562 awesome Ruby accounts on Mastodon.

ruby Ruby
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Tilting at entropic windmills.

Rubyist, founder of Seattle.rb, Author: , flay, flog, etc. 
I've released 1000+ gems!

∀x: minitest(x) < rspec(x)

My switch friend code: SW-5074-8670-2720

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 575
Followers 331
Following 57
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David Marshall
@[email protected]

A writer currently querying a two-book series set in a comic fantasy Australia. Harold is a failed alchemist, about to fail at dragon slaying. He is armed with a cheese knife. Princess Ruby has a stolen sword. She has it at Harold's throat.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 11,719
Followers 937
Following 1,087
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Agenda du Libre
@[email protected]

Logiciels, Arts, Données, Matériels, Contenus, Communs, Internet...

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 9,578
Followers 661
Following 6
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Award-winning husband of @smly_bee. Bigg Daddy since 2016. Wrote some books. Rails user since 2006. Hanami fan. Learning how to read Japanese. Executive Director of The Gem Foundation. Unofficial Warrnambool Tourism Ambassador.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 2,274
Followers 1,098
Following 85
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🐂 Free and OS software enthusiast ••• 📝 Emacs user (with ViM editor ofc) ••• 🐧Linux admin (and every day user - Debian and Arch) ••• 💻 Developer (Python 🐍, Ruby 💎, TypeScript, Bash, Perl 🐪...) ••• 🎮 (Bad) Gamer ••• 🧑‍🌾️ Animal lover (two 🐶, two 🐈 and four sheeps 🐑)

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,429
Followers 41
Following 92
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Artist, musician, hacker.

Renoise user.



I also run ruby-doc.org

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 9,445
Followers 459
Following 508
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kowfm (Karl Oscar Weber)
@[email protected]

Artist, Designer, Engineer,
I build Apps, Websites, and Teams.

Capsule.graphics is my thing.

I maintain Ruby Camping.
I like the colors so rich it hurts my eyes. Definitely P3 Color Gamut.

Focused on growing a more diverse and inclusive Ruby community by default.

Writing a new programming language Kona.

Black Lives Matter.
Anti Fascist.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 4,914
Followers 276
Following 849
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Programmer, sysadmin, guitarist, singer, cyclist. haproxy fan boy. Sandwich mechanic. Co-founder Brightbox.

Currently faffing with , baking and restoring an antique

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 1,167
Followers 311
Following 293
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Remote web developer coding in and ; also into , and 🌍🛰️💻


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 60
Followers 63
Following 180
she hacked you
@[email protected]

shipwrk'd & coma-tose
drink'n fresh granat-apfel muttersaft

security researcher, open-source hardware+software engineer, ⚧dimensional slider, paradoxically lucid, bruja cibernética, exile, formally–trained geneticist, netzwerk hexe, bi-polar 2 witch-apologist, amateur mycologist, glitch witch, katzenamt Bürokrat, day–dreamer, night-timer party–crasher

+poorly conceived original
+stupid posts in english, español, and deutsche

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,401
Followers 1,245
Following 958
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Steven Hilton
@[email protected]

Husband. Father. Geek. Chaotic Good. A lot of and a lot of . Two different areas of interest with different audiences. Follow me and get both!

Formerly @mshiltonj

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,760
Followers 278
Following 433
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Miss Aemilia🎀
@[email protected]

I just want my software to render pretty things.
Regularly restarting dream projects but always forging ahead.
Ruby, Smalltalk, Rust, C, C++, in order of taste.

I have no idea what I'll be posting here, but I'll try to at least keep it to interesting stuff.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 834
Followers 68
Following 162
@[email protected]





smiled_shiro confused_kyoji smiled_kohaku

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 23,159
Followers 111
Following 171

linux guy in a windows world | aws, c#, python, typescript by day | c, ruby, perl by night

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,742
Followers 231
Following 1,196
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Rust and langdev enthusiast, rubyist by trade.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 763
Followers 53
Following 103
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Dainius Happy 🇱🇹 ❤ 🇺🇦
@[email protected]

russia dēlenda est | rehackedhub.com - curated weekly newsletter |

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,657
Followers 224
Following 509
danirod 🇪🇸
@[email protected]

Software engineer. Freelance software developer and educational content creator. Open to fediverse interactions; won't block you for replying, liking, boosting or following.

Interests: , , , , , , , , , , (getting into) , C programming

And now, an unsufferable list of positive and negative hashtags for integrations: [Searchable through Tootfinder: tootfinder.ch] [ fediverse.info] [ ]

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 604
Followers 173
Following 214
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Full-Stack Web Developer • OSS Contributor • Electronic Music Addict • Ruby/Rails, JavaScript/Stimulus, Crystal • Hotwire Contributors Team • StimulusReflex Core.

Currently maintaining: Stimulus, Stimulus-Use, Stimulus LSP, Turbo LSP, Turbo Power, StimulusReflex and CableReady

Building: gem.sh | hotwire.io | rubyconferences.org

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 657
Followers 408
Following 265
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Robert J. Berger
@[email protected]

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... PC Revolutions, C compilers clacking huge Floppy Disks , Lisp Machine Nirvana, Unix Wars, building an early ISP, Metro Wireless, that went down, Hardware Image Processing, Objective C training from Brad Cox, first C++ Conference, unreadable Perl, lots of Python, Ruby, and now back to , , , , Software System and Cloud Architectures. Not time to die!


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 12,116
Followers 1,892
Following 5,687
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German software developer from Berlin. Writing here mostly about , & . What can you do in 4 lines of code?

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 425
Followers 63
Following 46