62 awesome Ruby projects on Mastodon.
Ruby on Rails
@[email protected][Unofficial]
*Rails core team, please contact @james to freely claim this username.
Compress the complexity of modern web apps. Ruby on Rails scales from HELLO WORLD to IPO.
@[email protected]The first and longest running Ruby Conference in Europe (since 2003)
@[email protected]Official Fediverse account for RubyKaigi, the de-facto authoritative Ruby conference in Japan (since 2006).
Contact: #{year}@rubykaigi.org or [email protected]
@[email protected]The world’s longest-running gathering of Ruby on Rails enthusiasts, practitioners, and companies. #RailsConf2024
@[email protected]RSpec - BDD for Ruby
Ruby Central
@[email protected]Ruby Central is a non-profit organization supporting the Ruby community since 2001. Follow along as we plan the upcoming conferences @rubyconf @railsconf
Agenda du Libre
@[email protected]Logiciels, Arts, Données, Matériels, Contenus, Communs, Internet...
Ruby Weekly
@[email protected]Articles, projects and tutorials about #Ruby.
Weekly newsletter: https://discu.eu/weekly/ruby
@[email protected]The ronin-rb project, a Ruby toolkit for security research and development.
@[email protected]Member of Go Free Range software coop; Ruby developer; author of Mocha Ruby library.
Brighton Ruby Conference
@[email protected]Open Bioinformatics Foundation
@[email protected]The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization that supports #OpenSource #bioinformatics. Our member projects include #BioPerl, #BioJava, #BioRuby and #Biopython. We run an annual meeting, the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (@BOSC).
@[email protected]OSS programmer, Members of the RuboCop RSpec team and Rubyist.
@[email protected]Optimizing Ruby's JIT compilers. YJIT team at Shopify.
@[email protected]Deploy anytime without fear. Feature flags for Ruby/Rails.
Ruby User Group Berlin
@[email protected]Running for... many years in Berlin! https://www.rug-b.de/
First Thursday of every month, different places, good talks, nice people, topics about Ruby & beyond.
Helsinki Ruby
@[email protected]Organisers of Oh the Humanity! and Euruko 2022 conferences. Helsinki Ruby ry is a non-profit organisation that aims to promote Ruby and software engineering in general.
@[email protected]PicoRuby and PRK Firmware
Helvetic Ruby
@[email protected]The Swiss Ruby conference.
Helvetic Ruby 2025 takes place on May 23, 2025, in Geneva, Switzerland.
To stay up to date with the latest news, you can send us your email address to [email protected]
@[email protected]Phylum automatically detects and blocks software supply chain attacks originating from open-source package registries: npm, PyPI, Rubygems, Crates.io, Nuget, Maven and Go.
Follow for research on supply chain attacks, malicious packages, and security shenanigans.