151 awesome Vue accounts on Mastodon.

vue Vue
Dan 🦺 Deboer
@[email protected]

Both sets of grandparents came to from shortly after WW2. My parents were both born here in , and I live in (where a lot of the & clan still resides).

While most of my extended family are Evangelical/Fundamentalist, I am not part of that spiritual & intellectual dead end.

I write programs with code. That code is often and /#TypeScript, often leveraging and .

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
Posts 5,238
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Following 136
Andrew Feeney
@[email protected]

Software developer in Sydney, Australia.

Works with PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Laravel, Vue, AngularJS, Inertia, Livewire, Vapor

Enjoys TDD, CI, Algorithmic Art, Mathematics, Languages, Music Creation, Coffee

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Programador +

Entusiasta de Software Livre e Open Source.
Maniaco por TM

Tentando aprender alemão!

Pai do Gregório e em busca de aprender mais sobre o autismo.

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24 yo full stack dev.

3, , and enthusiast <3 I also like a lot. And too!

Also recently started to get into and .

This profile is searchable. Just some more stuff and technologies:

Last posted ▼ 1 day ago
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Following 252

Hi, I'm a user from , coding with , , , and .

I ❤️ and . (I use Arch on my IBM ThinkPad, btw.)

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CodeByJeff - Now with AI!
@[email protected]

Badger living in Japan

I program stuff and drink beer

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Ciberseguridad, tecnología, música, series, viajar y coches dando vueltas. A veces escribo cosas serias.

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Salve o/
I'm Brazilian. Linux user. Love rock and indie music. Default PT_BR mind with a MID english .-.

Wannabe Front-End Web Developer. Like to think I'm good at coding.

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🧑‍💻 Full Stack Developer
🚀 Laravel, Filament, Livewire, Vue, Inertia
🌍 Germany

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Voorheen projectmanager en scrum master.
Nu vrijwilligerswerk (oa Vondeldorp) en Spinninginstructeur.
Fietser, Tour for Life in 2009, volledige Tour de France (in '12, '15 en '19) en Vuelta ('22). Zoekt nog medefietsers voor de Giro...

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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Following 555

. Supporter of .

"Cuando la sangre de tus venas retorne al mar y el polvo de tus huesos vuelva al suelo, quizás recuerdes que esta tierra no te pertenece a ti, sino que tú perteneces a esta tierra." - proverbio indígena

"No soy de aquí, ni soy de allá." - Facundo Cabral

Old posts are deleted automatically.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 175
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Following 107
Robert Roskam
@[email protected]

Deliberately eclectic.

I like making stuff with code and getting people to come along with me. Making stuff with friends is more fun.

I tend to write stuff in and these days with bits of / / / tossed in. I’ve done my share of too.

Engineer and Manager at pantheon.io

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 2,185
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Following 1,659
José Agelvis 🇻🇪🚀
@[email protected]

Guitarrista | Ing. En Sistemas | Desarrollador Web


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Give me WordPress, Laravel, Vue.js

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 129
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Following 208

Freelancerin im WebFrontend | JS, HTML, CSS => Vue, React, TypeScript, SCSS | Selbsternannte (also für JetBrains) | Coding, anti-nazi und shitposts | @Aron Qualitätssiegel für "Exorbitant fundierte Meinung"™ | Macht Bildbeschreibungen oder addet mich nicht.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
Posts 897
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Following 28
Daniel Rotter
@[email protected]

Studied and now lectures Computer Science at fhvorarlberg, coorganizes VlbgWebDev and AgentConf, programming in , , , , .

Currently working at Yummy Publishing, previously valantic, Sulu and MASSIVE ART.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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Following 132

Endurain is a self-hosted fitness tracking service that operates much like Strava but allows users to have complete control over their data and the hosting environment. The application's frontend is built using Vue.js 3 and Bootstrap CSS. On the backend, it leverages Python FastAPI and stravalib for seamless integration with Strava. The MariaDB database engine is employed to efficiently store and manage user data, while Jaeger is used for basic observability.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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Following 11
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Software Developer, , , , ,
Located in Frankfurt Germany.

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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class '__/siːzər/__.item'
@[email protected]

Artista cênico
Desenvolvedor Full-stack (Python, TS (Vue) e AWS)
Anti-sitema ignorante

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@[email protected]

Que vuelvan los pescados al mar y que Dios reparta suerte""
hago cine siempre que puedo,
música siempre que lo necesito

visuals with live coding and touchdesign

based in Barcelona

Last posted ▼ 2 days ago
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