vue Vue
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activitypub addict, aspiring astronaut, community creator and determined dreamer.

Building @pixelfed, an ethical and federated photo sharing platform along with @fedidb, @supapp and other fedi services.


Last posted 6 days, 7 hours ago
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pretalx▪Python/Django/vue.js▪Three Django projects in a trench coat▪he/him

Admin here. Please report instead of DMing.

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
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Robert Roskam
@[email protected]

Deliberately eclectic.

I like making stuff with code and getting people to come along with me. Making stuff with friends is more fun.

I tend to write stuff in and these days with bits of / / / tossed in. I’ve done my share of too.

Engineer and Manager at

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 2,065
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Andrew Feeney
@[email protected]

Software developer in Sydney, Australia.

Works with PHP, Javascript, Typescript, Laravel, Vue, AngularJS, Inertia, Livewire, Vapor

Enjoys TDD, CI, Algorithmic Art, Mathematics, Languages, Music Creation, Coffee

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Joe Steinbring thisisfine
@[email protected]

I write code (, , , ), take photos, and travel. I live in , . I created a bunch of mastodon bots and toot_works_girl.

This is my main fediverse account. I am also @steinbring on Pixelfed and @steinbring on kbin/lemmy. You can follow my blog at @joe or my second account at @joe.

My opinions / shoes are my own.



Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Full stack web developer and data expert working for Builder of PHP dev ❤️

Last posted 2 weeks ago
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quackity save me

Last posted 3 months, 1 week ago
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Head of Frontend @ Co-host of @workingdraft. Public speaker. Focus on Vue 3.

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 144
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CodeByJeff - Now with AI!
@[email protected]

Badger living in Japan

I program stuff and drink beer

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 4,599
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Blazing Minds ✅
@[email protected]

Official Mastodon account for the multi-award winning Vuelio Top 10 that launched in 2008.

Covering news, , , , live events and more. .

You can find my personal account at @karenwoodham

Find the official website at

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Hey up! I’m Ryan. One of those weird hybrid designer/developer types. Founded Umlaut—a brand and development agency—in Manchester, UK, where I’m currently Creative Director. Also a regular writer for Shutterstock.

Learning German (slowly), how to fly a drone (badly), and Cinema4D (barely). Often found loitering in Berlin, because, well, it’s Berlin.


Last posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago
Posts 1,101
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Passionate enthusiast
Mainly frontend developer who loves and , but also peek into
Maintainer of | Core Team member of


Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 1,944
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Steve Bennett
@[email protected]

Web mapping consultant, expert in Mapbox, VueJS, etc. Created

Last posted 1 week, 4 days ago
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Hacking Vue.js & Nuxt 🌲

I share projects, talks, writing, and art on

DevExp @[email protected], @nuxt team

Last posted 2 weeks ago
Posts 68
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Moritz Sternemann
@[email protected]

Passionate about all things Swift & Vue.js, Photography, Cycling, Skiing, F1

UIKit @  Apple, Computer Science Student @ TUM
prev: iOS @ SIXT · iOS @bandbreite

3x  WWDC Scholarship & SSC Winner · · 2000 Move Goal Medalist

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 216
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computer james
@[email protected]

Senior fullstack developer commiting code crimes for fun and survival.

👨🏻 he/him
🏳️‍🌈 trans and queer
🧠 autism and adhd
👨🏻‍💻 self taught, 9 years exp
🛠️ , , , ,
🐍 learning

Admin at @james

Last posted 5 months, 1 week ago
Posts 480
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Dan 🦺 Deboer
@[email protected]

Both sets of grandparents came to from shortly after WW2. My parents were both born here in , and I live in (where a lot of the & clan still resides).

While most of my extended family are Evangelical/Fundamentalist, I am not part of that spiritual & intellectual dead end.

I write programs with code. That code is often and /#TypeScript, often leveraging and .

