Drupal Events and Local Associations
By Pedro Cambra @[email protected]Accounts for Drupal events and local associations
Drupal Belgium
@[email protected]Nieuws en events van de Belgische Drupal community
Actualités et événements de la communauté Drupal belge
News and events from the Belgian Drupal community
Managed by DUG BE vzw
Drupal France et Francophonie
@[email protected]Notre mission est de faire découvrir Drupal et de réunir et fédérer les Drupalistes de France et des pays francophones.
Prochain rendez-vous à découvrir prochainement
Drupal Germany
@[email protected]German Drupal Association
DUG Berlin
@[email protected]Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat um 19:30 treffen wir uns in der @cbase
mehr Infos auf https://drupal.berlin
DrupalCamp Cemaes
@[email protected]The most northerly Drupal camp in Wales. 8 June 2024
@[email protected]Grup d'Usuaris de #Drupal en llengua catalana
[ IRC freenode: #drupal.cat ]
[ Drupal Slack: #drupalcat ]
#drupal #drupalcat
Twin Cities Drupal Camp
@[email protected]We're hosting Twin Cities Drupal Camp, this Sept 12-13, 2024. Details and registration at https://2024.twincitiesdrupal.org
Drupal Colorado
@[email protected]Drupal related events, news and happenings in all of Colorado, from the Western Slopes to the Eastern Plains.