#Bookstodon DE & Intl.
By Klaudia (aka jinxx) @[email protected]Authors, editors, publishers, illustrators and other book folks. Also follow the hashtags #WritersCoffeeClub #Writing #Autorenleben #indieauthor #Buch #Lesen

@[email protected]Posting tips and answering questions about how to use Mastodon and the Fediverse 🌍
There are lots of guides on my site at https://fedi.tips. If you can't find your answer @ or DM me, there's no such thing as a silly question!
I am a volunteer, you can buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/fedithing or become a patron at https://liberapay.com/FediThing
Maintained by @FediThing, banner artwork is by @posiputt
🎂 Account originally joined mstdn.social on 16th Nov 2020

Jan Böhmermann 🤨
@[email protected]
🇪🇺 / from the motherland of fun and laughter / ZDF Magazin Royale / fest & flauschig bei Spotify / hotline +49 30 959997666 / ❤️✊😉

Der Postillon 📯
@[email protected]Ehrliche Nachrichten - unabhängig, schnell, seit 1845

Ralph Ruthe
@[email protected]Autor, Musiker, Filmemacher, Cartoonist - www.ruthe.de

Marina Weisband
@[email protected]Demokratie wachsen lassen.

🐘 Offizieller Account
🐾 Die taz wird ermöglicht von über 22.000 Genoss*innen und http://taz.de/taz-zahl-ich. Macht auch mit!
🤖 Die meisten Posts sind automatisiert
💌 Inhaltliches Feedback an die Redaktion bitte an [email protected], zum Kanal hier an [email protected], https://taz.de/impressum

@[email protected]Recommending interesting accounts to follow on Mastodon and the Fediverse 🌐
You can see past recommendations organised into categories on my website at https://fedi.directory
I am a volunteer, you can buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/fedithing or become a patron at https://liberapay.com/FediThing
Maintained by @FediThing
🎂 Account originally joined mastodon.online on 11th June 2020

@[email protected]Hier trötet die tagesschau Nachrichten von https://www.tagesschau.de/
Offizieller Account.

Cory Doctorow
@[email protected]By Cory Doctorow (GPG 0xBF3D9110957E5F4C)
Archived at pluralistic.net
I post long threads. If you don't like these in your timeline but want to read them, I suggest unfollowing me here and subscribing to my RSS, or my newsletter, or any of my various long-form feeds. Links at https://pluralistic.net.

Project Gutenberg
@[email protected]Project Gutenberg, founded in 1971, is the oldest producer and distributor of free ebooks.
For more information, visit our website at:

Le Monde.fr
@[email protected]Le compte officiel du journal du même nom.

Marc-Uwe Kling
@[email protected]Der offizielle Mastodon-Kanal von Marc-Uwe, Känguru, QualityLand, NEINhorn, Tiffany und Co. Mehr Infos und alle Auftrittstermine auf der Website.

Sarah Bosetti
@[email protected]Feministin wider Willen. „BOSETTI WILL REDEN“ beim ZDF, Podcast "Bosettis Woche" bei extra3, Autorin bei Rowohlt.
Buch: https://www.rowohlt.de/buch/sarah-bosetti-wer-angst-hat-soll-zuhause-bleiben-9783499012495
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BosettiWillReden

@[email protected]Herzlich willkommen auf dem offiziellen Mastodon-Account der Bundesregierung. Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch mit Ihnen!

