial Chaotic Neutral INFP

Oregon <- California <- Arkansas

Web Developer HTML JavaScript CSS Web Components Custom Elements Progressive Web Apps PWAs Service Workers ShadowDOM ReactJS Lit GraphQL Cypress Playwright

Classic Cars Air-Cooled Volkswagens EVs Bicycles eBikes

Video Games Retro Gaming Emulation Anbernic Handhelds VR Unreal Sega

Serverless AWS ActivityPub FOSS Open Source Linux

Coffee Mushrooms Gardening Pumpkins

Last posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Posts 10,334
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Sophia Brandt vim
@[email protected]

Web developer. I write C# & React () for work. I live in the terminal: , Tmux, Fish Shell. Mother of two. Once a tax officer, but pushing code is more rewarding than pushing paper.
Currently rediscovering my love for Go.

Learning right now.

she/her 🏳️‍🌈

👩‍💻 This is my / account
🎲 I post about tabletop role-playing games on @sbr
esperanto Esperanto account on @sbr

Last posted 6 days, 8 hours ago
Posts 33
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Hi folks, I'm Aaron (he/him) and I'm an Advocate at Microsoft, focusing on on Azure (or .NET on Azure - pick your preference 😝).

I'm here to make the cloud easier for everyone to use, especially for and developers.

My background is ASP.NET (both and ) with JavaScript frontends, especially .

I also post random things here, like running and beer.

Last posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago
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Staff Software Engineer at , working on the , , and other facing features. Building in , , and (with a soft-spot for ).

Formerly at Clio, Pivotal Labs, Codecademy, Words With Friends & Xbox Games.

Last posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Posts 583
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Emma (has_many_books of old)
@[email protected]

CEO of, MD of and Ruby, and Rails. React when I absolutely have to. Also,, etc. Did the _why book for Brighton Ruby.

Cure fan. Home educator. 4 day wkr. Atheist she/her b.330ppm @has_many_books on twitter (now deleted) if you wonder if it's me. Founder-ing is not the hard part. Maker of daft things and music on my Roland Fantom-8.

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Łukasz Wójcik 👨‍💻 📷
@[email protected]

Full-stuck devloper (sic!), photography enthusiast, blogger, sometimes translator, overly curious mind.

Also: book author in hiatus. Former teacher. Fan of electronic music.

Friendly introvert. Curious listener. Always hungry, always foolish.

Hailing from (GMT+2 usually)

cishet / he / him


(public toots: CC BY 4.0)

🍉 🇵🇸 🇺🇦

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Tourist in my own life. Former photographer, biologist, frame shop owner, horse owner, cyclist. 
Former resident of Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Arizona. 
 Expect a lot of Boosts, very little original material, unless it is reactionary.

Last posted 4 months ago
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Elixir/Ruby/React(+Native) Freelancer. Creator of the 🦥-Emoji. Organizing . Dyslexic. Coda. Living in Berlin, Germany. 
⚠️ This is mostly an automated account that cross posts from . If you want to reach me, please send me an email. I rarely read DMs or replies here.

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Koen van Gilst
@[email protected]

Frontend lead @Rabobank ✦ TypeScript, React, Svelte & Phoenix ✦ father of two ✦ philosopher by training

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
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François Zaninotto
@[email protected]

I'm French, CEO at 
@marmelab, lead developer of react-admin, and founder of

Last posted 4 days, 8 hours ago
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Software dev who digs Python, Django, pinball, and coffee.

- Django Brew Podcast:
- No bullshit help for
perfectionists with deadlines:
- Reactive component framework for Django:
- Bookmarking for developers:
- Fediverse summary:
- Progressively enhance HTML:
- This Fun House:

Last posted Less than a day ago
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💌 Tiny Improvements Newsletter - for founders, designers, and react devs designing and building great things:

👾 CTO @ Craftwork (YC S23) • Developer Advocate • designer • developer • author • podcaster

🎙️ Podcasts: 
Software Engineering Daily • APIs You Won't Hate • 
Tiny Improvements

Into bikes 🚴‍♀️, espresso ☕, looking after 🌍
. Here to help 🤜🤛

ex Stripe, Google, Microsoft

📍 Charlotte, NC, USA

Last posted 4 months ago
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Lorenzo 'kelset' Sciandra
@[email protected]

making OSS more sustainable @sovtechfund
making tech more humane with debug:mind on YT
prev. @Microsoft, core

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]

Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.

