Agile Menschen
By Thomas - NBA @[email protected]Menschen, die sich mit agilen Methoden und Prozessen auseinander setzen.

Kent Beck
@[email protected]My personal mission is to help geeks feel safe in the world--process, tools, technique, coaching. Also an artist, musician, writer, pokerist.

Allen Holub
@[email protected]For the moment, this account is mostly cross-posted tweets. Unfortunately, you won't be able to see any of the replies from Twitter so the conversation is split between two sites. (I'll obviously reply to comments on Mastodon on Mastodon.) Find me on Twitter at if you want to follow the conversation over there.

Ron Jeffries
@[email protected]XP guy. Old, programmer for more than six decades. Early XP learner / proponent. Manifesto author. I try to be helpful, and funny. Sometimes succeed. If something I say troubles you, I probably meant to be amusing. Call me on it. I want to learn. Pronouns he/him go best with the beard. I'll try to honor yours, and am fallible.

Eberhard Wolff
@[email protected]Head of Architecture at SWAGLab . Software Architecture. Technology. Learning every day. He / him🐺

Brian Marick
@[email protected]Long-time software person (programming and testing). Involved in Agile from relatively early on. One of those grumpy old-timers who think it's lost its way.
I retired during Covid. I am now focused on, "a podcast for people who want to apply ideas from *outside* software *to* software."
There’s a podcast-specific account at This, my main account, is for other tech tweets, boosts of the amusing or interesting, and some leftish #uspol.

J. B. Rainsberger (he)
@[email protected]Pro 5-pin bowler who consults for software companies to pay for bowling. en/sv/fr/es

Ward Cunningham
@[email protected]EE and CS from Purdue in the '70s.
Operated Novice through Extra from W9YB.
Career programmer. Objects, Patterns, Wiki.
Always some radio and lots of experimenting.

Jason Yip
@[email protected]Senior Manager Product Engineering. #ExtremeProgramming, #Agile, #Lean guy. Ex-Spotify, ex-ThoughtWorks, ex-CruiseControl. I'm a #Canadian / #Australian in #NewYork.

Cosima (she/her)
@[email protected]Toots in EN and DE
#Seeliebe (bis 2024) #Rheinfall (ab 2025) #autofrei (seit 2023) #Bodensee #graveltales #itsTheLittleThings #MentalHealth
#running #notjustsad #vegan #minimalism #cycling #writing
Bridgebuilder. OrgGardener. Professional Coach (ICF PCC). Technical & Agile Coach. Solo-Freelancer. Human Being.
// #ImpACTfulMindSkills #AchtsamkeitOhneChichi
// #BusinessJournaling #Leadership
// #Facilitation #DDD #TeamCoaching #DEIB
// #SystemsThinking #Psychology #SoftwareArchitecture
ralf tauscher
@[email protected]
#interactivefiction #gemini #tokipona #selfhost #freesoftware #agile
part of @wir
i am also more work related @derralf at @haufegroup

Dave Snowden
@[email protected]Founder & CSO The Cynefin co.

Thomas Michl
@[email protected]Agile Coach - Organisationsscout - Scrum-Enthusiast und Kanban-Fan - Veränderungsbegleiter - Dipl.-Verw.Wiss. - MBA - 🇮🇪 Irland-Fan - Mitgründer Forum Agile Verwaltung - privat unterwegs

Jutta Eckstein
@[email protected]Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Author. Enabling Company-wide Agility and (social, economic & environmental) Sustainability even in Large & Distributed Organizations.

@[email protected]Wissenswertes rund um #Scrum. Für und aus der Praxis. Gelebtes agiles Projektmanagement.Deutschsprachig. Für eine offene und positive (Um)welt und (Mit)menschen

Agile Alliance
@[email protected]Agile Alliance is a global nonprofit membership organization dedicated to people and organizations that apply the values and principles of the Agile Manifesto. Join us! #Agile #Agility

Stefan Roock
@[email protected]Agile Leadership, Product Ownership, Agile Orgs for a sustainable future. @it-agile. Mountainbiker, Windsurfer. 3 Kids.

