614 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon.

Axel Rauschmayer
@[email protected]Topics: #JavaScript #TypeScript #fedi22
Other interests:
– Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Mandarin
– Sustainability, degrowth, permaculture, urbanism
– Tiny houses
– Education
– Psychology, getting out of one’s head, heart-centered living
– Minimalist spirituality: Advaita, Daoism, Buddhism, Christian mysticism, J. Krishnamurti, …
I live in Munich. http://pronoun.is/he
– Photos: @rauschma
– 💬 Languages: @langtales
Andrew Feeney
@[email protected]Software developer in Sydney, Australia.
Works with PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Laravel, Vue, AngularJS, Inertia, Livewire, Vapor
Enjoys TDD, CI, Algorithmic Art, Mathematics, Languages, Music Creation, Coffee
Martijn Faassen
@[email protected]Me grok write code. Rust, Typescript, Python, JavaScript. Created: Morepath, lxml, Xot. Also: gardener, science & history fan, living life fan.
I post a lot about programming as well as gardening pictures. If you come for just the gardening pictures the programming talk may baffle you. If you're a programmer, I invite you to enjoy the flowers!
Oh and I post poems now
@[email protected]Father of 2, husband to 1. Software Developer (C#, JS, Typescript, SQL). Too many hobbies and interests. California. he/him
@[email protected]Bibliothekarin an der Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek in Jena.
An allem rund um Bibliotheken interessiert, dennoch privat hier unterwegs.
Öfter gibt es #Aquarellbilder, selbsgemalt, oder mit dem Handy eingefangene Katzenbilder von meinen 2 schwarzen Fellnasen. Diese dürfen mit CC-BY 4.0 genutzt werden.
#bibliothek - #bibliothekarin -#bibliothekar - #berufsinhalte - #katze - #librarian - #archäologie - #archaeology - #catcontent - #aquarell #watercolor - #KleineKunstKlasse
@[email protected]traveLink: it’s all about #travel, #art & #food – viel zu Reisen ohne Werbung.
Wir veröffentlichen #traveLinks zu Themen, die uns persönlich interessieren: #Reisen, #Kunst & #Kulinarik. Und natürlich unsere eigenen Reportagen.
#Toots (#Tröts) werden automatisch nach drei Monaten gelöscht.
Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.
Scrum Master at http://gofore.com
- #Scrum
- #Angular
- #React
- #TypeScript
- #Javascript
- #PHP
- #CSS
- #BoardGames
- #WH40k
- #RPG
@[email protected]#IT #Nerd #Linux #Backup #Adminleiden #Travel #Foto #DailyFensterblick #Kaffee #Tassenfreitag
Hat kein Haustier aber ein #Pilama
Part time nerd 🤓
Handgemachte Qualitätströts seit 2022
Toots in German and sometimes English
Toots will be automatically deleted after 6 months (if automated deletion works 🙄 )
Christian Pietsch
@[email protected]Diplom-Computerlinguist, Vater, Radler, Digitalcourage-Aussteiger. Aus einem Land, das es zum Glück nicht mehr gibt.
Tröts vor 06.08.2024: https://suma-ev.social/@christian
Tröts vor 18.01.2024: https://digitalcourage.social/@chpietsch
Tröts vor 06.11.2019: https://chaos.social/@chpietsch
Tagsüber arbeite ich als #Bibliothekswesen und #Wissensarbeiter an der #UniBielefeld, wo ich z.B. an der wissenschaftlichen Suchmaschine @base mitarbeite & das #GitLab der Uni betreibe.
Nachts betreibe ich die #OpenScience-FAQ @askopenscience und die #Fediverse-Server von https://fsub.de und https://datenfreu.de (https://fedifreu.de).
Aktivismus: @Datenpunks, @switchingsoftware, @neuSoM, #Antifa.
Mitgliedschaften: @ADFC @Artikel5eV #CCC #SuMa-EV #verdi @dielinke @acmelabs
Evt. suchbar mit tootfinder.ch.
Markus Tacker
@[email protected]💙💛
❤️🔥⌨️ Software crafter. Mentor. Speaker. Conference & Community builder. Camper. 🏕️🚐
Living in Oslo, Norway 🇳🇴.
