448 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon.

typescript TypeScript

linux guy in a windows world | aws, c#, python, typescript by day | c, ruby, perl by night

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Julien Roncaglia
@[email protected]

Software developer 🇫🇷 🇪🇺

Currently working at Waldo 🦙, previously Zenly 🍦(Snap 👻), Virtu Financial 💵 and Microwave Vision 📶

I like programming (F#, Rust & Typescript mainly) and books (Science-Fiction, Fantasy)

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Nicolas Legrand
@[email protected]

J’écris le rôliste numérique, un blog sur les jeux de rôle où je parle de tout, mais quand même beaucoup des jeux suédois, en particulier ceux de Free League.

Jag lär mig också svenska för att läsa Fria Ligan-spel på svenska.

Par le passé, j’ai pas mal écrit sur la culture israélienne et yiddish. Dans la vraie vie je fais de l’info dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche.

Intérêts :
- jeu de rôle ;
- langues ;
- programmation.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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I build unconventional tools for lazy devs 🙃

Pipelight - Selfhosted automation pipelines that support toml, yaml, hcl and typescript.

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GroßStadtPflanze verified💉⁸
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist.
Impfsüchtige Tröttelstrippe.
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet.
Ich halte die Existenz von „satt“ für ein Gerücht!
seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.

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Josh Pollock 🌱🌵🌲
@[email protected]

I toot a good morning photo of flowers or my dog or the sky or whatever and toot links to stuff I read with quotes. Also I post about sci-fi books and music.

I do software, but I try to keep software development toots to fosstodon and use this account and Bluesky for Josh posting.

👉 eBook for WordPress developers: pluginmachine.com/course/refac 👀

PHP, Typescript and Go developer/ Dog Enthusiast from Pittsburgh 🌱 he/him 🌵vegan 🌵

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move slow & fix things

music • photography • poetry • code

🎸 since 1998
👩🏻‍💻 since 2006 (pro since 2012)

aka inkjetski • new single “home to you” out now on bandcamp/apple music/spotify

building: uncut systems
prev: sotheby’s, twitter, spotify, meetup, etc

roles: front-end, back-end, sre, infra, platform, devex, tech lead, consultant

practices: xp, tdd, ddd, pairing, mobbing, t-shaped, xfun teams

languages: ruby, js, ts, go, java, scala, swift, html, css, sql

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A living example of paticca samuppada. Pining for Ye Olde Nette, digging the Tildeverse and Gemini.


C#, Dart, SQL, Rust, Scala, Cypher, TypeScript, Forth, Erlang

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Ich bin Brita und tröte für unseren Verein BEOZ Association. Wir möchten die Welt retten und dabei Spass haben.
Beyond the Edge of Time!

Ältere Trööts werden automatisch gelöscht. Mit Ausnahmen.

Disclaimer: Die Tröts decken sich nicht immer mit dem Standpunkt des Vereins und sind oft persönlich gefärbt.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 1,086
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Following 602
Kevin Renskers
@[email protected]

It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day — that’s the hard part. But it does get easier.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 438
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Phalène des Brumes
@[email protected]

Phapillon de nuit, doctoresse saveur parchemin et petites fleurs, poils de pinceaux dans ta tisane, impératrice des moelleux.

Jacasseries diverses sur mes intérêts du moment : histoire (de l'art, des religions, du costume, de la mode et plein d'autres trucs), chats, bouffe, broderie et petits bricolages, comment survivre après une thèse, une pincée de JDR et quelques jeux vidéos. Accro à Guild Wars 2 et éternelle fanzouz de Dragon Age.

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Ich lebe im Hochsauerland, fotografiere, radele, lese und schwimme gern. Alles weitere wird getrötet.

Noch was: Tröts werden nach einem Monat automatisch gelöscht.

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Francesco Maida
@[email protected]

python typescript html5 css3 mac
I am a 50-year-old IT worker who lives and works in Venice, Italy. By day, I develop websites and management software, and by night, I am an aspiring indie video game developer. I am like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but definitely less cool.

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@[email protected]

~/# I'm a ☕ loving WebDev and FLOSS Geek with some 3D and cryptography experience 👨‍💻 Punk attitude and I had my own radio show 📻 I post here mostly in German and in English and the most are deleted after one month ⌨️ work in progress…
⁂ tfr

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Axel Rauschmayer
@[email protected]


Other interests:
– Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Mandarin
– Sustainability, degrowth, permaculture, urbanism
– Tiny houses
– Education
– Psychology, getting out of one’s head, heart-centered living
– Minimalist spirituality: Advaita, Daoism, Buddhism, Christian mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, …

I live in Munich. pronoun.is/he

pixelfed Photos: @rauschma
– 💬 Languages: @langtales

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Schreibt. Liest. Fährt Rad. Team Hund. Verhinderte Bogenschützin. Weiß, privilegiert.

Hier gibt es eine bunte Mischung, es ist mir zu anstrengend, mich auf ein Thema zu beschränken.

Tröts werden nach 6 Monaten automatisch gelöscht.

Writes. Reads. Bikes. Hugs trees.

No alt text, no boost.

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Technically a type of soup dumpling.

Trying to be the least-bad person I can be.

Pronouns: he/him but happy with they if it makes your life simpler

Work: Python, TypeScript, and an increasingly unnerving amount of bash

Play: Retro games & LaserDiscs

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Passionate Software Developer. Maintainer of @maplibre Native.

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Shouty person
@[email protected]

Si Clarke (she/her): sci-fi without the pew-pew
Elliott Hay (two Ts and any pronouns): cosy London noir
Not all disabilities are visible.
Not a woman.

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Taxo Rubio:wq
@[email protected]

He/him. Software engineer, Free Software advocate. Mostly tech stuff, but also guaranteed personal silliness masto_silly

Strong cpp_language stockholm syndrome. Btw I use arch and neovim. I also enjoy 🎼 python AntennaPod 📸 lua terminal 🕹️ typescript latex♟️osm 📖 in no particular order.

ac_lightbulb o jo e sona mute pi ijo wan. o jo e sona wan pi ijo mute

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