64 awesome Scala accounts on Mastodon.
@[email protected]Software Architect - Java/Scala Developer - Cybersecurity - Sci-Fi - Heavy Metal - Trekking - BJJ - Airsoft
@[email protected]Father of a young hockey player and two other future young hockey players. I develop software products from idea to working solution.
Sam (Never Mantha)
@[email protected]I'm a developer for fun and profit. I write #scala, usually of the functional variety. I'm on the #typelevel steering committee. I care about #data and #resiliency and those two things combined. I also #sew and #knit.
This is one of my accounts! I have another account over at @spills
I'm pretty sure I don't know what I'm doing.
Chema Cortés *ℝ
@[email protected]💻Elegant code λx ↦ f x
📏 FP with scala and elm.
👾 Generation ZX
💡 "I find that I don’t understand things unless I try to program them" -- Donald Knuth
Jérémy La Scala
@[email protected]Doctoral assistant in Learning Sciences 🧑🏫 @ REACT group #epfl · Microengineer specialised in low-power embedded systems for the Internet of Things · VP Outreach @graasp · Slightly involved in politics
Toots in 🇨🇭🇺🇸🇫🇷
Antonio Gelameris
@[email protected]Italian/Greek #scala dev and physicist, passing Turing tests since 1989. I have a blog that nobody reads. Opinions are my own. He/him.
Reference to the Future
@[email protected]
Posting random programming BLOBs and hashes
#programming #opensource #cpp #rustlang #java #scala #linux #embedded #webdev
@[email protected]Michael McCray
@[email protected]I am starting a new cybersecurity company based on scala technology
Doc MT
@[email protected]Physician. Arduino fan. Big Data Fanatic. I code in Scala, Python, Rust, R, Java, Shell and a tiny tiny tiny bit of Arduino C.
Shambling Copse
@[email protected]Might know something about #appsec #golang #scala
Been learning the #ukulele
Love #Halloween and run some props in our haunted yard with #arduino and #raspberrypi
@[email protected]Functional programmer with an agile background, Founder. of Agilogy and Scala BCN.
🧒🏼👦🏻👩🏻 Family man , 🎻 amateur violinist.
I (mostly) only talk about sw dev. #Scala #Kotlin and the #jvm.
@[email protected]Scala and React Developer from Stockholm living in Germany and works remote. Interested in UX, Cyber Security and workflows.
Tobias Roeser
@[email protected]Software Developer, Creator, Maintainer, Bikepacker, OSM Mapper, Dad.
Maintainer of Mill build tool, Scala, OSGi, Open Source, OpenStreetMap
Jesse Atkinson
@[email protected]Man about #SanFrancisco. I want better #publictransit and #biking infrastructure. I write #scala for money. I podcast at Detuned Radio for fun. Born & raised in Michigan.
David Salter
@[email protected]Professional software engineer specialising in Backend development, but tinkering in Frontend. Lover of JVM based languages such as Java, Kotlin and Scala. Don’t be surprised if I occasionally mention Disney!
Rosario Esposito (Scalax)
@[email protected]Web developer per lavoro, ciclista per hobby.
"Io ero lì Gandalf, ero lì, 3000 anni fa, quando ci si collegava ad Internet coi provider locali a chiamata urbana. Ero lì, prima di Galaflat e di Libero@Sogno".
Doc Cross
@[email protected]RPG/Boardgame/Card Game player
Born & raised in Northern California. Married with dogs. Very opinionated. Leftie liberal. Ally. Time Dude. Possible bad influence.
He/Him/Sir/Dude/Doctor...I'm flexible.
Blog at: https://dociverse.wordpress.com/
Podcast at: https://www.patreon.com/DocCross
Also available free at: https://anchor.fm/doc-cross
Mattias Fagerström
@[email protected]Backend software developer. Working mostly with Java, Kotlin and Scala. Living in Sweden.