8 awesome Symfony projects on Mastodon.

@[email protected]Nous sommes une équipe de passionnés impliqués dans le développement numérique : applications web dédiées 3D, WebGL, réalité virtuelle et excellents cafés.
@[email protected]API, Web & Cloud Experts. API Platform creators. Symfony core contributors and maintainers.
Devs PHP/JS/Python/Go/Rust.
Self-managed and egalitarian company (Scop/co-op).
@[email protected]Allows you to keep up with Symfony news
@[email protected]
We are a nice, cozy e commerce agency - officially based in Berlin, Germany. But let's be honest, we are remote and life in the internet.
Although this account will most likely toot our blog posts, feel free to write us - or drop @Schrank a message.
We do mostly #shopware6 and maintain #magento1. But can #shopify as well and of course #php and #symfony in general
Codappix GmbH
@[email protected]Professional Software #Development
#TYPO3 #Laravel #Symfony #PHP
@[email protected]Symfony Station / The Payload Newsletter
@[email protected]The Symfony Station Fediverse Account and Newsletter