CSSDay NL 2024

Raphael (26)

@kizu Great examples ;-) Yeah, I also remember the demo by @tabatkins at re scroll-anchoring. The reason I like a state selector is that it would be easier to query if need be.

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@knowler @claviska I saw @kizu talk about the cyclic toggles at and it is great.

One thing that really stands out is how much complexity we have to add into styling when using ShadowDOM for something that is quite easy in LightDOM (use :has() and switch classes).

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@anarodrigues Great advice!

I got so inspired at that I’ll start blogging about HTML > CSS > UI/IxD > JS after almost 18years of not publishing anything relevant (apart from academic works).

Used my 4h train trip to already draft something.

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@ppk @KrijnHoetmer 💯 Great that my first is not the last one!! Thanks for being an awesome host.

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Sad to leave Amsterdam after

It was such a blast. Have a safe trip home everyone and a great time all who stay for a11yclub or @css__cafe

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Great to hear @stubbornella
and other speakers mentioning to be careful and respect user choice regarding reduced motions.
This is really standing out in the HTML/CSS community and does not happen that often in other tech confs.

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So great how @joshwcomeau explains the mental model of flexbox primary and cross axis

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Really great examples about what is possible only with CSS regarding scroll-based animations @carmenansio

We should also respect user choices e.g. `prefers-reduced-motion` to keep the UI inclusive.

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