AWS re:Invent 2024

Kal Feher (8)

once again we have minor features drip fed to customers to make it look like theres lots happening.

Exhibit A is the feature announcements for Application Recovery Controller

There have been 6 updates since 23rd Oct.

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And quite a few releases for media streaming customers. There's media quality reporting, S3 adaptions for updating media blobs in real time and improved routing for Cloudfront.
AWS remains expensive and clunky for many media functions, but these features will help those that do find a way to make it work.

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ALB inbound header customisation/insertion and outbound header blocking.

lots of customers need this. They needed this months and yrs ago when AWS didnt need to pad out announcements for an expensive event.

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EC2 AMI lineage info is mildly interesting. Some ppl will care a lot.

why do we need to wait for reinvent for features that should already exist?

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There's some larger UI changes with SSM and what appears to be a breaking change for some older patch functionality. In particular the awkwardly named Quick Setup policies which are actually the canonical way of creating patch policies.

Watch out if you use for patching!

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There's some minor UI changes in the console which no one will notice.

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A few more feature drops overnight.

Going over my list of notes, at the top I have "more Q junk". I can probably leave that in my notes for every day.

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The rush of pre releases is starting. So far it's a bit meh, with the exception of root-less member accounts, which is also a bit meh, but important.
I knew DNS HTTPS was support was coming, but they delivered the absolute minimum.
I'd really like firecracker support in bottlerocket. The amount of customers that run containers as root for <insert important sounding reason> is truly shocking. MicroVM support in EKS is long overdue.

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