Katja Diehl
@[email protected]Zwei SPIEGEL-Bestsellerbücher, über fünf Jahre Podcast, unzählige Lesungen und Keynotes - aber nur ein Ziel: Eine klima- und sozial gerechte Mobilität für alle - Anfragen als Speakerin bitte an: [email protected]
David Revoy
@[email protected]🍄 I write and draw the webcomics Pepper & Carrot and Mini Fantasy Theater. I also have fun with the Fediverse mascots.
🌱 I publish under Creative Commons licenses and use only free/libre and open source tools.
📽️ I also blog about what I'm doing and share resources and video tutorials for artists.
No AI generated images

Katharina Nocun
@[email protected]Hatte Eintrag in der Inpol-Fall Datei Cybercrime. Autorin. Podcasterin. Dect: #3724

Mastodon Migration
@[email protected]Sharing advice and assisting with the great migration, plus various thoughts and perspectives.
Banner Artwork: Julio Lacerda https://linktr.ee/julio.lacerda
Avatar Artwork: Brandon Pilcher https://brandonpilchersart.com
Individual account not representing any entity or organization.
Curates: @ClimateMigration @AstroMigration
#mastodonmigration #twittermigration
@[email protected]Free, private, open source office suite by @tdforg and a worldwide community. LibreOffice was based on OpenOffice. #foss #opensource
Nextcloud 📱☁️💻
@[email protected]A safe home for all your data, community-driven & open source!
Join us at https://help.nextcloud.com and https://github.com/nextcloud 😊

@[email protected]Mit viel gutem Willen kann man das hier als Kunst bezeichnen. // kriegundfreitag.de

Micro SF/F by O. Westin
@[email protected]Very short science fiction/fantasy stories by O. Westin. Please Boost any you like.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/microsff
Home: http://microsff.com/

Charlie Stross
@[email protected]Scottish resident SF/F author (he/him/they/them). Three times Hugo Award winner. Does not play well with Nazis. Abolish the monarchy!
Born in a world with 320ppm atmospheric CO2, 3.3 billion people.
@cstross.bsky.social on Bluesky

@[email protected]Kleine Comics übers Leben, die Liebe und den ganzen behämmerten Rest. 🍪
Comics in English: https://mastodon.social/@heyokyay
@[email protected]Das Medienmagazin: übermedien.de

Jasmin Schreiber
@[email protected]liebmausige Schriftstellerin, Biologin, Illustratorin, Wissenschaftsjournalistin und Podcasterin. Kolumnen: schreibersnaturarium.de & hortarium.de

@[email protected]Blicke unter die Oberfläche! Damit du mehr siehst als nur die Nachrichten des Tages. Unabhängiger #Journalismus #werbefrei. #Umwelt | #Wissen | #Tech | #Klima | #International. We love #Longreads. 100+ Autorinnen & Autoren, 1 #Genossenschaft. #fedi22 #RiffReporter #newstodon Ihr findet uns auf https://www.riffreporter.de/de

@[email protected]Wir sind ein digitales Magazin, unabhängig und werbefrei. Unsere Mission: Verstehe die Zusammenhänge.

Sibylle Berg
@[email protected]Dramatik Bücher, EU-Parlament als Hobby

Geschichten aus der Geschichte
@[email protected]

Eva Wolfangel
@[email protected]cyber cyber journalist
Buch "Ein falscher Klick" - jetzt erschienen!
Matrix: @wolfangel:matrix.org
Threema: 47M5V464
Signal: wolfangel.42

Arne Semsrott
@[email protected]@fragdenstaat, @freiheitsfonds

@[email protected]A federated reading platform.

Fediverse Report
@[email protected]Fediverse Report gives you an in-depth overview of the world of decentralised social networks.
I write a weekly newsletter about the ATmosphere, a weekly newsletter about the fediverse, as well as the background articles on the networks.

Tommy Krappweis
@[email protected]RTLSamstagNacht Comedian/Musician/Director, Creator of Bernd das Brot, Mara und der Feuerbringer, Ghostsitter, Kohlrabenschwarz, Grandude bei @WildMics #nachsitzen Klimaschutz👍🏼. Nazis👎🏼.

