562 awesome Ruby accounts on Mastodon.

ruby Ruby
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Andrew France
@[email protected]

Web developer working with , , and . Likes and . 🏝️💻🏳️‍🌈

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 759
Followers 127
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g[r]eek, ageing hacker, rubyist

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 100
Followers 75
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@[email protected]





smiled_shiro confused_kyoji smiled_kohaku

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 23,306
Followers 114
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linux guy in a windows world | aws, c#, python, typescript by day | c, ruby, perl by night

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,756
Followers 230
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Philip John Basile
@[email protected]

Senior/Lead Software Developer | 25 Years of Experience | Expert in Frontend (Vue, React, Angular) & Backend (Node, Ruby on Rails, Go)

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 21
Followers 1,503
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Artist, musician, hacker.

Renoise user.



I also run ruby-doc.org

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 9,511
Followers 462
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kowfm (Karl Oscar Weber)
@[email protected]

Artist, Designer, Engineer,
I build Apps, Websites, and Teams.

Capsule.graphics is my thing.

I maintain Ruby Camping.
I like the colors so rich it hurts my eyes. Definitely P3 Color Gamut.

Focused on growing a more diverse and inclusive Ruby community by default.

Writing a new programming language Kona.

Black Lives Matter.
Anti Fascist.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 4,927
Followers 276
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Hey, I’m Stephen. I'm an American expat living in Berlin with my wife and two dogs. I am a contributor to Rails and the sqlite3-ruby gem as well as the maintainer of a handful of gems aimed at making Ruby and Rails the absolute best platforms in the world to run SQLite projects.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 283
Followers 197
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Ruby developer based in London. Formerly Yammer/Microsoft, GoCardless, Zaikio. He/him

Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 84
Followers 32
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Oinak ruby at #Euruko
@[email protected]

🐛Bug farmer
🐌 (Neo)Vim snail
🧑‍💻 ruby Ruby lover
🐧 Linux user
🚲 Bike rider
♀️🏳️‍🌈♿ Learning Ally
✊🏿 BlackLivesMatter
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans rights are human rights
🫂 No human being is illegal
🤺 Amateur sabre fencer
📚 Sci-fi/solarpunk dreamer
💎 Diadem (Rolling Quartz fan)

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,276
Followers 140
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Last posted 5 days ago
Posts 65
Followers 32
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Full Stack WebDeveloper using boring technology like Ruby and Rails. Also, BoomBap and left politics.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 659
Followers 47
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Remote web developer coding in and ; also into , and 🌍🛰️💻


Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 63
Followers 64
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Software developer and computer nerd. 
Currently interested in Swift but also love Ruby, Typescript, and sometimes Kotlin.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 328
Followers 148
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I type for a living. Currently doing my best. Forever . Love what I do, do what I love. Dad. Best Friend. 🐶-dad. Hack on shubox.io for fun, for profit, for therapy.


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 937
Followers 146
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Software developer , ,

Last posted 1 week ago
Posts 37
Followers 24
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I'm a husband verified_gay, dog dad 🐕, and software engineer 👨‍💻 living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. he/him

My work includes a fun mashup of , , and , a bit of and a variety of devops tasks, mostly focused on making sense of big streams of data.

I post a lot about US politics, and harbor great disdain for the “law” and its practitioners (lawyers, cops, today’s SCOTUS, etc).

I do not CW political posts.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,402
Followers 222
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Bradley Schaefer
@[email protected]

He/him. Ruby developer, sometimes engineering manager, and recovering cynic.

Outside of tech: dad, reader of fantasy/sci-fi, player of videogames, orange theorist, and fan of baseball and boxing.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,190
Followers 364
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Romain Tartière
@[email protected]

, Mercenary, developer (romain@), , love stuff from the 70's (e.g. , Japanese hard-rock) and . ; ;

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,437
Followers 274
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Ruby hacker since 2005, dad, scout and factorio fan.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 399
Followers 67
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