Portail des médias libres (liste non francophone)
By Le Portail des médias libres @[email protected]Une liste des médias indépendants du monde entier référencés sur le Portail des médias libres, une plateforme d'accès à la presse indépendante animée par les journalistes de Basta!

@[email protected]The official Mastodon page for ProPublica.
Pursuing stories with moral force.

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@[email protected]Bellingcat is an independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators, and citizen journalists brought together by a passion for open source research.
Want to support our charity? http://bellingcat.com/donate/
Buy our book "We Are Bellingcat" here: http://bit.ly/2EP09EN
Our award-winning podcast series: http://apple.co/36LJURI

El Salto Diario
@[email protected]Somos un medio de comunicación autogestionado, horizontal y asambleario. Aún publicamos en papel.

The Conversation U.S.
@[email protected]A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of researchers, scientists and experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.
Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.
We're committed to the openness of the Fediverse.
We're the US edition of the largest publisher of news under Creative Commons license in the world -- our articles are free to read (and publish) without ads, paywalls or subscription fees.

The Intercept
@[email protected]Fearless, adversarial journalism. Join our newsletter to get our best investigative reporting delivered to you: https://theintercept.com/newsletter/

The Tyee
@[email protected]Independent BC-based journalism that swims against the current. Paywall-free since 2003.

@[email protected]Free thinking for the world 🌍 We're an independent media organisation covering world affairs and ideas.
* Please don't send story tips through Mastodon - contact us through our website.

The Conversation UK
@[email protected]Independent news website. Only publishes articles written by academics and researchers. No paywall, no ads. We need experts.

@[email protected]Apache is een onafhankelijk, progressief en advertentievrij nieuwsmedium. Onze onderzoeksjournalisten nemen de tijd om bloot te leggen wat er misloopt. Zo lees je op apache.be elke dag wat iedereen zou moeten weten.
Vier keer per jaar brengen we ook Apache Magazine uit: onderzoeken, analyses, essays, poëzie, columns en graphic journalism op papier!
Apache (Magazine) wordt uitgegeven door de coöperatie De Werktitel.

@[email protected]Información libre e independiente. Apuesta por el periodismo de calidad. ¡Hazte soci@ y actúa! 👉 http://usuarios.infolibre.es/hazte_socio/

Meduza in English
@[email protected]Breaking news in Russia, investigative reports, interviews, and opinions. In English. You’re welcome.

The Conversation Africa
@[email protected]The Conversation is an independent source of news and views from the academic and research community. All articles are free to republish.

The Conversation ES
@[email protected]Plataforma de divulgación del conocimiento académico y científico en español.
Conectamos a los que saben con los que quieren saber.

@[email protected]Sveriges äldsta socialistiska tidning.