By Anna Dorofeeva @[email protected]Scholarly accounts (individual and institutional) representing any aspect of the European Middle Ages.

Prof Susan Oosthuizen
@[email protected]Professor (Em.) of Medieval Archaeology, University of Cambridge.
Interested in the origins of early #medieval English society; rights of #common; #landscape #archaeology & #history c400-1200. Research & publications at

James Baillie
@[email protected]Kartvelologist, historian & digital humanist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Also game designer, liberal policy nerd, provider of cute animal pictures, writer and songwriter in various formats, etc.

Catherine Rideau-Kikuchi
@[email protected]Médiéviste, maîtresse de conférence à l'université de Versailles Saint-Quentin. Je travaille sur l'histoire économique et sociale des débuts de l'imprimerie et de l'industrie du papier en Italie.
#ESR #histodon #medievistodon #histoire
#printinghistory #bookhistory #publichistory #paperhistory

Medieval Illumination
@[email protected]Hi, I'm here to keep Mastodon a beautiful place. I post an excerpt of #medieval #bookIllumination 🏰📖 every day at 7 AM CET, showcasing the intricate artistry of the #MiddleAges.
We explore the fascinating world of medieval art, where hidden humor🐒, stunning visuals 👹, and rich history 🪽 come together to challenge misconceptions. Let's appreciate the vibrant world of medieval manuscripts and discover how the Middle Ages were far from dark.

Anna Dorofeeva
@[email protected]Historian researching #medieval writing: scribes, scripts and #manuscripts in the digital age. Lecturer in Digital #Palaeography at the University of Göttingen.
@[email protected]Freelance researcher & cataloguer of medieval manuscripts.
User of Open Source software.
Personal site:
#medieval #manuscripts #cataloguing #illuminatedManuscripts #provenance #Oxford

@[email protected]Works with Books of Hours (
CoKL DB) and tracks BAV Manuscripts. Occasionally teaches Renaissance dance

Claire Barnes
@[email protected]Interested in the life, times & legacy of Elizabeth de Burgh, #LadyOfClare - the remarkable #14thCentury patron of #ClareCollege at #CambridgeUniversity in England. Searchable.

DHI Paris
@[email protected]Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris arbeitet unter dem Motto Forschen - Vermitteln - Qualifizieren. Es ist Teil der Max Weber Stiftung. Toots von Mareike König, Theresa Finger, Corentin Marion und Loïc Oberdorfer.

Oxford Medieval Studies
@[email protected]OMS is the interdisciplinary platform for medieval studies across Oxford supported by TORCH - find out more at

Paul Bertrand aka Medieviz
@[email protected]Médiéviste, historien
A la fac ou en train de fouiller les vieux parchemins. Et pour l'instant, à Princeton NJ, où je rédige un autre essai sur le faux (pour les anglophones cette fois), où je m'affronte à l'histoire faite aux USA et où je regarde, médusé, l'histoire se faire, terrifiante.

Laura Ingallinella
@[email protected]Assistant Professor of Italian Studies and Renaissance at the University of Toronto, Canada.
I work on late medieval and Renaissance Italy. My primary interests lie in transregional processes of identity-making via literacy, manuscripts, and translation. Right now, I am working on a book called "Nations of the Book: Transcultural Textualities in Early Renaissance Italy." More recently, I have also started working on intersectional formations of gender and race in Renaissance Italian theater.

Lisa Fagin Davis
@[email protected]Medievalist: paleographer, codicologist, fragmentologist, Voynichologist, Simmons University School of Library and Information Science prof, UVA Rare Book School prof, Director of the Medieval Academy of America. Come for the Voynich, stay for the fragmentology!

Andrea Rapp
@[email protected]Computational Philology and Medieval Studies @TUDarmstadt

Patrick Sahle
@[email protected]Digital Humanist, Köln, Bergische Universität Wuppertal = DHBUW, Institut für Dokumentologie und Editorik (IDE)

Dominik Waßenhoven
@[email protected]I’m a #medieval historian based at the University of Cologne. ❧ My focus is on Northern European History (England, Scandinavia, ‘Germany’), especially in the 10th–12th centuries. I’m mainly interested in the depiction of history and how contemporaries viewed their own time and their immediate past. ❧ Header image: Bamberg Msc.Lit.53, fol.2v ❧ Opinions are my own. ❧ My posts will be deleted after 6 months (unless I bookmark, pin or fav them). ❧ Bookwyrm: @domwass

Dr. Erica Buchberger
@[email protected]Assoc. Prof. of History @UTRGV. DPhil @UnivOxford. From WI. Early medieval Gaul, Iberia, ethnic & religious IDs. Opinions mine.

Pierre Chambert-Protat
@[email protected]Philologue au département des manuscrits de la bibliothèque Vaticane. Français, Lyonnais, mari et père.
#histodon #histodons #medievistodons #libraries #bibliothèques #bibliopat #bookhistory

Matt Gabriele
@[email protected]Professor. religion/ violence. medieval/ modern. nostalgia/ apocalypse. THE BRIGHT AGES (Harper, 2021). OATHBREAKERS (Harper, 2024). Neutral Good. he/him

Jean-Baptiste Camps
@[email protected]'Linguistic detective '🔍 according to N.Y. Times
Associate Professor in Computational Philology at
at the École des chartes, PSL
Recently Visiting Professor at the Venice Center for Digital and Public Humanities
Personnal account

@[email protected] #DigitalHumanities #AuxHist #DigitalDiplomatics #SemanticWeb #DigitalScholarlyEdition @DH_Graz

Kent Navalesi ☕️
@[email protected]Historian of #religion in #LateAntiquity. Author of the forthcoming book, "The Prose Lives of Venantius Fortunatus: Hagiography and the Laity in Sixth-Century Gaul" (Amsterdam UP).
Also dad to six cats, coffee enthusiast, art lover, #YIMBY, (very) amateur smartphone photographer 📸. #gardening in 7a #Kentucky

Yvonne Seale
@[email protected]Historian of #medieval women, especially the #nuntastic kind; lover of tea; associate professor of history at SUNY Geneseo.

