214 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted typescript TypeScript
Anthony Bosio
@[email protected]

python javascript typescript react ubuntu startrek 🦅

Anthony Bosio

Front-end and Python developer, librarian's husband, geek dad also interested in photography, graphic design, typography and filmmaking/vfx. You should probably be using Django for something. PixelCorps (ret.)

Team: @sixfeetup
Location: South Florida
Nationality: Virginian
Continent: Pangea
Origin: Big Bang

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 3,059
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Following 154
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Passionate Software Developer. Maintainer of @maplibre Native.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 769
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Following 182
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Martin Plante ☮️
@[email protected]

It all started on a Vic-20. Later, years at the university saved me hours in the library.

Senior dev/director at Studyo, the student planner. .NET & C# since it was called NGWS. Typescript/React for the frontend lately. I miss XAML. I don't miss XAML. Depends on the day.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 360
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Following 102
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Bot posting random quotes (every 6 hours) and screenshots (once a day) from the Double Fine video game: Psychonauts

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Programmer; 1st Brazilian Postman Supernova;
🥑 osi linux vim OpenAPI apache php mezzio postgresql javascript
Studying rust, typescript and NodeJS
Director PHP Conference Brasil, ConFLOSS, NodeConBR;
Guest Post Grad Professor

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 457
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traveLink: it’s all about , & – viel zu Reisen ohne Werbung.

Wir veröffentlichen zu Themen, die uns persönlich interessieren: , & . Und natürlich unsere eigenen Reportagen.

() werden automatisch nach drei Monaten gelöscht.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 68
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Above Maidstone
@[email protected]

Aircraft flying within an approximate 10 mile radius around Maidstone. I am very noisy!

Some of the information might not be accurate, I am working to improve accuracy.

Posts deleted after 7 days.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Following 5
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Satoshi Nitawaki
@[email protected]

🧑‍💻Product engineer.
💚React, Flutter, TypeScript, Node.js
💫Loving tool and software.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 34
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Following 7
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Chris Pelatari
@[email protected]

Professional Geek

C# asp.net and TypeScript hacker est. 2001 - AspInsider, former MVP

Self taught full stack developer



Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
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Strange Culprits
@[email protected]

We make pretty fables. Music for people with scars, made by other people with scars.

Photos: our band logo, a drawing of our founder and spiritual leader, Buddy. Our banner is a picture of the members of the band.

Last posted ▼ Less than a day ago
Posts 268
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Following 667
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Open Source Enthusiast | Software Engineer | Golang | Frontend | Backend | TypeScript | Node

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 849
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Following 79
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class '__/siːzər/__.item'
@[email protected]

Artista cênico
Desenvolvedor Full-stack (Python, TS (Vue) e AWS)
Anti-sitema ignorante

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 10
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Following 26
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Chercheur en linguistique française et en jeu vidéo.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 351
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Senior Fullstack Software Engineer 🌈

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Homo faber

Cheffe de projet web en début de semaine, céramiste en fin

Mes centres d'intérêts, en vrac :

et bien sûr :

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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show choir & disney vacation dad, dev efficiency economist, sr principal engineer consultant at devobsessed.com — professional generalist / full-stack typescript/java/clouds/APIs/kafka/etc — always looking for new client projects to work on!

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Fabulous Fab's
@[email protected]

Rôliste, motard, tatoué, vidéaste amateur, blogueur jdr & sysadmin, amateur de logiciels libres. Debian and Arch User. Souvent je lis, parfois j'écris, j'apprends le dessin et le tatouage.

chez @iel24

Pouêts supprimés automatiquement après 1 an.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 128
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Edith Mair 💙💛
@[email protected]

Kinderbücher und mehr.


Analog bin ich im Oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut zu finden.

YouTube: @edithmair_salzkammergut

Neuerdings auch Bluesky (mal schauen): @edithmair1.bsky.social

Ich lösche meine Tröts >6 Mo.

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 820
Followers 386
Following 394
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Zwei Kater
Liebt ihre Frau
Keine Ismen, so gut es geht
Generell gern in irgendeinem Fieber

Team Wissenschaft
Hier nur belanglose Trööts
Bildbeschreibung Profilbild: Kühe liegen auf einer Weide
Kleineres: Ich, von hinten, auf dem Brompton

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 625
Followers 201
Following 391