68 awesome Scala accounts on Mastodon.

scala Scala
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Justin du Coeur
@[email protected]

Geek for all seasons, especially , , , , .

Avid programmer, focused on , especially


Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 2,427
Followers 413
Following 169

Mad computer scientist, unfinished project collector, meme enjoyer. Posts mostly tech and memes and tech memes.

Current project: Ludwig, a Lemmy clone in C++ - github.com/ar-nelson/ludwig

Backlog project: Tapir, a single-user Fediverse server - tapir.social

· · · · · · · · · · · (, , ) · / · · ·

Last posted ▼ 3 days ago
Posts 999
Followers 588
Following 1,723
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Philipp Leser-Wolf 🌈 (he/him)
@[email protected]

👋🐶🏳️‍🌈👨‍💻 Queer, dog lover, Ph.D. in particle physics, dev in finance, Scala fan. Trying to be a better person every day.
No smart-ass replies, please. Bitte keine Schlaumeierantworten.

Last posted ▼ 3 days ago
Posts 388
Followers 34
Following 113
Reference to the Future
@[email protected]

Posting random programming BLOBs and hashes



Last posted ▼ 4 days ago
Posts 412
Followers 82
Following 257
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Mattias Fagerström
@[email protected]

Backend software developer. 
Working mostly with Java, Kotlin and Scala.
Living in Sweden.

Last posted ▼ 4 days ago
Posts 59
Followers 11
Following 91
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Developer Supreme. Erlang, C, Python, PHP, .NET, Scala and more. If I'm not coding, I'm lifting.

Last posted ▼ 4 days ago
Posts 251
Followers 16
Following 65
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Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (, , , , , , , ) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.

Tolerates writing for good money.

Has a penchant for , , , .

Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.

Last posted ▼ 4 days ago
Posts 1,838
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Following 666
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Father of a young hockey player and two other future young hockey players. I develop software products from idea to working solution.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,511
Followers 158
Following 229
Carlos Saltos
@[email protected]

Coding with Scala, Elm, Haskell, Python, Erlang, Gleam, Rust, Java and Ruby on Linux and OpenBSD
Co-Founder of Talenteca.com
For geeks -> @csaltos

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 181
Followers 129
Following 188
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he/him/his Dev in Berlin, and

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 534
Followers 150
Following 166
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@[email protected]

Software Engineer based in the UK. Full stack development, usually on the JVM (Kotlin, Java and Scala). My current role also includes devops, mostly on AWS. I’m a big supporter of open-source. Definitely not a techbro!

TDD, BDD, CUPID and general eXtreme Programming concepts. Not a fan of ‘enterprise agile’ - this is wrong!

Father of two teenagers. Ultra-runner, run coach, yoga fan. I do a lot of DIY, particularly building conservation work using traditional materials and skills.

Last posted ▼ 6 days ago
Posts 649
Followers 98
Following 243
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Alex Boisvert
@[email protected]

In search of causality, composition & the right abstraction.

CTO @ Headspace Health.

Happily married, father of 2, or 4 counting furry friends.

Software, computer and electrical engineer.
Ham radio operator (KK6ZBK). I've been using computers since the C=64, ran my own BBS. I enjoy programming, and keep Scala, Nim, Typescript and Flutter easily accessible on my toolbelt.

Social moderate, fiscal conservative.

Also known as @boia01 on twitter.

Last posted ▼ 6 days ago
Posts 56
Followers 74
Following 235

Scala / database / optimization engineer
scala cpp_language react postgresql kubernetes linux
Berkeley, CA, US

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
Posts 26
Followers 7
Following 7

May the force be with you, RAmen.

Nowadays I mainly write code in Go, but I also write/wrote code in Kotlin, Python, Scala, Groovy, Starlark, VimScript, Bash, C/C++, Java, PHP, and probably others.

He/him, they/them, or vi/vim.

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
Posts 400
Followers 34
Following 76
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Romain Ruetschi
@[email protected]

Rust dev at work • Playing around with Swift and SwiftUI at home • Used to work on formal verification for Scala • Haskell enthusiast • Web dev in a previous life • I like 🐈🎾⛷️ 🧗‍♂️🛹👟

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
Posts 149
Followers 210
Following 676
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Professional software engineer specialising in Backend development, but tinkering in Frontend. Lover of JVM based languages such as Java, Kotlin and Scala. 
Don’t be surprised if I occasionally mention Disney!

Last posted ▼ 1 week ago
Posts 51
Followers 8
Following 72
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@[email protected]

Software Architect - Java/Scala Developer - Cybersecurity - Sci-Fi - Heavy Metal - Trekking - BJJ - Airsoft

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 19
Followers 3
Following 135
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Rosario Esposito (Scalax)
@[email protected]

Web developer per lavoro, ciclista per hobby.

"Io ero lì Gandalf, ero lì, 3000 anni fa, quando ci si collegava ad Internet coi provider locali a chiamata urbana. Ero lì, prima di Galaflat e di Libero@Sogno".

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 15
Followers 27
Following 123
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Jérémy La Scala
@[email protected]

Doctoral assistant in Learning Sciences 🧑‍🏫 @ REACT group · Microengineer specialised in low-power embedded systems for the Internet of Things · VP Outreach @graasp · Slightly involved in politics

Toots in 🇨🇭🇺🇸🇫🇷

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 33
Followers 43
Following 220
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Loïc Descotte / Hell D.
@[email protected]

Scala and Doomy Guitar

Last posted ▼ 2 weeks ago
Posts 2
Followers 140
Following 298