David Dylan Thomas started his closing talk strong with such a good quote.
It's still going strong.
Like his talks title says:
"No, seriously, fuck engagement: Building a more human web"
This video shared by David de Léon in his #btconf talk „The Gentle Art of Design Feedback“ is so so so good. Kids giving valuable design feedback without hurting the criticized ❤️https://youtu.be/E_6PskE3zfQ?si=OCcPz76FHRZeO0g8
Good morning from the #btconf HQ. While writing the newsletter for today, I uploaded the next video of the 2024 edition in Düsseldorf. Here comes Adrienne Tacke and “Looks GREAT To Me: Getting Past Bare Minimum Code Reviews”. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/fB7pKIF-4tw
Summer break? Yes, I can feel this as it is quite silent. Grab your tickets for #btconf Berlin early. It helps us organising our event. https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/berlin-2024/tickets
Chris Campe of @BerlinLetters inadvertently became a protest sign influencer after painting some protest signs for herself to use.
She leant into it, and started doing workshops on how to draw effective protest signs.
Diesmal wird es sehr persönlich.
✨ Private Veränderungen
✨ #BTCONF && #GPN22
✨ Online-Behördengänge mit E-Perso
✨ Sabbatical und was man dabei über sich selbst lernt
✨ RSS-Feed-Styling
✨ Wahre Geschichte des Windows 10 Wallpapers
Hört rein! (Und erzählt euren Freunden davon!)
Last video of #btconf talks online from what was recorded in Düsseldorf. Watch David Dylan Thomas and “No, Seriously, Fuck Engagement: Building a More Human Web” https://youtu.be/CTmSqxu3kWg
📸 🥳 📸 Here's the full gallery of my @btconf Düsseldorf 2024 coverage. 120 images in their full monochromatic glory. 😎 Enjoy! #btconf
- Feedback is a gift, even if not so intended. It is sometimes uncomfortable, but that means it's useful.
- It is just information. Do with it what you want.
- Become a collector of feedback. Get as much information out of a session as you can.
- Not everyone has to to like your work, or like you.
- It's rarely about you. They may have stuff going on, or have a pissed-off thinking face.
- Assume some negative feedback.
- Feedback may sting, because we're human.
Thank you David de Léon.
You might have seen it already, but yesterday we started releasing videos of #btconf talks from our last edition in Düsseldorf. First one up is Chris Campe with “Say Something!”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuS08lGN58w