Builds #serverless cloud for #cellularIoT on #AWS and other clouds using #TypeScript.
Organizes @codefreeze 🇫🇮❄️⌨️ and @adacon 🇳🇴 🧑💻
Pronouns: he/him.
@[email protected]Software Development - web / app / backend
Scripter of Java and Type
TypeScript, Python3, Rust, Dart
HedgeDoc Developer 🦔
Dan 🦺 Deboer
@[email protected]Both sets of grandparents came to #Canada from #TheNetherlands shortly after WW2. My parents were both born here in #Ontario, and I live in #HamOnt (where a lot of the #Steenhof & #Turkstra clan still resides).
While most of my extended family are Evangelical/Fundamentalist, I am not part of that spiritual & intellectual dead end.
I write programs with code. That code is often #PHP and #JavaScript/#TypeScript, often leveraging #Laravel and #Vue.
Sal Rahman
@[email protected]I write code for fun, and for profit.
Currently just vibing.
#activitypub #fedi22 #go #typescript #react #nextjs #SoftwareDeveloper #programmer #programming #coding
m0bi ⁂
@[email protected]Wędruję, robię software, konsultuję, piszę: porady i apka dla nowych osób na #Mastodon #ManganApp
Wyprawy rowerem, kajakiem, żaglówką, koleją i pieszo.
dev #systems #web #linux
#digital #activist #decentralize
#NextCloud #LineageOs #unGoogle #Ghost #WriteFreely
Zaimki: On/Jego He/Him
#FediPomoc #bike #retromtb #kayak #sailing #nature #hiking #camping #slowlife #carfree #zerowaste #reuse #repair #diy #cats #dogs #baking #cooking #python #flask #php #typescript #kde #feditipspl
Above Maidstone
@[email protected]Aircraft flying within an approximate 10 mile radius around Maidstone. I am very noisy!
Some of the information might not be accurate, I am working to improve accuracy.
Posts deleted after 7 days.
David LeP0le
@[email protected]Grand Yaka chez tntb/databit.me...
#Glitchart _ #Analogvideo _ #videosynth _ #dj _ #speechtotext _ #vegetalisation _ #yunohost _ #mint _ #gif _ #glitch _ #poetry _ #texttopixel _ #pixel _ #art _ #activism _ #ecology _ #network _ #zalgo _ #teletext _ #bascii _ #mixxx
_ #Nîmes _ #SaintGilles _ #Arles _ #AiguesMortes _ #editP0llux _ #BicolorArtistikMedia _ //
_ .... _
_ .... _
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Strange Culprits
@[email protected]We make pretty fables. Music for people with scars, made by other people with scars. #Music #fedi22 #BayArea #California
Photos: our band logo, a drawing of our founder and spiritual leader, Buddy. Our banner is a picture of the members of the band.
Walker Boh🛡
@[email protected]Ronin; Anime; Dev; Retro; Infosec; Fitness
waifuvault.moe maintainer
C# | TS | Java | C | Fortran | Python
Blue Team | OSINT
@[email protected]Apprenti gymnocéphale, procrastineur et islamo-gauchiste écoterroriste.
intérêt pour les systèmes libres #Linux, #Manjaro
#LogicielsLibres #FLOSS
🔐 la protection des données personnelles #Privacy
🎨 l'#Art : #Musique #Photo #Peinture et #DigitalArt
🐮 végétarien, je suis sensible à la #CauseAnimal
🧊 résoudre un #RubiksCube me fascine #Speedcubing
🎬 je poste parfois un #extraitDeFilm en vidéo ou en #gif
✊ Pour la réhabilitation de l'emoji slip 🩲
@[email protected]Mélange d'intérêts pour #RéchauffementClimatique, #LogicielLibre, #CultureLibre, #vélotaf (avec enthousiasme).
J'adore les artisans, ceux qui ont de l'or dans les mains. Leurs savoir-faire et leurs gestes sont précieux et magiques. J'aime le papier, l'objet livre, les illustrations et les dessins. Et la crème au chocolat.
Je n'aime pas mes congénères et leurs comportements délirants, destructeurs, aggressifs, oppressants, égoïstes. je suis dépressif à cause d'eux et je me bats pour en sortir.