8 popular Security accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.
Zack Whittaker
@[email protected]Security editor, TechCrunch
Email: [email protected]
Signal: +1 646.755.8849 / zackwhittaker.1337
New York, NY
NeoDB 联邦宇宙书影音播客游戏标注平台 🧩
@[email protected]https://neodb.social - 致力于为联邦宇宙居民提供一个自由开放互联的书籍、电影、音乐、播客和游戏收藏评论空间。
Mastodon用户在个人资料中添加自己的NeoDB主页链接( https://neodb.social/users/用户名/ )将会是已验证的绿色
问题建议或有意帮助可加入Discord https://discord.gg/uprvcH8gqD
AGPL开源 https://neodb.net @neodb
@[email protected]Reverse engineer, file formats expert. Corkami, CPS2Shock, PoC||GTFO, Sha1tered, Magika... Security engineer @ Google. He/him.
The Calyx Institute
@[email protected]Our mission is to educate the public about privacy in digital communications and to develop tools that anyone can use. By embracing "privacy by design," we help make digital security and privacy more accessible to everyone. Help support our nonprofit mission-- become a member and get a hotspot with unlimited wifi or a phone with CalyxOS! https://members.calyxinstitute.org/enroll/membership
Lukasz Olejnik
@[email protected]Security & Privacy. Data protection. Research. Engineering. Strategy, communication. Analyst. Technology Policy. W3C standardisation. PhD (CS/privacy), LL.M (Information Technology Law). Consultant (perhaps happy to do interesting work for you?). Reading & writing (scientific articles, sometimes op-eds, analyses, reports, books). Seems that I like it? email: me (at) lukaszolejnik.com. Books: https://lukaszolejnik.com/books Twitter: @lukOlejnik
@[email protected]Freelance Journalist with a focus on Climate, Energy, IT-Security. #searchable
@[email protected]We're two #iOS developers and occasional #security researchers on two continents. #CyberSecurity 🇨🇦🇩🇪
David Priess
@[email protected]National security, intelligence, and international alliances | Director of Intelligence at Bedrock Learning | Senior Fellow at the Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security | Co-host of the Chatter podcast | Former CIA and State Department | Duke PhD Find my books at: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/contributor/david-priess/