Bogomil Shopov - Бого (18)

What are the free software and/or opensource events in your country /region that you would recommend. I want to give a few more talks about and this year.

Boost or introductions are super helpful.

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I'm drinking coffee at Brussels. It's not something I usually do.

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The bad thing is that I don't see and in the same sentence these days. Everyone is overusing the term.

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Are you curious about the future of the from a consumer POV? Think about consumption, by default, embedded credentials, detection, and more. Some of those ideas might be extraordinary, but the majority of the code exists. Why don't we make it happen?

Join me at fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event

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My second talk just got accepted at the main track of . Wow! I am so happy!

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for those of you who already woke up, good morning. Head up to (not json) for some heavy metal. I start at 9:03

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, please go and give feedback on the sessions you watched!

How to do it?
- Visit the schedule
- Locate the talk you attended/watched online
- Click the "Submit Feedback" link at the end of the Links section
- Be helpful!

Thanks again!

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