206 awesome Spring developers on Mastodon.
🇧🇪 Andy Costanza
@[email protected]Software engineer with a lot of #Java #Spring #SpringBoot #Gradle
I play #game on #xbox game pass
Admin of @darktablefr and https://darktable.fr
Toots retention = 1 year
Keith Nowak
@[email protected]Public Relations guy who is at best ambivalent about the public. Dallas-> Connecticut-> Seattle-> San Jose-> Dallas-> Hot Springs.
Aljoscha Rittner (beandev)
@[email protected]Architect, Cloud, OpenSource, Gardening, Travel
#Java #Rust #Python #SpringIO #Microservices #3dprinting #FckAfd #NazisRaus #Leipzig #nobot
#Threema via W7AAXD5V
Oliver Thomsen
@[email protected]software engineer
#java #springboot #docker
Jan Wedel
@[email protected]SW-Developer, Father, Musician
#DEVCommunity #Berlin #Java #SpringBoot #TypeScript #Angular #coffee
Tim McGill
@[email protected]AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist with nearly 40 years experience (30 years in Chicago market) who is concerned how climate change is impacting us now and how it will impact future generations, including my six grandchildren.
Hannes Stein
@[email protected]Informatik/Elektrotechnik am BK, mag nachhaltige Digitalisierung, mag Menschen mehr als Autos, mag Scheitern mehr als es nicht zu versuchen.
oer-informatik.de (@oerinformatik)
Teaching CS and electronics (vocational school in germany); he/him
#Making, #Arduino, #nodeMCU, #Java, #SpringBoot, #Processing, #Python, #SQL, #Linux
Dirk Steins
@[email protected]Grill-King, Social-Media-Junkie, Software-Developer.
Currently available for freelance work (Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Kafka, Vue.js)
Ehemals @dirksteins on Twitter.
Christian Grobmeier
@[email protected]Trainer, Author ('The Zen Programmer' & upcoming #Log4j book at Manning), Speaker.
Open Source Dev & VP @theasf (Board @pragma).
Sharing insights on #Java, #Spring, and #opensource.
@[email protected]Draws art sometimes, particularly of fat men/fat demons/monsters. Will probably thirst over fictional characters (typically fat and/or old men), demons & other creatures, will sometimes be into random kinks for no real reason.
May not draw particularly NSFW-things but will likely Boost other people's art that is so 🔞✋️🔞
@[email protected]Photographer (botanicals, landscapes, people), surface design, gardener. Living in Vancouver, BC, Canada (Coast Salish terr). I mostly avoid posting or reading about politics on social media.
header: delicate pink sakura flowers against a bright spring sky
avatar: me against a white backdrop with a red maple leaf splodged on
Sébastien Deleuze
@[email protected]Spring Framework at Broadcom, #WebAssembly since 2016, #Kotlin Google Developer Expert, ex MiXiT conference staff.
Saskia Dreßler (they/them)
@[email protected]Büchersüchtig - Japanverliebt - 🐢 - Traumtanzende & Wolkenspringende - neurodivergent - non-binary - Silkpunkliebe
Nicolas Barreyre
@[email protected]Historian at #EHESS (Paris): #USHistory, #Reconstruction, political economy, public debt, US state. #19thcentury #histodons
Also on the editorial board of @AnnalesHSS.
Christian Gelleri ✅
@[email protected]Founder of the local currency #Chiemgauer and project leader "Klimabonus". Lecturer at Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, PhD-candidate at University of Siegen, CEO Regios.
Loves #planet, #people, #purpose, #music, #nature, #spirit.
Work in the fields of #money #sustainability #climate #CC
Projektleiter #Klimabonus, Chiemgauer e. V., Lehrbeauftragter TH Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Doktorand Uni Siegen, Vorstand Regios eG
Andreas Vrahimis
@[email protected]Assistant Professor in #Philosophy at the University of Cyprus. Thinking and writing about the analytic/continental divide and its #history, #aesthetics, #metaphilosophy. Making noise/music, etc.
Author of Bergsonism and the History of Analytic Philosophy (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2022) and Encounters between Analytic and Continental Philosophy (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013)
@[email protected]Elektroradfahrer | Podcasthörer | Comicleser | Kaffeetrinker | Zigarilloraucher | Gastronomietester (Selbstzahler-Modus) | Schalke 04 | Motto: Don´t Panic! - Tease the People with Kindness!
Schreibe mehr Antworten als eigene Toots.
Header: Ein aus dem Wasser springender Delphin vor einem Sonnenuntergang. Dazu der Text "So long, and thanks for all the Fish!"
Profilbild: Calvin, der die Augen geschlossen hat und mit einer Hand meine Posts zu präsentieren scheint.
Rob W: No overview available
@[email protected]iOS development, macOS development and accessibility adjacent hominid 🦻
Former UFC middleweight champion. He/him
I post nothing of any value to anyone: stream of consciousness, bad opinions, frustrations, playlists that no one else will listen to.
My opinions are those of your employer.
@[email protected]Democrat in Northern California. #Atheist. #Springsteen fan, Go #SJSharks, #SMCGaels, #SacKings, #SFGiants. Bookworm, tech geek. Get vaccinated and vote! #EvernoteExpert
David Phd
@[email protected]HCI academic. Here for #politics #fbpe #RejoinEU #climatechange #ukulele #cats #bassguitar #space #gardening #IAmEuropean
Stuff I've written about, with others
Whole Body Interaction https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-0-85729-433-3
Curating the Digital https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-28722-5
Also born with #cleftlip and #cleftpalate