SW Developer at



Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Chris Minnick
@[email protected]

Writer of programming books and absurdist fiction. Enthusiastic amateur musician, painter and winemaker.

Recent projects:

Coding with AI For Dummies (March 2024)

Music For Losers (novel, Fall 2023)

JavaScript All-In-One For Dummies (May 2023)

Mastodon For Dummies (February 15, 2023)

Coding All In One For Dummies

ReactJS Foundations

Last posted 3 months ago
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ねこどん - cat image booster
@[email protected]

This is a BOT that carefully selects and boosts the best cat images floating around the Fediverse that get good reactions from everyone.
I've adjusted it to focus on toots of cats taken by individuals, and to exclude reproduction ones.


Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Dev (mostly Typescript) & Continuous learner.

Neurodivergent, Straight but not narrow.

Latest hyperfixation: 3D printing

Author at Apress, tech lead at Microsoft, ex-Google.

Last posted 2 days, 8 hours ago
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Analysis, , Computer , Incident Response, , ,
and enthusiast 
Tips, Tricks, Tools and Trainings by ladislav_b ( Analyst @ESET, ). Opinions are my own.

Last posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago
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Fun facts, random musings and shitposts, usually related to technology.

Microsoft Least Valuable Professional.

I care/know a bit about
- Sustainability (there's a fusion reactor in the sky!)
- Free Software (by far the most
sustainable type of software)
- Ecosystem strategy/marketing ("how do we get people to use this?")
- UX (developers are users!)
- Web Development (the least bad application platform, probably)
- Photography (lately mostly slow-motion videos)
- Memery (RIP, Cheems)

Last posted 3 months, 1 week ago
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Last posted 2 days, 8 hours ago
Posts 40
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Johannes Brodwall
@[email protected]

Builds software to keep you safe. Teaches programming students. Speaks up about injustice. He/him

Last posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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Jared Forsyth
@[email protected]

follower of Christ. feminist. mormon.
type theory, @reasonml, @reactjs, PLT
Mobile dev @KhanAcademy


Last posted 2 weeks, 3 days ago
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Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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bitzesty Co-founder - Bit Zesty - software design, development, support agency - Ruby on Rails, JS, Python, Elixir/Phoenix and ReactNative.

👨🏽‍💻 Fractional CTO and technical advisor
🎮 Part-time gamer
🪴 Amateur gardener
🍺 Brewer of kombucha
He/him | Dyslexic | (Atacameño) & British
📍London / Maderia


Last posted 2 weeks, 2 days ago
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DIY everything.

I have geese, chickens, fruit trees, bees, a garden. 🐝

A firefighter for a long time. 🔥

I take pictures of what actually something looked like at that moment and try to document things with photos. 📷

Gen X

Socially awkward, hyper aware, analytical, and interpret most things literally. Terrible with hints, or maybe reacting to them. 😐


Last posted Less than a day ago
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(keepin' a low profile)
INFP Better Together. strings. woodwinds. music. tech. Gaeilge :-Poet, coffee. I Seek Solutions, Progressive.

I am a huge WNBA and NWSL fan.

Avatar photo is me and sax at SF wave organ @1986. Page banner is NASA photo of distant galaxy - and btw - galaxy is too damn far away for any aliens to come here for a fun visit.

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Team Lead Web Platform Science fiction micro stories. Post Rock & other music. Vegan. Green. Posts in EN.

, , , ,

Last posted 3 months, 3 weeks ago
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I help people make websites (Typescript, React, AWS serverless). Find myself fiddling with little side projects in my spare time. Pine endlessly for the pre-BigTech web.

Play guitar with little skill or discipline. Streak runner on injury-driven hiatus. supporter. Pretentious film watcher. Spend too much time in the Tools For Thought space, but seem to always return to Roam Research and Zettelkasten.

Don’t necessarily follow based on any of the above.

Last posted 3 days, 8 hours ago
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Learn, Do, Teach, Repeat. Microsoft MVP; Azure, .NET, React. Expat Mancunian. Masked scoundrel. Man Utd, dodgy music, get off my lawn, etc. He/him

Last posted 1 day, 8 hours ago
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Software Engineer, hit me up if you wanna talk , or . I run and sometimes climb, nothing too high though.

Last posted 3 days, 8 hours ago
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Full Stack Developer @ Spatie • Building Mailcoach • Love working with Laravel, Statamic & React.js

Last posted 6 months ago
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