12 awesome Ruby projects on Mastodon that posted recently.
Ruby Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Ruby.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/ruby
@[email protected]Maintainer of chruby, ruby-install, bundler-audit, digest-crc, spidr, ronin, and more on GitHub!
@[email protected]The main annual gathering of Rubyists from around the world since 2001. Brought to you by @rubycentral. Learn more at rubyconf.org.
Agenda du Libre
@[email protected]Logiciels, Arts, Données, Matériels, Contenus, Communs, Internet...
@[email protected]Member of Go Free Range software coop; Ruby developer; author of Mocha Ruby library.
Brighton Ruby Conference
@[email protected]Rooftop Ruby Podcast
@[email protected]A podcast about #Ruby, software development, and more by @collin and @joeldrapper.
North West Ruby User Group
@[email protected]The home of the Ruby community in the North West of England. Meets every third Thursday in Manchester.
@[email protected]Let's improve the web development ecosystem 🗺️
💻 We organize events, conferences and informal meetings involving Italian and international professionals. Since 2003.
👾 Our conferences are about: #php #reactjs #js #javascript #css #laravel #vue #angular #ruby #devops #devsecops #ux #dx and more!
📢 Become our speaker: https://www.grusp.org/en/speakers/
@[email protected]RSpec - BDD for Ruby
oldest house
@[email protected]
Carbure au thé sans arômes. Fait de la poterie selon l'envie.
Végétarien depuis peu, m'a fait le plus grand bien.
Paye son loyer en codant.
Drink too much tea. Make thingy with mud.
Code for a living.
Why ruby got a shinny "spaceship operator" but in java we have a ugly .compareTo() ??
#chat #linux #devWeb