Flipboard Culture Desk
@[email protected]Welcome to Flipboard’s culture and lifestyle picks. You'll find insightful interviews, revealing reviews and thought-provoking features. Posts are handpicked by Flipboard editors. Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting. #Culture #Entertainment #TheArts #Food
Get the app to explore your interests all in one place: https://about.flipboard.com/download-flipboard/
Header image: Group of people having fun at concert. Photo by Getty Images

Michael Lucas
@[email protected]
Kvetching, not complaining.
Writes books. Pet rats. Martial arts. Punch Nazis & terfs. If it wasn't on Industrial Records it's not industrial music, it's just sparkling noise. He/him. Bangpath old. Gelato!

Mary Robinette Kowal
@[email protected]'Mary Robinette' like 'Mary Anne.'
Nebula & Hugo-awarded author, puppeteer, & narrator (she/her) http://patreon.com/maryrobinette

Nowhere Girl
@[email protected]Formerly from Twitter and Mastodon.lol. Trans, bi, she / her. Writing, dreams, politics, science, metaphysics.
Blocking and muting you is the easiest thing in the world if you mouth off at me.

Ernie Smith
@[email protected]Editor of Tedium, an offbeat newsletter that’s been rocking since 2015. I complain on the internet a lot, and I accidentally made a search engine.
Support what I do here: https://ko-fi.com/tedium
Interests: #writing #news #history #technology #retrotech #weird #geoworks #freelance

Patricia Cammarata ✅
@[email protected]Bestsellerautorin Beltz und Eichborn; 20% witziger als auf Twitter, Silversurfer in spe und Digital Native in einem. Playstation Sugar Mommy von @monoxyd. Impressum https://dasnuf.de/impressumunddatenschutz

reticuleena Leena Simon
@[email protected]"Ich kann nicht alles wissen, aber ich will wissen, wovon ich keine Ahnung habe."
Netzphilosophin, IT-Beraterin, Digitalcourage-Aktivistin und Autorin von "Digitale Mündigkeit".
Klaudia (aka jinxx)
@[email protected]#Autorin · #Podcasting · #Datenschutz- & #ITSecurity-#Awareness · #DigitaleInklusion · #Fediverse · ViennaWriter's Blog & Podcast · #TheDinerPodcast · #DatenschutzPodcast 2018-23 · PrivacyWeek 2016-21 · #SolarpunkSpace · #DesperateHousehackers · #PaulaKrimi · #NaUndDasBuch · #WomenInTechBook · Adminette von literatur.social & litera.tools

Asterix Archiv - Comedix.de 💎
@[email protected]"Sie sind alle so dumm, und ich bin ihr Chef!" - General Strategus in "Asterix und die Goten". Asterix natus @ 277ppm. Auf der guten Seite von Social Media und seit 1998 auf Comedix.de

Matt Baer
@[email protected]Photos, words, privacy, and the open web. Dreaming of another future. 📍 Brooklyn
Founder https://musing.studio / @write_as
Lead dev @writefreely
Co-organizer @nycphotostroll
Admin @ https://Writing.Exchange
Toots are searchable. #fedi22 #writing #stories #poetry #software #fediverse #web #photography

Lili Saintcrow
@[email protected]I write books.
Black sheep of the von Schtupp clan. A crow for a fetch, I'm your huckleberry. (Hint: Like "synchro.")

@[email protected]Type words, put them on the internet — and fediverse. Powered by @writefreely.
Part of the @musing suite.
@snap_as · @remark_as · @submit_as
Toots here by @matt.

Deutscher Journalisten-Verband
@[email protected]Der Deutsche Journalisten-Verband (DJV) vertritt als Gewerkschaft und Berufsverband die berufs- und medienpolitischen Ziel der hauptberuflichen Journalist:innen aller Medien.

@[email protected]Hier ist Bayern.

Leta McCollough Seletzky
@[email protected]Writer | Lapsed litigator | NEA Literary Fellow | Words in The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc. | Author of THE KNEELING MAN | she/her https://www.letaseletzky.com/ Order THE KNEELING MAN here: http://bit.ly/3Et5MEz 🙏🏽