549 awesome TypeScript accounts on Mastodon.
Dominik 🇪🇺🟥🟢
@[email protected]Posts / toots / Tröts / mostly in German.
29, SPD 🌹, #ADHS, (he/him), #einsam
🌄⚡Solargenossenschaftsmitglied 🌄
Themen: Erneuerbare Energien, Klimaschutz, Sozialpolitik, Raketennerd 🚀(mag Elon nicht), Für Spaß zu haben, spreche ungern öffentlich über meine Probleme.
Schaue seit Kindheit Formel1. Guckt keine Videos auf YouTube, TikTok oder ähnliches.
Spiegel-Leser und ÖRR-Fan. Teile häufig Artikel die ich wichtig finde. #TeamHabeck 🌻
Mag Gartenteiche und Modelleisenbahn.
@[email protected]Software Development - web / app / backend
Scripter of Java and Type
TypeScript, Python3, Rust, Dart
HedgeDoc Developer 🦔
Chris Krycho
@[email protected]Software engineer and composer; theologian; writer, runner, and erstwhile podcaster. Previously the tech lead for LinkedIn web, Ember TypeScript & Framework emeritus.
Hireable! I can teach you TypeScript or Rust (right now, I am writing a new chapter on async for the official The Rust Programming Language book), tackle the hardest TypeScript problems, and help you see your way to a viable front end web strategy.
Florian Haas
@[email protected]Humanism, open source, some music, art, and nonsense.
Account is locked; a significant fraction of what I post is followers-only. Got a blank or nonsensical avatar, no visible activity, no pointers to your identity? I'll ignore your follow request. I might choose not to accept it for other reasons, too. 🙂
Sometimes I ask questions here. When I do, I would ask you to please reply with your own thoughts, not an LLM's
Tröts auf Deutsch derzeit unter @xahteiwi.
@[email protected]Hotte Tröts aus der Hansestadt. Ich respektiere das Dativ- und das Akkusativobjekt!
Tulip Sugarboots
@[email protected]Hi I'm Tulip, a sweet, wholesome but very naughty trans/femboy/thing fairy who loves to share her slutty adventures.
Henrik Jernevad
@[email protected]Software architect and developer with a passion for simple, effective solutions.
Focus on software design and backend development.
Tech: #typescript #kotlin #java
@[email protected]Meine Threema-ID:https://threema.id/Y62KDB3K
airstreaming since 06/2023, hiking, biking, american football schauen, achiever,
Genossenschaftler (taz, gls, EWS & Büchergilde), 🌻💚, er/ihm
Rheinhesse der in Frankfurt am Main arbeitet.
Die trööts sind searchable bei https://tootfinder.ch
Matti Järvinen
@[email protected]Professional web programmer since 2002. BSc(Eng) Software Engineering.
Scrum Master at http://gofore.com
- #Scrum
- #Angular
- #React
- #TypeScript
- #Javascript
- #PHP
- #CSS
- #BoardGames
- #WH40k
- #RPG
@[email protected]"chatting about movies & stuff"
Trööts mit Filmempfehlungen, Reviews und Diskussionen
[ #Kino #Film #Cineast #Movie #Cinema #MastoFilm #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon ]
Trööts über pop-kulturelle #SciFi Nerditäten
Gelegentlicher Zocker von framed.wtf
Pol-Ver-Fass 🔥
@[email protected]Infokanal für politische Veranstaltungen in Trier und Umgebung
Boostet gerne fleißig!
Alle Tröts (bis auf die zu regelmäßigen Veranstaltungen) werden nach einem Monat automatisch gelöscht.
Profilbild: Zeichnung eines Fasses mit Zündschnur.
Banner: Luftaufnahme der Großdemo „Nie wieder ist jetzt!“ am 28.01.2024 in Trier. Der Platz vor der Porta Nigra und die Zugangstraße sind mit Menschen gefüllt.
Quelle des Banners: www.instagram.com/rockardo (Bild von uns bearbeitet)
@[email protected]#IT #Nerd #Linux #Backup #Adminleiden #Travel #Foto #DailyFensterblick #Kaffee #Tassenfreitag
Part time nerd 🤓
Handgemachte Qualitätströts seit 2022
Toots in German and sometimes English
Toots will be automatically deleted after 6 months (if automated deletion works 🙄 )
Edith Mair 💙💛
@[email protected]Spannende Kinderbücher und hilfreiche Tipps zu Kindern.
Analog im Oberösterreichischen Salzkammergut.
YouTube: @edithmair_salzkammergut
Ich lösche meine Tröts >6 Mo. Bilder ohne ALT fave ich nur versehentlich.
Stefan Baumgartner
@[email protected]Developer writing about #rust and #typescript. Movie buff. Looking into Lego and alternate vendors. @ddprrt on Twitter, Reddit, GitHub. Not a real parrot. Also not dead.
Roman Baum
@[email protected]scientific software developer; interested in terminologies, ontologies and knowledge graphs; working on SemLookP and TS4NFDI
David Whitney
@[email protected]Software Consultant. Bestselling Author. Loves rum, alt culture, games & metal. C#, Typescript, OSS, Kotlin... MVP Dev Technologies
Lluis Franco 👾
@[email protected]The one who loves programming. Father of 2. EX-Blogger, EX-Speaker, EX-Microsoft MVP. Now retired. Still Geek :P
Josh Pollock 🌱🍁🌲
@[email protected]I toot a good morning photo of flowers or my dog or the sky or whatever and toot links to stuff I read with quotes. Also I post about sci-fi books and music.
I do software, but I try to keep software development toots to fosstodon and use this account and Bluesky for Josh posting.
👉 eBook for WordPress developers: https://pluginmachine.com/course/refactoring-wordpress-plugins/ 👀
PHP, Typescript and Go developer/ Dog Enthusiast from Pittsburgh 🌱 he/him 🌵vegan 🌵
@[email protected]🐂 Free and OS software enthusiast ••• 📝 Emacs user (with ViM editor ofc) ••• 🐧Linux admin (and every day user - Debian and Arch) ••• 💻 Developer (Python 🐍, Ruby 💎, TypeScript, Bash, Perl 🐪...) ••• 🎮 (Bad) Gamer ••• 🧑🌾️ Animal lover (two 🐶, two 🐈 and four sheeps 🐑)
Jeffrey D. Stark
@[email protected]Poet, bard, lover of life and all that. Firm believer in the 3 Ts to happiness: 1) Tools 2) Toys 3) Tech. Developer, teacher, techie, twit? Passionate re: #a11y
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I just wanted to let people know that I have a couple of mastodon accounts:
My unedited primary account is :
My more professional account is:
I setup a mirror name from my twitter account when I first started, and I am planning on moving away from it but it'