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Last posted 3 weeks, 1 day ago
Posts 190
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Elwin van Eede
@[email protected]

Lead Frontend Engineer on Nord Design System at Nordhealth. Lives in Utrecht. Loves pop culture, photography, journaling, running, cycling, coffee, HiFi, and gaming. He/him.

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 339
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Hendrik Harlichs
@[email protected]

Software developer @ CHECK24 • Boot camp graduate • All things web • Kitesurfing, fishing and running • Hamburg, Germany • he/him

Last posted 4 weeks, 1 day ago
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Développement web, vélo, musique, dessin, 3D, cinéma

Réarmeur démographique de niveau 3

Les sideprojects du moment :
- un client Mastodon
- une app pour vous aider à arrêter la voiture
Mais aussi:
- un jeu de course
- un calculateur d'itinéraires vélo + train
- un DAW en ligne

💙 🚴‍♂️

Last posted 4 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 1,519
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Álvaro De Sodoma
@[email protected]

Cónsul de Sodoma 🦄
Geo e Historia 🌎
Lucho por la diversidad sexual y de género (GSD/LGTB+) 🏳️‍🌈 y por los DDHH 🔻
No sé callar ante las injusticias.

Si me sigues yo te sigo de vuelta y así nos leemos mutuamente 😉

Last posted 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Posts 926
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Manzanas Enfrentadas
@[email protected]

Porque no todos opinamos lo mismo de los productos de Apple. Manzanas Enfrentadas es el podcast donde debatimos a tope de lo bueno y lo malo de Apple, que originalmente fue creado por @Treki23 y @MacinDani.

La grabación del podcast se realiza en directo en Twitch y YouTube cada viernes a las 23:00h (Es) y en vuestra plataforma de podcast favorita cada domingo a las 19:00h (Es).

Last posted 2 weeks, 6 days ago
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Stitching together the best technologies to help , and not-for-profits communicate beautifully.


Last posted 4 days, 7 hours ago
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Je suis directrice technique et co-gérante de la Scop @cooptilleuls
En ce moment, je développe principalement avec Symfony, API Platform et Vue.js 🚀

Jamais bien loin de mon vélo (route, gravel, bikepacking) 🚴‍♀️ principalement dans les Cévennes et au-delà ! ⛰️

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
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Nada mejor que dejar que sean borrachos random los me definan:
"Yeyé, cabrón" (abrazafarolas anónimo saludándome amigablemente a la vuelta del Concierto de Primavera, 1981).
"Eres igual que Bob Marley, el de los Beatles" (parroquiano de bar de las cercanías de Martín de los Heros, ca. 2016).

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 2,424
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🧑‍💻 Developer of open source products: and others.

Main stack: , , , , the usual.

I use Mastodon to talk about my OSS projects, general web development and give opinions on and .

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 440
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Ian Irving 🇨🇦
@[email protected]

FreeRange People and Data Driven Full Stack Developer (Ruby & Rails Javascript ) for Hire;

Toronto Canada 🇨🇦 and Hong Kong , he/him aways 🏳️‍🌈

privileged straight cis white male. Living in Toronto, Canada, with familial connections to Great Britain, USA, and Hong Kong.

I've got a Blog at going back to April 2003, a mix of heavy technical and very personal.

Last posted 1 week, 1 day ago
Posts 616
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Stack Over-Flo
@[email protected]

👨‍🎓 MSc. IT Systems Engineering @ HPI
👩‍💻 Web-Focused Full-Stack-Developer ( )
🖨 Druckt Dinge in 3D ( )
🇩🇪🇺🇸 Deutsch/English

Last posted 1 week, 2 days ago
Posts 247
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🧑‍💻 Full Stack Developer
🚀 Laravel, Filament, Livewire, Vue, Inertia
🌍 Germany

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
Posts 508
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Web developer with Go, PHP/Laravel, Javascript/Vue and various Linux. Building @vikunja. he/him

Last posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago
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Ancien compte:

Ancien administrateur système amateur, indépendant et autodidacte d'un défunt site web autohébergé.