Mark Levison
@[email protected]Certified Scrum Trainer | I help organizations and teams become more effective. I use #Scrum, #Kanban #Agile #BehaviouralPsychology. | I’ve helped over 8000 people build better teams
I dabble with #PKM aka Personal Knowledgement Management so the ideas that fall out of my head get written down somewhere #Obsidian. #fedi22

Reinald Kirchner
@[email protected]In erster Linie empathischer Mensch. Von Allem ein bischen: Agile Coach, Fotograf, Musiker, Blogger, Energiewende, Verkehrswende

André Claaßen
@[email protected]Objectives & Key Results #OKR Coach helping you to reach your wildest goals with a heart for #agile and the #publicsector

Corinna Baldauf (she/her)
@[email protected]Lefty snowflake. Part of the agile bubble.,, 24 Work Hacks.

ralf warümme tauscher
@[email protected]scrum master @haufegroup inviting people to share workshop material
#librescrum #nosafe
part of the #ZombieScrumResistance
i am also co-founder of and there is my more non-work related account: @stereo

Sebastian Sanitz
@[email protected]Hamburg

Dr. Karen Eilers
@[email protected]I am a researcher at the Institute for Transformation in #Hamburg. My focus is on changes in the workplace and the associated challenges and solutions.
My key areas? #Agility, #agilemindset, #leadership, #digitalization / #AI, and #psychologicalsafety.
I bring insights into practice as a #speaker, #trainer, #lecturer, and active business #consultant.

Falk Appel
@[email protected]I live in the borderlands in the valley of shadows. It is the last building before the border, in the middle of the woods. I connect with the people through the stars in the sky, help them create their artifacts. As a master of the agile arts people ask me for help and I’m glad to help. For most people it’s a mystery what I do but there are others of my kind. While my white wolf protects the house. We keep an eye on these nordic walkers, but they are very rare. Winter is coming.

Agile Testing Days
@[email protected]Agile Testing Days is a 4-day conference (Onsite & Virtual) on Nov. 24 - 27, 2025, for international agile software testers and engineers gathered to learn, share, and network.

Thomas - NBA
@[email protected]Bei „No Bullshit Agile“ dreht sich alles um agiles Arbeiten in der Praxis. Ich gebe konkrete Einblicke und Tipps für die erfolgreiche Umsetzung agiler Methoden und erzähle von meinen Erfahrungen mit Kunden, Teams und den Menschen hinter den Projekten. Details findest Du auf

Detlef Stern
@[email protected]Decentralized collaboration. Agile & PKM nerd. Nordisch by nature, white belt by choice. Professor. Information Systems (CS, PM). #agiles_studieren #zettelstore
Posts are deleted after one month. Thoughts are ephemeral. Use a zettelkasten.

Rosanna Sibora
@[email protected]Tech Product Leader | Keynote Speaker | Coach
I’m a passionate digital leader, change maker and intrapreneur. I’m leading with my brain & heart, focusing on establishing a low hierarchy team culture based on:
psychological safety,
constructive nonconformity
and DEIB.
I believe that empowerment, autonomy and co-creation unleash the full potential of teams. People-centered leadership is my passion.
I’m an expert in IT transformation. I build & lead user-centric product teams.

CoP "Agilität in Bibliotheken"
@[email protected]Account der Community of Practice Agilität in Bibliotheken. Verbindet seit 2020 Praktizierende agiler Arbeitsformen aus dem DACH-Bibliotheksbereich.

@[email protected]Global UnConference(s) for high PLAYformance in agile teams since 2011. #p4a25 takes place from August 28-31, 2025 in Rückersbach.

Wir schützen unsere Freiheit nicht, indem wir sie abschaffen.
Möchte in einer Welt leben in der Gutmensch keine Beleidigung ist.
Keine Toleranz den Intoleranten!
Reale Satire & Zeug
IT.PM & Scrum Product Owner

Michael 'Mícheál' Muench
@[email protected]I am interested in all sorts of stuff. Mostly #NewLeadership #organisational #development, #FuturesOfWork #Fediverse #agile #Coaching #Scrum ... Co-organiser of #AgileCoachCampCologne #accCGN25, 3day conference @acccgn . Inventor and Co-organiser of #peopleworklearning

Adrian Salamon 🇪🇺
@[email protected]#Scrum Master (I take scrum serious and I'm precise with it) / #agile dude, ex teacher (computer science & history), #FreeSoftware lover, LaTeX stylist, #selfhosting dude (media, file storage, git, Chat and more!) #EuropeanUnion

@[email protected]More details on event page Thu 01.- Sat 03.05.2025 #accCGN25 We are into #Transformation, #NewLeadership and more. #agile #coachcamp #leadership #scrum

@[email protected]Agile Coach, Child, Heckler, Wise Fool and Dreamer. Science over cult. Research over simplistic answers.