PSA for #DjangoCon attendees...
You can make a huge difference by volunteering! It's a big part of the success of DjangoCon.
There are still volunteer opportunities for:
- Registration Desk
- Session Chairs*
- Health & Safety Check-in
- Online Moderators
- Swag Bag Stuffing (if in area on Sunday)
* Session Chair involves making sure the speakers are mic'd and have everything they need, and give them an intro if they desire. It's really pretty fun!
Woohoo, I can finally say it - I can't wait to see you all at #DjangoCon US this year!
I'll be talking about troubleshooting - how to approach it, hard-learned knowledge I've gained over 20 years of technical (though not always software) work, when and how to get help, and recommendations for tools and indicators that can save your sanity when troubleshooting an issue in your #Django app.
So excited for September! See y'all there!
Really missing my pupper [and my wonderful husband, too, of course! But bebé needs treats and I'm the treats guy!]
One more week of out-of-state work, a week of #DjangoCon, and then home! 🏡
Sorry for a blurry Pic, but it's sooooo cute 😁
Enjoying a delicious caprese sandwich @ Queenies to recover from talk jitters 😆
Don't forget!!!
#DjangoConUS is kicking off in a couple weeks!
Get your tickets:
I don't think I've ever been so eager to speak at a conference, or as excited by the lineup of other speakers.
It's going to be a great time for people at *all* levels of experience, so don't miss out. I hope to see y'all there 🤩
#Django #DjangoCon #Python #Webdev #Software #OSS #FreeSoftware #Events #Tech #Internet #SoftwareEngineering #Programming #WebApp #OpenSource #Technology #Fun
I couldn't possibly attend all of the talks at this year's #DjangoCon, but every single one I attended was excellent (as were the rest, I'm certain!)
These are a few of the incredible speakers who gave motivating, insiring talks.
If you care about #Django, #Python, #WebDev, etc, you should be following them!
Sheena O'Connell
Mario Munoz
Marc Gibbons
Natalia Bidart
There are lots of great speakers in the lineup this year (as always!), so get your tickets 🎟 to #DjangoCon
Despite being an *interesting* week health-wise (visits to urgent care and ER 😑), this week has been amazing with all my fellow #Django folks! Hard to describe how awesome the community around my favorite web framework is.
An always-welcoming, thoughtful, diverse group of people.
#DjangoCon always feels like going to summer camp. I've learned a ton, and I think contributed a good amount.
Last day of sprints and then home after more than a month away.