Richard "RichiH" Hartmann (6)

@fosdem I was asked privately for the "how", and figured a public reply makes sense

ripe.net/publications/docs/rip is the policy.

Fun fact: The extra time around an event used to be 1-2 weeks, and this was distilled pain as I had to chase upstreams to update sessions, filters, etc and usually needed to escalate through to last level support

Before automation and the Cloud, a new announcement took days to weeks by default

So I got the policy changed and extended to a month :)

9 2 1

@fosdem ignore the route object errors for now; the databases for ISPs (Internet Service Providers) and IXPs (Internet Exchange Point) get updated every few hours to once per day.

If you want to see the route object I created for earlier, see
whois -h whois.ripe.net

Not a lot to it, but maybe it's interesting for someone?

1 0 1

@fosdem I just announced our temporary PI space for . If you want, you can follow it starting to become visible over the next hours and days on any , e.g. lg.de-cix.net/ has quite a few globally so you can see it spread.

As of this writing, lg.de-cix.net/search?q=151.216 has it in Frankfurt and Marseille, and nowhere else. Usually for new BGP announcements from EU, they show up in LATAM last, with a delay of up to three days.

7 0 3

With the amount of public and private notifications of people contracting / , , , and a plethora of other illnesses transmitted through the respiratory system, I'm quite happy with opportunistically but largely consistently at . I'm fine, but I only consider our group clear by the 6th. Everyone in this group is ated to their teeth of course, that helps.

Anyway, you'll see me at in public spaces again.

Consider doing the same?

46 19 2

Speaking of .. it will be our 25th anniversary!

Is there anything you would like me to cover during the opening and closing talks? Anything fun? Anything important? The next week or two is a great time to let me know

25 17 3

The and devroom received 70+ submissions. I was out sick last week so there might be a delay in judging, but we are aiming to have the acceptance emails out by early next week.

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