Clemens Radl
@[email protected]Historian (medieval), digital MGH

Mark Saltveit
@[email protected]Author, standup comedian, and independent scholar.
Interested in palindromes, antiquity and the early medieval, ancient coins, Daoism aka Taoism, comedy, politics, and music among other rabbit holes.

Marjorie Burghart
@[email protected]Medievalist and Digital Humanist - CNRS (France). All views strictly my own.

@[email protected]Wir entwickeln ein Portal für #Handschriften in deutschen Sammlungen | We’re creating a portal for #manuscripts in German collections | @stabi_berlin, @ubleipzig, @bsbmuenchen, @hab_wf & @IBI_HU

Winston Black
@[email protected]Historian of Medieval Medicine and Religion. He/him. Dad, Cat Dad, Book Dad. Gatto Chair of Christian Studies at St. Francis Xavier University.
Live and work in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia.
#histodon #medievodon and #twitterstorian often sharing #histmed #medhist #plague #herbalism

Ruth Karras
@[email protected]Medieval history. Migrant. Author. Grandparent. Knitter. Feminist killjoy. She/her/hers. Views mine, not those of TCD.

Nicolas Perreaux
@[email protected]Médiéviste (LaMOP, Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) : Europe médiévale, sémantique historique, IA, data/text mining.

C. E. M. Henderson
@[email protected]PhD@ UToronto CMS/BHPC. Palaeography, codicology, medieval studies, games studies. Course instructor in Digital Humanities. Queer #AuDHD disaster child. Currently teaching computers how to read and yelling about labour rights.

@[email protected]research fellow in medieval history at DiSSGeA - University of Padova / editor of Reti Medievali and I Quaderni del Maes

Hana Videen
@[email protected]Writer, medievalist, hoarder of words. Author of THE WORDHORD: DAILY LIFE IN OLD ENGLISH and THE DEORHORD: AN OLD ENGLISH BESTIARY. Sharing the Old English Word of the Day since 2013.

Alison I. Beach
@[email protected]Professor of Medieval History at the University of St Andrews. My research focuses on medieval religious women.

Matthew Holford
@[email protected]Medievalist and book historian tooting about manuscripts, archives, libraries, and occasionally digital humanities. Based at the Bodleian Libaries but posting in a personal capacity.

Constanze Buyken
@[email protected]A medieval historian at heart and by doctoral degree, I work within the DH Lab (@DHLab_IEG) at the Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz (@IEG), where I coordinate the "Digital Map Lab Holy Roman Empire" (@DigiKAR) and contribute to the project NFDI4Memory (@NFDI4Memory) as Liaison Officer and Services Coordinator.

Carin Ruff
@[email protected]Medievalist and preservationist based in DC. Academic interests: the pedagogy of paleography, medieval Latin, and the history of grammar. Projects of the moment: an open-access Latin paleography textbook and a novel about nuns and archaeologists. More at .
Header image is Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, Cod. Aug. perg. 171, fol. 1r. Cassiodorus, De septem artibus liberalibus. CC BY 4.0.

Henrike Lähnemann
@[email protected]Eclectic mix of German Studies; medieval miscellany; Oxford news; manuscript studies. Blowing my own French horn & that of medieval and German studies at Oxford 📯

Andrew Dunning
@[email protected]Curator of medieval manuscripts at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford.

Germania Sacra
@[email protected]Forschungsprojekt zur Kirchengeschichte des Alten Reiches, Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen

Gillian Gower, PhD
@[email protected]Lecturer at UCLA and Honorary Research Fellow, University of Edinburgh. British-American.
Medieval studies, cultural and historical musicology, digital humanities, literary history, and the academic labor crisis.
Currently researching: medieval English and Scottish queens and their music
Currently teaching: LGBTQ+ Popular Music
Research interests: #MedievalManuscripts, #medievalism, #GenderStudies, #DigitalHumanities

Suzette van Haaren
@[email protected]Postdoc at @sfb1567, subproject B02 Virtual Middle Ages/Virtuelles Mittelalter | Toots mostly about digitisation and medieval manuscripts 📖🖥️ | she/her

Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
@[email protected]Initiiert 1853, ist das Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum CIL die umfassendste und bedeutendste systematische Sammlung antiker lateinischer Inschriften.

Middle Ages in Modern Games
@[email protected]The Middle Ages in Modern Games digital conference - homepage at

@[email protected]Medieval historian

@[email protected]The official account of Fragmentarium, Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments. Posts currently by William Duba, Project Coordinator.

Thom Gobbitt
@[email protected]I'm an early #medievalist, focusing on the #history of #law and #lawbooks from the sixth to thirteenth centuries. Postdoc historian on the #PresentDead project.
I'm also slowly creating a #ttrpg game based on the early #medieval #Lombard laws, #LangobardRPG. He/him.

Medieval Ecocriticisms
@[email protected]For scholars and other interested folks interested in environmental studies and the global Middle Ages, across disciplines, geographies, temporalities.

@[email protected]Forum zum britisch-irischen Mittelalter • England ⁊ Irland ⁊ Schottland ⁊ Wales • Keltologie ⁊ Anglistik ⁊ Geschichte ⁊ Archäologie ⁊ Literatur ⁊ Kultur • Posts von @domwass