244 awesome R accounts on Mastodon.

rstats R
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Zorro Notorious MEB 🪷🪷🪷
@[email protected]


/ / / /



Retired scientific applications programmer currently playing with algorithmic composition, digital sound synthesis and basketball analytics.

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Jan R. Boehnke
@[email protected]

I work at the School of Health Sciences, , UK. Reading, not lecturing.

I am a psychologist interested in
Health-related Quality of Life

And I still have a home in

I teach in the and lead "Applied Research Methods as Strategic Tools for "

I am a

Views expressed in my posts are my own.

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working in


But aware that science alone is of no good for society or the planet. We have a lot to do. Together.

Pronouns [they/them/earthworm] Abolish gender roles!

Header art is from the beehivecollective Black/White drawing of campesina-ants

Last posted 1 day ago
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👩🏼‍💻 Data scientist with a passion for and python
👩🏼‍🎓 PhD from Uni Mannheim | 

Writing and editing for Methods Bites 👾 | with CorrelAid | 💜 @rladies_cologne | 🦦

If you’re up for and content, feel free to also follow @pyladies_bot and @rladies_bot


Last posted 1 day ago
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aurelien ginolhac
@[email protected]

Bioinformatician at the University of
DK |> LU |> FR |> LU
rstats linux arch

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 241
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B. Trochimowicz
@[email protected]

retired field medic

Last posted 1 day ago
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Founder of The Data Collective & Fundraising Insights

Moderator of rstats.me

Passionate about helping NFPs to get the best value out of their data. I help charities understand how data can be used to identify strategic opportunities, and how to make best use of the information available to them.

I use to make this all happen

Plant based diet | Ride 🚲 for fun.
Brisbane | Australia

Last posted 1 day ago
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rstats in the public sector. And for fun.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Director, Statistics for Development Division, at the Pacific Community. Tweets only represent my views, and are most likely to be about data and , maybe with bits of history, meta science and philosophy thrown in.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Maarten Hermans
@[email protected]

Sociologist, researcher & member @DenktankMinerva: labour relations, quality of work, and open source data analysis.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Koen Hufkens, PhD
@[email protected]

Founder of BlueGreen Labs | addressing through data driven methods in

developer | maker with duct tape and a hammer | omnivore | move fast and fix things

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
- Leonard Cohen

Personal account | , & software | he / him

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Kia ora! I'm a nut, addict of NZ — Mātaki Taiao, and an at in -.

I spend an inordinate amount of my time counting nature to watch what's changing (see wildcounts.org/).

Born when there was 326 ppm carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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Open knowledge enthusiast. Creates and maintains. Director of Open Access Programmes at Arcadia Fund.

Recognises that access to knowledge is a human right.

Software Sustainability Institute Fellow (2016 Inauguration)
Panton Fellow for Open Data (2012)

Current distro: MX Linux


Last posted 1 day ago
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Adam H. Sparks rstats
@[email protected]

Professor studying/working with biometry, agricultural modelling and data analytics. Former geonerd, now just a nerd, co-founder of @openplantpathology and editor for @rOpenSci.


Pronouns: He/Him/His


Last posted Less than a day ago
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George Girton
@[email protected]

A software developer and photographer. and some other Prgrmming Lnggs. former

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Independent researcher working on Vector Symbolic Architectures (), also known as Hyperdimensional Computing ().

Also here for the:

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Statistics, Machine Learning

Last posted 1 month ago
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I know things about data. Interests in Cognitive Science, Education, Reading, Language & Social Determinants of a good life. Data doodles are my jam. .

Last posted 4 days ago
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Amelia McNamara
@[email protected]

Associate professor of stats & data science at University of St Thomas. UCLA/Macalester alumna. Into data visualization and open science, obsessed with R.

Last posted 1 day ago
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