201 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon that posted recently.

Recently posted typescript TypeScript
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Christophe Neff
@[email protected]

Geographer reading and , currently working as senior & & senior at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT).
Week-end on (french word for ).
Personal account & views. Posts in English, French & German

, , , , , , ,, , , , , , ,

Last posted 2 days ago
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Part time nerd 🤓

Handgemachte Qualitätströts seit 2022

Toots in German and sometimes English

Toots will be automatically deleted after 6 months (if automated deletion works 🙄 )

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 282
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traveLink: it’s all about , & – viel zu Reisen ohne Werbung.

Wir veröffentlichen zu Themen, die uns persönlich interessieren: , & . Und natürlich unsere eigenen Reportagen.

() werden automatisch nach drei Monaten gelöscht.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Followers 52
Following 68
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Chris Pelatari
@[email protected]

Professional Geek

C# asp.net and TypeScript hacker est. 2001 - AspInsider, former MVP

Self taught full stack developer



Last posted 2 days ago
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Schreibt. Liest. Fährt Rad. Team Hund. Verhinderte Bogenschützin. Weiß, privilegiert.

Hier gibt es eine bunte Mischung, es ist mir zu anstrengend, mich auf ein Thema zu beschränken.

Tröts werden nach 6 Monaten automatisch gelöscht.

Writes. Reads. Bikes. Hugs trees.

No alt text, no boost.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 947
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Braw ☕🏳️‍🌈
@[email protected]

Hello, I'm Brawaru. I like to code various things in , and . Love 💚. I also moderate Discord server and translation project for @modrinth. He/Him. 🏳️‍🌈

ℹ On Mastodon since July 2019.


Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 300
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Christian Klose 🌴🥥🇺🇲
@[email protected]

Außer täglichen Lebenszeichentröts ist hier nicht viel los. Ich besterne gerne und auch boostern fällt mir nicht schwer.

Alter weißer Mann. Er/ihm.

Geboren im Jahr mit einem mittleren CO2-Gehalt in der Atmosphäre von 319,65 ppm am Mauna Loa.

Apart from daily signs of life, there is not much going on here. I like to boost and I don't find it difficult to star.

Old white man. He/him.

Born at 319.65 ppm

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 3,152
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Following 1,140
Anthony Bosio
@[email protected]

python javascript typescript react ubuntu startrek 🦅

Anthony Bosio

Front-end and Python developer, librarian's husband, geek dad also interested in photography, graphic design, typography and filmmaking/vfx. You should probably be using Django for something. PixelCorps (ret.)

Team: @sixfeetup
Location: South Florida
Nationality: Virginian
Continent: Pangea
Origin: Big Bang

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 154
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Lluis Franco 👾
@[email protected]

The one who loves programming. Father of 2. EX-Blogger, EX-Speaker, EX-Microsoft MVP. Now retired. Still Geek :P

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,908
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Following 292
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Bot posting random quotes (every 6 hours) and screenshots (once a day) from the Double Fine video game: Psychonauts

Last posted 1 day ago
Posts ▼ 2,890
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Following 2
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Stefan Baumgartner
@[email protected]

Developer writing about and . Movie buff. Looking into Lego and alternate vendors. @ddprrt on Twitter, Reddit, GitHub. Not a real parrot. Also not dead.

Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,821
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Following 192
Jari Pennanen
@[email protected]

Developer. This is my main account for the time being. I have six profiles now on Mastodon, sigh.

I will remove followers who haven't posted anything.

, , , ,

Last posted 2 days ago
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A living example of paticca samuppada. Pining for Ye Olde Nette, digging the Tildeverse and Gemini.


C#, Dart, SQL, Rust, Scala, Cypher, TypeScript, Forth, Erlang

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,777
Followers 210
Following 404
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Hotte Tröts aus der Hansestadt. 
Ich respektiere das Dativ- und das Akkusativobjekt!


Last posted 4 days ago
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Following 686
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Fabulous Fab's
@[email protected]

Rôliste, motard, tatoué, vidéaste amateur, blogueur jdr & sysadmin, amateur de logiciels libres. Debian and Arch User. Souvent je lis, parfois j'écris, j'apprends le dessin et le tatouage.

chez @iel24

Pouêts supprimés automatiquement après 1 an.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 128
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Kyle Anderson
@[email protected]

Luck and serendipity stem from an open mind.

Tech, U.S. politics and culture, cooking, art, casual conversation.

I'm a polysexual, polyamorous, married platform software engineer for a Fortune 100 company, classically trained in media comms, who did ops and tech for a major news network in the mid '10s. B.S. Journalism & Media Production

Opinions mine.

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 808
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Homo faber

Cheffe de projet web en début de semaine, céramiste en fin

Mes centres d'intérêts, en vrac :

et bien sûr :

Last posted 2 days ago
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Following 371
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Passionate enthusiast
Mainly frontend developer who loves and , but also peek into
Maintainer of | Core Team member of


Last posted 2 days ago
Posts ▼ 2,024
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Following 162
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Josh Pollock 🌱🌵🌲
@[email protected]

I toot a good morning photo of flowers or my dog or the sky or whatever and toot links to stuff I read with quotes. Also I post about sci-fi books and music.

I do software, but I try to keep software development toots to fosstodon and use this account and Bluesky for Josh posting.

👉 eBook for WordPress developers: pluginmachine.com/course/refac 👀

PHP, Typescript and Go developer/ Dog Enthusiast from Pittsburgh 🌱 he/him 🌵vegan 🌵

Last posted 3 days ago
Posts ▼ 1,995
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Following 234
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趣味で VTuber ゲーム配信やって〼
Twitch: x.gd/kvIjX
YouTube: x.gd/SVNEZ

Last posted 1 day ago
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