32 awesome Scala developers on Mastodon that posted recently.

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Vlad 🇺🇦🦀
@[email protected]

Organic software engineer, focusing on functional programming techniques to improve software quality and reliability. , , are the primary tools, with , , and being hobbies.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Jérémy La Scala
@[email protected]

Doctoral assistant in Learning Sciences 🧑‍🏫 @ REACT group · Microengineer specialised in low-power embedded systems for the Internet of Things · VP Outreach @graasp · Slightly involved in politics

Toots in 🇨🇭🇺🇸🇫🇷

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 34
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Following 222
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Jesse Atkinson
@[email protected]

Man about . I want better and infrastructure. I write for money. I podcast at Detuned Radio for fun. Born & raised in Michigan.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Physician. Arduino fan. Big Data Fanatic. I code in Scala, Python, Rust, R, Java, Shell and a tiny tiny tiny bit of Arduino C.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 172
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Developer Supreme. Erlang, C, Python, PHP, .NET, Scala and more. If I'm not coding, I'm lifting.

Last posted 4 days ago
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Following 65
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Fractional-CTO, and polyglot software engineer (, , , , , , , ) with focus on building and scaling infrastructure, platforms and SaaS products end-to-end.

Tolerates writing for good money.

Has a penchant for , , , .

Antifascist, immigrant, gay af, she/her.

Last posted 4 days ago
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Following 666
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he/him/his Dev in Berlin, and

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 166
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Brian Schlining verified
@[email protected]

Turning the beauty, complexity, and wonder of the deep-sea into long strings of ones and zeros.

Software engineer. Deep-sea Researcher. Dad. Backpacker. Mountain biker. SCUBA instructor.

Following: , , ,

Pacific Grove, CA.

©2023-2024 Brian Schlining. All Rights Reserved.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 289
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Following 734
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Mattias Fagerström
@[email protected]

Backend software developer. 
Working mostly with Java, Kotlin and Scala.
Living in Sweden.

Last posted 4 days ago
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Following 91
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@[email protected]

Software Engineer based in the UK. Full stack development, usually on the JVM (Kotlin, Java and Scala). My current role also includes devops, mostly on AWS. I’m a big supporter of open-source. Definitely not a techbro!

TDD, BDD, CUPID and general eXtreme Programming concepts. Not a fan of ‘enterprise agile’ - this is wrong!

Father of two teenagers. Ultra-runner, run coach, yoga fan. I do a lot of DIY, particularly building conservation work using traditional materials and skills.

Last posted 6 days ago
Posts 649
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Following 243
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Software Engineer from Barcelona ( )
Co-founder of agilogy.com
Father of 2, husband of 1.
Pronouns he/him

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 436
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Following 172
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Tobias Roeser
@[email protected]

Software Developer, Creator, Maintainer, Bikepacker, OSM Mapper, Dad.

Maintainer of Mill build tool, Scala, OSGi, Open Source, OpenStreetMap

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 243
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Following 70
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Sam (Never Mantha)
@[email protected]

I'm a developer for fun and profit. I write , usually of the functional variety. I'm on the steering committee. I care about and and those two things combined. I also and .

This is one of my accounts! I have another account over at @spills

I'm pretty sure I don't know what I'm doing.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 651
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Following 222
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Justin du Coeur
@[email protected]

Geek for all seasons, especially , , , , .

Avid programmer, focused on , especially


Last posted 1 day ago
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Philipp Leser-Wolf 🌈 (he/him)
@[email protected]

👋🐶🏳️‍🌈👨‍💻 Queer, dog lover, Ph.D. in particle physics, dev in finance, Scala fan. Trying to be a better person every day.
No smart-ass replies, please. Bitte keine Schlaumeierantworten.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 388
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Following 113
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fergal somers
@[email protected]

Golang, Kubernetes, Scala nerd

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 104
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Following 98
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Chema Cortés *ℝ
@[email protected]

💻Elegant code λx ↦ f x
📏 FP with scala and elm.
👾 Generation ZX

💡 "I find that I don’t understand things unless I try to program them" -- Donald Knuth

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 116
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Father of a young hockey player and two other future young hockey players. I develop software products from idea to working solution.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,513
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Following 229
Carlos Saltos
@[email protected]

Coding with Scala, Elm, Haskell, Python, Erlang, Gleam, Rust, Java and Ruby on Linux and OpenBSD
Co-Founder of Talenteca.com
For geeks -> @csaltos

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 182
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Following 188
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Scala developer, Gaymer, Hobbyist Game Developer

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 95
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Following 48