28 awesome Scala accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.
Carlos Saltos
@[email protected]Coding with Scala, Elm, Haskell, Python, Erlang, Gleam, Rust, Java and Ruby on Linux and OpenBSD
Co-Founder of http://Talenteca.com
For geeks -> @csaltos
Sören Brunk
@[email protected]Working at the intersection of software engineering and machine learning (∅).
fergal somers
@[email protected]Golang, Kubernetes, Scala nerd
@[email protected]Scala developer, Gaymer, Hobbyist Game Developer
Antonio Gelameris
@[email protected]Italian/Greek #scala dev and physicist, passing Turing tests since 1989. I have a blog that nobody reads. Opinions are my own. He/him.
Alex Boisvert
@[email protected]In search of causality, composition & the right abstraction.
CTO @ Headspace Health.
Happily married, father of 2, or 4 counting furry friends.
Software, computer and electrical engineer.
Ham radio operator (KK6ZBK). I've been using computers since the C=64, ran my own BBS. I enjoy programming, and keep Scala, Nim, Typescript and Flutter easily accessible on my toolbelt.
Social moderate, fiscal conservative.
Also known as @boia01 on twitter.
Shambling Copse
@[email protected]Might know something about #appsec #golang #scala
Been learning the #ukulele
Love #Halloween and run some props in our haunted yard with #arduino and #raspberrypi