63 popular Security accounts on Mastodon.

Popular security Security
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I know a thing or two about AirPods. App developer, security researcher. 🏳️‍🌈🧩

Last posted 2 days ago
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Kevin Rothrock
@[email protected]

hyper-professional guy, managing editor of Meduza in English, podcaster. Based in Portland, OR (USA). email: [email protected]

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Following 92
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become one with the zero

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,591
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Following 370
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Manuel 'HonkHase' Atug
@[email protected]

20yrs Sec , Geraffel native, c-base, AG KRITIS, CSCB, , , , OT & IT-Security, working at HiSolutions, Threema.id/X9H873XJ

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,881
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Following 468
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Tarah Wheeler 🖖♦️
@[email protected]

♦️ CEO of Red Queen Dynamics♦️EFF Board Of Directors♦️US/UK Fulbright Scholar in Cyber Security♦️Senior Fellow, Global Cyber Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations. ♦️ Formerly Harvard, Brookings, Splunk, Symantec. ♦️she/her curmudgienne♦️standard disclaimer regarding personal opinions.♦️Searchable.

Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 1,292
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Following 49
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Justin Ling🆒️
@[email protected]

Freelance investigative journalist — national security, disinformation, conspiracy theories, extremism, Russia/Ukraine, policing. 🕵‍♂️

Contributor to the Toronto Star, WIRED, The Walrus, Foreign Policy

Last posted 1 day ago
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Jeremi M Gosney verified
@[email protected]

Senior Principal Solutions Architect with @theparanoids at . Your friendly neighborhood password cracker. Member of blobcatrainbow and the core development team. I also help run , @BSidesLV, and @hushcon.

Former CEO of Terahash, creator of the Brutalis. Author of hmac-bcrypt and Pufferfish2 🐡. OIF/OEF veteran 🪖 and former 97E 🕵🏼‍♂️. Married to @baybedoll💍 and living in Texas 🤠

Primarily interested in , , , and , , , computing, , , , development, , , , . linux fedora redhat ubuntu terminal rust

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 798
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D̒͂̕ᵈăᵃn̕ᶰ Ť̾̾̓͐͒͠ᵗe͗̑́̋̂́͡ᵉn̅ᶰtᵗl̀̓͘ᶫe̓̒̂̚ᵉrʳ
:: Founder, Phobos Group
:: Quad Flooper :: Scoville Addict
:: Public Speaker :: food pornographer
:: Twitter Alum (2011-2012)
:: security longhair :: tattoo'ed nerd

'>"></div><blink><marquee>visit hax.lol for a good time

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts 28,836
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Following 631
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We are educating people about digital rights, privacy, security, digital control, and other important topics to push the world towards a safer internet. We envision a world where technology works for us, not against us—and we want to prove to people they can make a real impact for themselves and others.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 808
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Following 34
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SANS Internet Storm Center - SANS.edu - Go Sentinels!
@[email protected]

isc.sans.edu - Global Network Security Information Sharing Community - honeypots, firewall logs, malware. SANS Technology Institute college research project

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,188
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Following 16
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🧩 NeoDB 联邦宇宙书影音播客游戏标注平台
@[email protected]

neodb.social - 致力于为联邦宇宙居民提供一个自由开放互联的书籍、电影、音乐、播客和游戏收藏评论空间。


Mastodon用户在个人资料中添加自己的NeoDB主页链接( neodb.social/users/用户名/ )将会是已验证的绿色

欢迎捐助 ko-fi.com/neodb

问题建议或有意帮助可加入Discord discord.gg/uprvcH8gqD


AGPL开源 neodb.net @neodb

🦋 neodb.bsky.social


Last posted 4 days ago
Posts 574
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Following 12
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The Citizen Lab
@[email protected]

The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, focusing on research, development, and high-level strategic policy and legal engagement at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security.

We use a “mixed methods” approach to research combining practices from political science, law, computer science, and area studies.

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts 29
Followers ▼ 6,328
Following 117
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Founder of CleanBrowsing, Sucuri and OSSEC. Former VP Engineering, GoDaddy - CTO, Sucuri. Builder and breaker by heart...

Last posted 4 days ago
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Following 194
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be good, don't die
| Hacking | Shenanigans
non-binary, they/them 🏳️‍🌈

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 2,758
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Following 548
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Hacker. Friends. Cybersecurity Researcher.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 288
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Following 96
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Spaf is a homunculus of possible extraterrestrial origin, tilting at windmills. Cybersecurity, bad jokes, political outrage, academe, non-sequiturs, entropy. See about.me/spaf for more.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 3,451
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Following 276
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Lukasz Olejnik
@[email protected]

Security & Privacy. Data protection. Research. Engineering. Strategy, communication. Analyst. Technology Policy. W3C standardisation. PhD (CS/privacy), LL.M (Information Technology Law). 
Consultant (perhaps happy to do interesting work for you?).

Reading & writing (scientific articles, sometimes op-eds, analyses, reports, books). Seems that I like it? 

email: me (at) lukaszolejnik.com. 
Books: lukaszolejnik.com/books

Twitter: @lukOlejnik

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 1,941
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Following 219
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Matthias Eberl
@[email protected]

Journalist, Educator, Researcher Freelancer e.g. SZ, Netzpolitik, Kuketz-Blog.
🏆 Deutscher Reporterpreis

Sometimes I also write some small things about the climate crisis .

Account is .

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts 3,494
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Following 402
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@[email protected]

Your guide up a mountain of information!

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 4,589
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Following 331
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Security writer, WIRED. Privacy, data, surveillance, cyber. Keen runner.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts 480
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