2080 awesome Security accounts on Mastodon.

security Security
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Qubes OS is a security-oriented operating system that allows you to compartmentalize your data and activities into isolated environments called "qubes" so that a single cyberattack can't take down your entire digital life in one fell swoop.

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LinuxFest Northwest
@[email protected]

LinuxFest Northwest (est. 2000), an annual Open Source event co-produced by Bellingham Linux Users Group and the Information Technology department at BTC. LFNW features presentations and exhibits on free and open source topics, as well as Linux distributions & applications, InfoSec, and privacy; something for everyone from the novice to the professional!

Last posted 1 day ago
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Dave Rahardja (he/him)
@[email protected]

Software since 1998.

Black lives matter. Trans lives matter. LGBT+ rights are human rights. Healthcare, security, a decent income, and housing with dignity are human rights. Abortion is healthcare. Science is our best hope as a species. Kindness and empathy are the noblest of human traits.

I block assholes and bigots.


My posts are searchable.

Profile photo credit: Krishna Manda

Last posted 1 day ago
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Adam Shostack donor rebelverified
@[email protected]

Author, game designer, technologist, teacher.

Helped to create the CVE and many other things. Fixed autorun for XP. On Blackhat Review board.

Books include Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn from Star Wars (2023), Threat Modeling: Designing for Security, and The New School of Information Security.

Following back if you have content.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Displaced Philly boy. Threat hunter. Streamer. Educator. , rust, python haskell, and javascript. advocate. Runs @thetaggartinstitute. Made wtfbins.wtf. Co-creator of github.com/mttaggart/Offensive. Not your bro. All opinions my own. Dad.

Pronouns: He/him.

M.Ed | Sec+ | CISSP | eCTHPv2 | eWPT | CRTO

Last posted Less than a day ago
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Aaron Toponce ⚛️debian
@[email protected]

MSCSIA, cryptography, security, locksport, Linux, programming, mathematics, amateur radio, Buddhism, running, anime, and bibliophilia.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Hacker. Friends. Cybersecurity Researcher.

Last posted 1 day ago
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We are educating people about digital rights, privacy, security, digital control, and other important topics to push the world towards a safer internet. We envision a world where technology works for us, not against us—and we want to prove to people they can make a real impact for themselves and others.

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lead Linux digital rights management developer at Denuvo, fighting software theft

computer destroyer funny enjoyer. i do silly things with old computers and consoles. hacker & tinkerer. xbox scene DEI hire. age 21

big fan of the powerpc architecture and tinkering with platforms that run it! i also play fortnite and rock band and other video games too

don't be weird around me or my friends, thank you

"emma is the first person to touch grass and somehow absorb even more chronically online behavior from it" - a friend
"i quite literally run a website filled with people with some of the worst brainrot on the planet and yet somehow you have surpassed all of them" - @esm
"every time i see you [post] it's something like java on microwave what the fuck are you doing" - @w
"has that game hacking rizz" - @notnite
"idk how she can balance a kinect on her head so well" - @lexd0g
"I've never seen someone post about the Xbox 360 better than Emma" - @jackemled

a wetdry.world admin

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Founder of Black Hat & DEF CON. Member of the DHS CISA Cyber Security Advisory Council, UK Gov Cybersecurity Advisory Board, US ONCD, & The Council on Foreign Relations.

Trying to get Hackers and Researchers a seat at the Policy table.

I'm interested in hacking, community, technology, privacy, security policy, and the intersection of civil society. (He/Him) Opinions are my own.

Last posted Less than a day ago
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software development, engineering management, information security, basketball shitposting. he/him.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 331
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World Wide Web Consortium
@[email protected]

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was established in 1994 by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, to develop interoperable standards to lead the Web to its full potential.

We are an international multi-stakeholder community where member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to build a Web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy and security.

Please be more curious than critical. Your interactions go to real people who care and do their best 🙏

Last posted 1 day ago
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Stephen Rees-Carter laravel
@[email protected]

Friendly Hacker, Speaker, and PHP & Laravel Security Specialist.🕵️
I hack stuff on stage for fun. 😈
I used to be found at: infosec.exchange/@valorin

Last posted 1 day ago
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Manuel 'HonkHase' Atug
@[email protected]

20yrs Sec , Geraffel native, c-base, AG KRITIS, CSCB, , , , OT & IT-Security, working at HiSolutions, Threema.id/X9H873XJ

Last posted 1 day ago
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Royce Williams
@[email protected]

Just doing my undue diligence.

ISP vet, password cracker (Team Hashcat), security demi-boffin, YubiKey stan, public-interest technologist, AK license plate geek. Husband to a philosopher, father to a llama fanatic. Views his.

Day job: Ent Sec Arch for a quad-play Alaskan ISP.

Obsessed with security keys: techsolvency.com/mfa/security-keys

My 2017 talk "Password Cracking 201: Beyond the Basics":

Followed you out of the blue = probably stole you from follows of someone I respect.

Blocked inadvertently? Ask!

Am I following a dirtbag? Tell me!

Profile photo: White 50-ish man with big forehead, short beard, and glasses, looking pleased in front of a display of Alaskan license plates.

Banner photo: 5 rows of security keys in a wall case.

P.S. I hate lottery / advance-fee scammers with the heat of 400B suns.


Last posted Less than a day ago
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Security researcher working on , , , , , , , , , , and stuff. For fun I write , build projects, and in circles.

I am the founder & CEO of runZero (@runZeroInc - runzero.com), the first step in security risk management and the best way for organizations to understand their exposure through comprehensive asset inventory.

Previously I was the founder and lead developer of Metasploit, a CSO, a consultant, and the head of various security research teams.

Pronouns are He/Him

Discovery tags:

Last posted 1 day ago
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The Internet's Observatory: Tracking cybersecurity and digital governance • connectivity and democracy • tools and policy for change • [email protected]

Last posted 2 days ago
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Zero Day Initiative
@[email protected]

Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) is a program designed to reward security researchers for responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Jeremi M Gosney verified
@[email protected]

Senior Principal Solutions Architect with @theparanoids at . Your friendly neighborhood password cracker. Member of blobcatrainbow and the core development team. I also help run , @BSidesLV, and @hushcon.

Former CEO of Terahash, creator of the Brutalis. Author of hmac-bcrypt and Pufferfish2 🐡. OIF/OEF veteran 🪖 and former 97E 🕵🏼‍♂️. Married to @baybedoll💍 and living in Texas 🤠

Primarily interested in , , , and , , , computing, , , , development, , , , . linux fedora redhat ubuntu terminal rust

Last posted 1 day ago
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Avoid the Hack! donor
@[email protected]

An initiative promoting the intersection of internet and for all users.

Based in the USA.

You are more than just a data point.

Operated by: @ashwrites

Established in 2020.

Last posted 1 day ago
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