407 awesome TypeScript developers on Mastodon.

Human typescript TypeScript
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Dominik 🚄🌹🌻🥥🌴
@[email protected]

Posts / toots / Tröts / mostly in German.

28, SPD 🌹, , (he/him),
🌄⚡Solargenossenschaftsmitglied 🌄

Themen: Erneuerbare Energien, Klimaschutz, Sozialpolitik, Raketennerd kerbal🚀(mag Elon nicht), Für Spaß zu haben, spreche ungern öffentlich über meine Probleme.
Schaue seit Kindheit Formel1. Guckt keine Videos auf YouTube oder ähnliches.

Spiegel-Leser und ÖRR-Fan. Teile häufig Artikel die ich wichtig finde. 🌻

Mag Gartenteiche und Modelleisenbahn.

Last posted 1 day ago
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move slow & fix things

music • photography • poetry • code

🎸 since 1998
👩🏻‍💻 since 2006 (pro since 2012)

aka inkjetski • new single “home to you” out now on bandcamp/apple music/spotify

building: uncut systems
prev: sotheby’s, twitter, spotify, meetup, etc

roles: front-end, back-end, sre, infra, platform, devex, tech lead, consultant

practices: xp, tdd, ddd, pairing, mobbing, t-shaped, xfun teams

languages: ruby, js, ts, go, java, scala, swift, html, css, sql

Last posted Less than a day ago
Posts ▼ 731
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Thiago, the one called 'Jedi'
@[email protected]

Thiago, nicknamed "Jedi" by friends and colleagues. Lover of languages. Full snack dev.

Expect lots of jokes, dev rants, and minor updates from my day to day life.

Thiago, apelidado de "Jedi" pelos amigos e colegas. Amante de linguagens. Desenvolvedor full snack.

Espere um monte de piadas, reclamações do trabalho, e pequenas crônicas do meu dia a dia.

Posts in Português, English, and ocasionally Castellano. I do my best to mark the post language correctly, you may want to filter them out.

From bandeira_rn to the world

Last posted Less than a day ago
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洪 民憙 (Hong Minhee)
@[email protected]

An intersectionalist, feminist, and socialist guy living in Seoul (UTC+09:00). Who's behind @fedify and @hollo. Write some free software in , , , & . They/them.


Last posted Less than a day ago
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GroßStadtPflanze verified💉⁸
@[email protected]

★ ICH bin NICHT schuld, wenn's Wetter schlecht ist.
Impfsüchtige Tröttelstrippe.
Nix als Rosinen im Kopf. Albernheit wird unterbewertet.
Ich halte die Existenz von „satt“ für ein Gerücht!
seit 1/2 Jahrhundert.

🚲 Trekking-, Falt- und Lastenradbesitzerin (Utopia, Birdy, Nihola) :na

sie/ihr she/her, weiß (aber nicht käsig)

@ Hamburg
❤︎ Berlin/NYC

‼️Hätte gern mehr Frauen in meiner TL & mehr Verfolger*INNEN.

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 474
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Hi, I'm a user from , coding with , , , and .

I ❤️ and . (I use Arch on my IBM ThinkPad, btw.)

Last posted 1 day ago
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Ich lebe im Hochsauerland, fotografiere, radele, lese und schwimme gern. Alles weitere wird getrötet.

Noch was: Tröts werden nach einem Monat automatisch gelöscht.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 310
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Phalène des Brumes
@[email protected]

Phapillon de nuit, doctoresse saveur parchemin et petites fleurs, poils de pinceaux dans ta tisane, impératrice des moelleux.

Jacasseries diverses sur mes intérêts du moment : histoire (de l'art, des religions, du costume, de la mode et plein d'autres trucs), chats, bouffe, broderie et petits bricolages, comment survivre après une thèse, une pincée de JDR et quelques jeux vidéos. Accro à Guild Wars 2 et éternelle fanzouz de Dragon Age.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 176
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Martijn Faassen
@[email protected]

Me grok write code. Rust, Typescript, Python, JavaScript. Created: Morepath, lxml. Also: gardener, science & history fan, living life fan. Husband & father.

I post a lot about programming as well as gardening pictures. If you come for just the gardening pictures the programming talk may baffle you. If you're a programmer, I invite you to enjoy the flowers!

Last posted 1 day ago
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趣味で VTuber ゲーム配信やって〼
Twitch: x.gd/kvIjX
YouTube: x.gd/SVNEZ

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 5
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Shouty person
@[email protected]

Si Clarke (she/her): sci-fi without the pew-pew
Elliott Hay (two Ts and any pronouns): cosy London noir
Not all disabilities are visible.
Not a woman.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Looking for self-hosted iPlayer/Netflix-like software? Message me. I’m a human who creates software. Native, managed, web, static types, untyped: it’s all the same to me. TS, JS, Objective C, C++, C#, … I’ve worked for ‘Big Tech’. I’m decades into the ol’ software game.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Axel Rauschmayer
@[email protected]


Other interests:
– Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Mandarin
– Sustainability, degrowth, permaculture, urbanism
– Tiny houses
– Education
– Psychology, getting out of one’s head, heart-centered living
– Minimalist spirituality: Advaita, Daoism, Buddhism, Christian mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, …

I live in Munich. pronoun.is/he

pixelfed Photos: @rauschma
– 💬 Languages: @langtales

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 238
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Thomas Guyot-Sionnest
@[email protected]

Publications en: 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 .Mes publications sont étiquettées avec la langue afin de les filtrer.

Posting in: 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 . My posts are tagged with their language so you can filter them.

Intéressé par à peu près tout, avec un focus sur la , le et le à l'année longue.

Interested in almost anything with main focus on , and year round .

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 121
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In the very north of Germany (), I try to grow delicious in a sustainable way. Beside our naturalistic & , I run a / . I love and to share my .
Toots in (mostly) English and German

Ganz im Norden Deutschlands versuche ich nachhaltig Leckeres im eigenen und zu produzieren und damit zu . Leider kann ich (noch) nicht von Milchprodukten lassen...
Tröts auf Englisch und Deutsch.

Last posted 1 day ago
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Following 227
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I build unconventional tools for lazy devs 🙃

Pipelight - Selfhosted automation pipelines that support toml, yaml, hcl and typescript.

Last posted 3 days ago
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Following 52
Andrew Feeney
@[email protected]

Software developer in Sydney, Australia.

Works with PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Laravel, Vue, AngularJS, Inertia, Livewire, Vapor

Enjoys TDD, CI, Algorithmic Art, Mathematics, Languages, Music Creation, Coffee

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 146
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@[email protected]

An ordinary person. I just read news feed and people. Sometimes I write something. Omnipresent — here and there: @ruslan. Subscribe! My self-esteem will like it.


Last posted 3 weeks ago
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Following 133
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Lluis Franco 👾
@[email protected]

The one who loves programming. Father of 2. EX-Blogger, EX-Speaker, EX-Microsoft MVP. Now retired. Still Geek :P

Last posted 1 day ago
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Anthony Bosio
@[email protected]

python javascript typescript react ubuntu startrek 🦅

Anthony Bosio

Front-end and Python developer, librarian's husband, geek dad also interested in photography, graphic design, typography and filmmaking/vfx. You should probably be using Django for something. PixelCorps (ret.)

Team: @sixfeetup
Location: South Florida
Nationality: Virginian
Continent: Pangea
Origin: Big Bang

Last posted 1 day ago
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