@[email protected]NYC General Membership Branch of the #IWW, a global union dedicated to direct action, solidarity, and industrial democracy. #1u [email protected]

IWW Belfast
@[email protected]An Injury to One is an Injury to All. Revolutionary union fighting for all workers in Belfast. Ireland Branch | WISE-RA

IWW Italia
@[email protected]Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
Sezione Ufficiale Italia

Freelance Journalists Union
@[email protected]A union for all freelance journalists, bloggers, and other writers in news media | Part of the International Workers of the World (IWW) | Join us at https://freelancejournalistsunion.org | For inquiries or assistance, please email: [email protected] | IG: https://instagram.com/freelancejournalistsunion | Twitter: https://twitter.com/IWWFJU

Upstate NY IWW
@[email protected]Looking to organize your workplace in NY or adjoining regions? Hit us up at upstatenyiww.wordpress.com or check out our articles out every Sunday.

IWW Ruhrgebiet
@[email protected]The IWW local of Bochum informs about industrial action in the greater Ruhr area, Germany.

Tacoma IWW
@[email protected]Tacoma, Wa. branch of the
Industrial Workers of the World
Email us to join our branch: [email protected]

IWW Ruhrgebiet
@[email protected]Die IWW Ortsgruppe Bochum informiert über Aktionen und Arbeitskämpfe im Ruhrgebiet und drum herum.

@[email protected]General membership branch IWW Hamburg

IWW Liverpool
@[email protected]Official account of IWW Liverpool, a union for all workers. An injury to one is an injury to all!