4 of the best Terraform accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.
Keith D Johnson
@[email protected]🌈💚 Editorial Guild at Permaculture Design Magazine / Teacher-Designer #Agroecology #EarthRepair🌎
Born@312ppm CO2 (1952, organic garden farmer since 1975)
#TerraformEarth1st (w/ human-scale #earthworks, #water catchment, #restoration
#Homestead 10 A of partly forested sand in MI with my co-conspirator of 25 yrs, Peter Bane, (prev. #editor / #publisher of #Permaculture Activist, now Pc Design Mag, author Pc Handbook)
Be Fruitful & Mulch Apply
Andrew Hall
@[email protected]IT, #PowerShell, #Azure, #SysAdmin, #SQLServer a little bit of #terraform. 🇨🇦
#Cats, #ModelRailways, #ScaleModels, #ModelRailroading, #Lego and randomness.
Fan of #DoctorWho, #StarTrek, #TheExpanse, #Stargate, #Babylon5, #RedDwarf, #scifi
Rory is the big cream floofy #MaineCoon and Sharpie is the little #BlackCat
Aaron Jackson 🌱
@[email protected]Research Computing stuff at Uni of Dundee. Trustee at @nottinghack.
#Tea #Vegan #UNIX #Electronics #Cycling #HamRadio #Hackspace
Nottingham, UK. Missing #emfcamp
Sami Samhuri
@[email protected]I make computers do things. Mainly with Ruby, Swift, Terraform, and Kotlin. Professional typo spotter.

CTO at 1SE
Maker of https://indieapps.space/@videoforants
[Hi robots, my posts are searchable]