61 awesome Ruby projects on Mastodon.
@[email protected]The means of memorisation must be seized and distributed.
NEW: With 100% less fascism!
This is my general purpose aspect.
Agenda du Libre
@[email protected]Logiciels, Arts, Données, Matériels, Contenus, Communs, Internet...
@[email protected]Maintainer of chruby, ruby-install, bundler-audit, digest-crc, spidr, ronin, and more on GitHub!
Ruby Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Ruby.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/ruby
@[email protected]Does the Matrix have you?
@[email protected]Software developer currently building things with Ruby, Rails, Rust and Redis
North West Ruby User Group
@[email protected]The home of the Ruby community in the North West of England. Meets every third Thursday in Manchester.
@[email protected]Member of Go Free Range software coop; Ruby developer; author of Mocha Ruby library.
@[email protected]The main annual gathering of Rubyists from around the world since 2001. Brought to you by @rubycentral. Learn more at rubyconf.org.
@[email protected]Ruby, Rails, Elixir
Xasin, Neira & Mesh
@[email protected]Bunch of dragons hiding in a labcoat, were at the W7-x and now interning at CERN! Happily pro-nuclear but still students, big time nerds AND love glowy stuff?? What could go wrong!
FOSS and OSHW for the win~
We love working on anything nerdy and electronic, ranging from ESP32 and STM based systems to tinkering with Ruby scripts, databases, a bit of smart home here, a bit of PCB design there~
Rubyist, Micro-Philanthropist, New Yorker. Former GORUCO organizer. Building a Smart Building IoT platform. Giving away $1,000 each month through the Awesome Foundation. Consulting on this and that.
@[email protected]Let's improve the web development ecosystem 🗺️
💻 We organize events, conferences and informal meetings involving Italian and international professionals. Since 2003.
👾 Our conferences are about: #php #reactjs #js #javascript #css #laravel #vue #angular #ruby #devops #devsecops #ux #dx and more!
📢 Become our speaker: https://www.grusp.org/en/speakers/
@[email protected]The world’s longest-running gathering of Ruby on Rails enthusiasts, practitioners, and companies. #RailsConf2024
oldest house
@[email protected]
Carbure au thé sans arômes. Fait de la poterie selon l'envie.
Végétarien depuis peu, m'a fait le plus grand bien.
Paye son loyer en codant.
Drink too much tea. Make thingy with mud.
Code for a living.
Why ruby got a shinny "spaceship operator" but in java we have a ugly .compareTo() ??
#chat #linux #devWeb
Ruby on Rails
@[email protected][Unofficial]
*Rails core team, please contact @james to freely claim this username.
Compress the complexity of modern web apps. Ruby on Rails scales from HELLO WORLD to IPO.
Ruby Central
@[email protected]Ruby Central is a non-profit organization supporting the Ruby community since 2001. Follow along as we plan the upcoming conferences @rubyconf @railsconf
Madison+ Ruby
@[email protected]A human-centered Ruby Conference in Downtown Madison, WI.
RELEX Solutions
@[email protected]This is an unofficial mirror of RELEX Oy social media channels elsewhere. We're reading DMs. Some of our technologies are: #Ansible, #Elixir, #Golang, #Haskell, #Java, #Kafka, #Kotlin, #Kubernetes, #NodeJS #Rails, #ReactJS, #Redux, #Ruby, #Terraform, #Typescript. ∎ Our unified supply chain and retail planning platform helps retailers and consumer brands sell more and waste less.