240 awesome Ruby accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted ruby Ruby
Philip John Basile
@[email protected]

Senior/Lead Software Developer | 25 Years of Experience | Expert in Frontend (Vue, React, Angular) & Backend (Node, Ruby on Rails, Go)

Last posted 3 days ago
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The first and longest running Ruby Conference in Europe (since 2003)

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 159
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Robert J. Berger
@[email protected]

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... PC Revolutions, C compilers clacking huge Floppy Disks , Lisp Machine Nirvana, Unix Wars, building an early ISP, Metro Wireless, that went down, Hardware Image Processing, Objective C training from Brad Cox, first C++ Conference, unreadable Perl, lots of Python, Ruby, and now back to , , , , Software System and Cloud Architectures. Not time to die!


Last posted 1 day ago
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Articles, projects and tutorials about .

Weekly newsletter: discu.eu/weekly/ruby

Last posted 1 day ago
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David Marshall
@[email protected]

A writer currently querying a two-book series set in a comic fantasy Australia. Harold is a failed alchemist, about to fail at dragon slaying. He is armed with a cheese knife. Princess Ruby has a stolen sword. She has it at Harold's throat.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Elixir/Ruby/React(+Native) Freelancer. Creator of the 🦥-Emoji. Organizing papiberlin.de . Dyslexic. Coda. Living in Berlin, Germany. 

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 504
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Aaron Patterson ✅
@[email protected]

Rails Core / Ruby Core.
PGP: 4CE9 1B75 A798 28E8 6B1A A8BB 9531 70BC B4FF AFC6
Switch: SW-6099-0664-6989

Last posted 2 days ago
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Full-Stack Web Developer • OSS Contributor • Electronic Music Addict • Ruby/Rails, JavaScript/Stimulus, Crystal • Hotwire Contributors Team • StimulusReflex Core.

Currently maintaining: Stimulus, Stimulus-Use, Stimulus LSP, Turbo LSP, Turbo Power, StimulusReflex and CableReady

Building: gem.sh | hotwire.io | rubyconferences.org

Last posted 1 day ago
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Hey, I’m Stephen. I'm an American expat living in Berlin with my wife and two dogs. I am a contributor to Rails and the sqlite3-ruby gem as well as the maintainer of a handful of gems aimed at making Ruby and Rails the absolute best platforms in the world to run SQLite projects.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 283
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Following 90
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A next-generation, progressive site generator & fullstack framework, powered by Ruby.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 116
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Following 42
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Florian Gilcher
@[email protected]

Functional safety with @rustlang
MD @ferroussystems

Kyūdō (Nidan). Diver. Runs events. Ex-@rustlang project member. Founding member @rust_foundation. ❤️Ruby.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 943
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Following 925
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Rob Whittaker thoughtbot
@[email protected]

Developer and Director of Software Development at @thoughtbot, and co-organiser of @NWRUG

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 164
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OSS programmer, Members of the RuboCop RSpec team and Rubyist.

Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 42
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Following 55
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Yaro Shm 🇺🇦 ruby SupeRails
@[email protected]

🌍 I hope to meet you in person on a Ruby conference somewhere!

I speak 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇵🇱🇫🇷🇩🇪🇪🇸 fluently. Ask me why :)

From Ukraine, Chernihiv

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 190
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Following 295
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Garrett Dimon ruby
@[email protected]

Way into creating custom Rails generators.

, , , , and considered JavaScript on occasion. Mountains, outdoors, sit skiing, and paddle boarding. Also a below-knee amputee.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Rubyist, photographer, artist, author, archivist, aspirational EV truck maker.

My personal websites are all neglected like under-watered, hard to reach house plants

Elon kicked me off Twitter because a fascist told him to

Last posted 1 day ago
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Rubyist, guy behind @sidekiq and Faktory.

For support, please open a new discussion at github.com/sidekiq/sidekiq/dis.

Personal: @getalifemike

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Xasin, Neira & Mesh
@[email protected]

Bunch of dragons hiding in a labcoat, were at the W7-x and now interning at CERN! Happily pro-nuclear but still students, big time nerds AND love glowy stuff?? What could go wrong!

FOSS and OSHW for the win~

We love working on anything nerdy and electronic, ranging from ESP32 and STM based systems to tinkering with Ruby scripts, databases, a bit of smart home here, a bit of PCB design there~

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 69
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Rubyist and computer scientist. London.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 225
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Following 54
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Maintainer of chruby, ruby-install, bundler-audit, digest-crc, spidr, ronin, and more on GitHub!

Last posted 2 days ago
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