RubyWorld Conference 2024

Day 1 (52) Andy Piper (24)

There is some very cool embedded and device stuff going on at #RubyWorld. TIL about PRK firmware for custom keyboards, mRuby-c, PicoRuby, and more. I feel a bit of an interloper with my MicroPython bias - I'll have to check some of this stuff out...

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I had custom stickers made, specially as gifts for #RubyWorld attendees!

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Observation - the birdsite, under its original name, appears to remain sticky here in Japan despite the relative popularity of federated alternatives, and reported growth of Bluesky. It makes me slightly sad to see Twitter usernames on slides at #RubyWorld 😞

Here's how and why I gave it all up and moved on to better things - despite lots of followers, and a long history with the platform.

andypiper.co.uk/2023/07/31/goo [参照]

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Here is kicking off #RubyWorld 2024!

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Ok... Hello folks on Threads! I literally now have to rewrite a section of my #RubyWorld talk for this morning... I hope the interpreter is not too upset with me for changing the script!

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They... Got Ruby running on the NES...!?! 🤯 #RubyWorld (he showed a little game demo as well)

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... also, the sponsors and the attendees here are super friendly and patient with my lack of Japanese - I am very grateful 🙏🏻 #RubyWorld

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Learning about Ruby in the browser. #RubyWorld

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Come on #rubyists - who else is going to be talking about #RubyWorld on fedi? andyp.url.lol/rw2024

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