You can now watch the talk on "The Perfect Python Project" that I gave on Saturday at North Bay Python on YouTube. Please share and enjoy.
This is the #Python community I experienced in a state of change just as I joined, that I remained honoured to be a part of, and am humbled to continue to keep serving on the board of @ThePSF and through #NBPy, steering #PyConAU, and many more.
Pair programmed with my mum for 3 hours on some of the notebooks for #nbpy vectors talk tomorrow.
Nice to have an excuse to geek out with her! Our programming interests usually don't overlap so much.
#NBPy is so amazingly accommodating to just about anyone who might want to attend the event. Live captions, increased airflow, code of conduct and providing safe spaces for people needing masks and social distancing. The talks are hilarious and curious and wide-raging as well. You are missing out if you're not here #fomo #python