Autiste, TDA et bi.

Premier ministre du Wokistan. Je bloque à vue toute personne disant quoi que ce soit de positif à propos de


Last posted 4 months ago
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Old-school WebDev, master of Perl 🐪, Vue.js and PostgreSQL

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Charles Hartman
@[email protected]

Software Engineer in medical technology, mid-life career changer, studious learner. Currently working with , , , and .

Former entrepreneur, small business owner, and art dealer.

Portland, Oregon, USA

Current other interests (dang this list is long): , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Last posted 2 months ago
Posts 128
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Im Pott geschlüpfter und in Bonn gereifter, linksgrünversiffter (Fullstack: , , und etwas eingestaubt) auf Jobsuche.


Last posted 4 weeks, 1 day ago
Posts 789
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@[email protected]





smiled_shiro confused_kyoji smiled_kohaku

Last posted 3 months ago
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Let's improve the web development ecosystem 🗺️

💻 We organize events, conferences and informal meetings involving Italian and international professionals. Since 2003.

👾 Our conferences are about: and more!

📢 Become our speaker:

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
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Vince Aggrippino 🇺🇸🇲🇾
@[email protected]
Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 391
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Daniel Rotter
@[email protected]

Studied and now lectures Computer Science at fhvorarlberg, coorganizes VlbgWebDev and AgentConf, programming in , , , , .

Currently working at Yummy Publishing, previously valantic, Sulu and MASSIVE ART.

Last posted 5 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 778
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Voorheen projectmanager en scrum master.
Nu vrijwilligerswerk (oa Vondeldorp) en Spinninginstructeur.
Fietser, Tour for Life in 2009, volledige Tour de France (in '12, '15 en '19) en Vuelta ('22). Zoekt nog medefietsers voor de Giro...

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
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Right-wing extremist (SVP) certified me an extreme left-winger.

Last posted 5 months ago
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Christian Krebel
@[email protected]

👨🏻‍💻 Full Stack Developer (B.Sc.)
📷 Hobby Photographer

💡 Interests

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
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Software Developer, , , , ,
Located in Frankfurt Germany.

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
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Freelance Backend Dev , , & . Euro-Alman.
In (Berlin) since 2009.

Previously: . Currently: .


Last posted 1 month ago
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I'm a Vue programmer most recently, but I've gone through many languages over the years.

I maintain the open source project which displays sheet music in SVG.

My day job is which teaches people how to read sheet music.

One of my passions is playing Trad Jazz and traditional dance music of various genres - old-time, Cajun, Klezmer, and western swing.

The most active band I'm in is

I'm here to learn and laugh.

Last posted 3 days, 7 hours ago
Posts 409
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Shell (jobsearching)
@[email protected]

Vue/A11y UI dev in the Silly Valley
As an extreme introvert, I'm happiest helping others without ever needing to meet them.
Written resumes and screened resumes, created interview questions and failed interviews, been mentored by seniors and mentored others as a senior... Happy to connect if I can be of help!
Bucket list:
1. Learn product design
2. Join a design systems/ a11y team
3. Consistent resume writing side gig (message for info)
4. Ice skating step sequences
5. Piano improv

Last posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Posts 910
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Evan 🐍🦀🦕
@[email protected]

Sr Software Engineer @ Axuall. Python, Typescript, Vue3, React, and any thing that lets me use FP. Spare time Rust and Purescript.

Last posted 1 day, 7 hours ago
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Desarrollador web Java, Php, JavaScript y Python. DBA: Oracle, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server y MongoDB

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
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24 yo full stack dev.

3, , and enthusiast <3 I also like a lot. And too!

Also recently started to get into and .

This profile is searchable. Just some more stuff and technologies:

Last posted 2 days, 7 hours ago
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De pie quebrado con verso de vuelta. 
Estudio los ecos de la música popular en la poesía contemporánea femenina hispánica en Filología UNED.

Last posted 2 months, 1 week ago
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