i’m going to be in brussels for two whole days and three nights for in a few weeks and it’s my first time.

if you’ve been: what’s ONE “do/see/eat” that you talk/think about a lot? or another way of looking at it - if you only had 24 hours what would you do?

i don’t drink so that helps with the shortlist i think :) i do eat chocolate but its not a thing im hyped about.

13 6 15

Mastodon will be at this year! Come and say hi at our very own stand. And we're bringing some goodies! Our stand will be in building H, level 1.

458 186 13

Watch out for this banner at ! A bit more than a week left and you can meet a large part of the Mastodon team and buy some of our merch in building H, level 1! @fosdem

577 231 12

GNOME giving away interesting merch at their FOSDEM stand 👀

60 33 12

In my experience, so far at it’s been the Apple laptops which have projector issues and ones seem fine. How the turns have tabled!

44 10 10

If you'll be at FOSDEM this weekend, can you help us with this sticky situation? You can find us in Building K, Level 1, Group B where Team Thunderbird will be happy to share their knowledge, excitement, and of course, stickers!

158 62 8

That was fun! I think the @Mastodon table at was the busiest I’ve experienced at an event for a long time - so great to hear from people that use the platform every day! The team enjoyed the chance to meet you - thanks for coming by! More tomorrow…

140 46 6

Sudo rewrite sudo in - just received this postcard at .

261 85 8

Two weeks until I fly to Brussels!

If you're at , please say hi 🙏

I'll have LOTS of @atuin stickers with me too, if you want one!

58 14 7