Traditional Irish Music
By JanH @[email protected]Users who play traditional Irish music. #irishmusic #irishtradmusic

The Session
@[email protected]The Session is a community website dedicated to Irish traditional music.
You can find tunes to play, find sessions to play them in, and join in discussions about the music. You can also find events (like concerts and festivals), or explore the track listings of recordings.

The Irish Mandolin
@[email protected]London via Derrymacash, Co Armagh. Mandolinfluencer and GDAEvangelist. Recent convert to the electric mandolin as a vehicle for recording tunes. I run and its associated YouTube channel.

@[email protected]Landleben, irish trad music (mandolin, banjo), Schafe, Lausitz, Dresden, Fedora, FOSS, Fotografie + #darktable und natürlich #fcknzs

Ralf Schuh
@[email protected]#brennmalerei #fotografie
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