RubyKaigi 2024

Day 3 (38)

TIL: we can define a method with keyword arguments with keyword names.

I should have learned this before going up to the Commiters and the World stage at 2024... 🤣

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Honestly, moving more Ruby internal methods into Ruby itself really helps lower the barrier to entry for new contributors as well, so I'm all in for these changes! ✨

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音ゲー曲流れるらしいのでパリピしに来た #rubykaigi

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fediverse で見かけてた Rubyist の方々、ほぼ全員お会いできたので最高でした

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fediverse で見かけてた Rubyist の方々、ほぼ全員お会いできたので最高でした

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